Female Diseases

Diet for cystitis in women, men, children, pregnant women. Menu with chronic, acute, haemorrhagic, interstitial, Symptoms and Treatment

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When cystitis in women's diet is important for the prevention of disease, recurrence and is a subsidiary therapies.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Cystitis - Causes and symptoms
  • 2 General diet rules
    • 2.1 prevent constipation
    • 2.2 How to Eat at a dysbacteriosis
    • 2.3 How to eat with urethritis
  • 3 Diet for cystitis during pregnancy and in children
  • 4 Pros and cons of diet
  • 5 Diet acute cystitis
  • 6 Diet for chronic cystitis
  • 7 Juices and teas cystitis
    • 7.1 Juice therapy
    • 7.2 Broth
  • 8 What to cook
    • 8.1 What to cook for breakfast
    • 8.2 What to cook for dinner
    • 8.3 What to cook for lunch
    • 8.4 What to cook for dinner
  • 9 Menu and delicious recipes
    • 9.1 Delicious recipes
  • 10 Reviews
  • 11 Helpful videos about the diet principles of cystitis in women

Cystitis - Causes and symptoms

Cystitis is called a bladder infection. Reason: infectious agents entering the mucous body.

Varieties of the disease:

  • bacterial (reasons: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, staphylococci, streptococci);
  • non-bacterial / beam (reasons: exposure to toxic chemicals or the mucosa).
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The disease can be acute or chronic.

What are the symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • liquid droplets;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • burning genitalia;
  • urine may be present in blood impurities, it becomes turbid;
  • low-grade fever - a slight increase in temperature.
Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

Important! The causes of the disease may be different factors. But most of the disease provokes E. coli. Another common cause - a regular sex life.

Frequent sex, spermicides (birth control pills), gynecological diseases cause inflammation of the bladder. For prevention is very important, not only to eat properly, but also to observe personal hygiene.

General diet rules

Diet for cystitis in women involves adhere to these rules:

  1. You need to eat fully.
  2. Eat meals, drinks made from fruit and vegetables.
  3. Meals - a fraction, that is, you need to eat small meals every 2-2.5 hours.
  4. Prohibition - salty, fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, protein foods, sugar (all this "love" pathogens).
  5. Food bake, cook in a double boiler, multivarka or boil.
  6. Exclude fried, sharp, spicy foods (especially when relapsed disease).
  7. Eliminate fast foods and semi-finished products.
  8. Drink 2 liters of liquid per day. This will quickly bring the infection.
Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes
The basic rules of diet in the treatment of cystitis in women.

Important! Take in food calorie dishes are best to 14.00. Dinner - easy, does not burden the digestive tract organs, urogenital system. This will prevent nighttime urination, constipation warn. The last meal is possible in 19.00. You can eat a fruit salad or drink juice.

prevent constipation

Another important rule of diet - include in the menu of products that have the ability to improve the promotion of stool through the intestines to prevent constipation. Gathering cal due to the proximity to the bladder exerts pressure on it. This changes the normal body location and disrupts the blood flow.

In this case, the pathogenic infection begins to rapidly multiply and cause inflammation. When stagnation of feces through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream enter the toxins that cause irritation of the bladder. Therefore, it is important to include foods that prevent constipation.

How to Eat at a dysbacteriosis

Common cause of inflammation - dysbiosis. Products that trigger flatulence, regular intake of antibacterial drugs leads to a change in the composition of microorganisms that inhabit the intestine.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

Long dysbiosis - a cause and inflammation of the vagina (coleitis) which quickly migrate to the bladder and cause inflammation. Therefore, products that appeal flatulence also excluded.

How to eat with urethritis

Urethritis - an inflammation of the urethra. Pathogenic agents can quickly reach the mucosa of the bladder and cause cystitis. Therefore, these two diseases are closely linked. Therefore, when urethritis and cystitis supply rules are the same. Important! Drug treatment of cystitis, urethritis - an important point. But without diet relapse will occur more frequently.

Diet for cystitis during pregnancy and in children

Diet for cystitis in women during gestation, and in children is identical. The only thing, without which it can not do many kids and future mothers - is sweet. After eating cakes, chocolate develops flatulence. In addition, dysbiosis - a very common disease in childhood.

And an unhealthy diet during gestation can cause dysbiosis in the fetus. Therefore, to prevent the development and recurrence of disease, should replace the sweetness of honey (the absence of allergy to bee products), jam, marmalade and marshmallow.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

Important! No matter what type of cystitis in humans - hemorrhagic interstitial or radiation, diet involves the elimination of all harmful foods and saturation of the diet meals, rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Pros and cons of diet

pros Minuses
When dieting healing effect comes quickly Limitation of tasty dishes - shish kebab, fast food outlets
Will strengthen the body's defenses Can not eat animal fats, it is very difficult for many
The opportunity to lose weight Schedule and density of the work is not always possible to adhere to proper nutrition
Diet reduces the risk of formation of stones in the ureters and kidneys Not to everyone's taste dishes that involves diet
You can use a considerable amount of food and not feel hunger Life without sweets and coffee

Diet acute cystitis

For acute disease characterized by severe pain and frequent urination. To quickly get rid of such symptoms, you should at least once a week after I started to torment discomfort, observe a strict diet, besides the main course of therapy.

Need to know! During the acute phase of the need to drink a lot. This will help wash the infectious agents of urinary tract infections, contribute to the rapid elimination of discomfort.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

What to include in the diet:

  • stewed fruit without sugar, juice (pumpkin, cranberries, cranberry), a decoction of rose hips and herbs with honey;
  • zucchini, squash, carrots;
  • Garnet;
  • watermelon;
  • quail, beef, chicken white meat, veal;
  • sausage, cooked sausage;
  • cabbage;
  • bran, cereal;
  • olive oil.

What to exclude:

  • all sour fruits and berries;
  • tangerines;
  • peaches;
  • vinegar;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard;
  • sugar;
  • preservation, smoked bacon;
  • alcohol-containing beverages;
  • coffee, teas black varieties;
  • carbonated water, energy drinks;
  • tomato juice and tomatoes;
  • beans;
  • all sharp foods.

Forbidden foods, drinks cause dehydration and constipation. urine concentration thus greatly increased. This leads to severe irritation of the inflamed bladder shell.

Diet for chronic cystitis

Diet cystitis in women in chronic form may not be as strict as in acute inflammation.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

What can:

  • lean fish, meat;
  • sausage, cooked sausage;
  • cereals;
  • grapes, peaches, watermelon;
  • cranberry, cranberries;
  • cabbage, cucumbers, parsley.

What is excluded:

  • pickles and marinades;
  • meats, fried foods;
  • sweets, shokoladsoderzhaschie products;
  • ketchup, sauces, mayonnaise, fast food.
  • alcohol.

Important! Exacerbation often occurs after ingestion of alcoholic beverages. One way to ethanol output from the body - kidneys. Accordingly, it falls in the urine in the bladder. Ethanol - a negative agent for organ walls, which causes inflammation. Very often relapse occurs after the use of beer.

Therefore, people with chronic alcoholic beverages need to eliminate to the maximum.

Diet cystitis in women in acute and chronic form is characterized in that in the absence of recurrence can eat soft-boiled eggs, omelettes (but not more than 2 times per week). Allowed 1 once a week to eat tomatoes go to drink a glass of tomato juice. Do not be amiss to solid unsalted cheese. But the abuse of such products is not necessary. As they say - all good little bit of everything.

Juices and teas cystitis

As a means of disease prevention proven themselves fresh juices and herbal infusions, decoctions.

Juice therapy

Strengthens the protective properties of the body, it stimulates intestinal motility. You can make carrot, squash, pumpkin juice with the addition of parsley. Raspberry, currant, cranberry juices contain the most powerful naturally occurring antioxidant and antiseptic - vitamin C. It is perfectly sanitizes the urinary tract. Should consume no more than 0.5 glasses of juice in one go for 40 minutes before a meal.


Important! As an additional treatment diuretics are used in cystitis. Prolonged use of such drugs is eluted potassium from the body. This component is required for the normal functioning of muscles, including the heart. Therefore it is better to use a decoction of which is a diuretic.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes
  1. 50 g of dried bearberry pour 150 ml boiling water, wait until the infusion cools. Strain, split dose by 2 times. Drink after a meal in 15 minutes.
  2. 50 g of rosehip pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for 8 hours. Strain and drink during the day.
  3. 80 g of sage, camomile pour 350 ml of boiling water. Infuse 3.5 hours and drink throughout the day.
  4. 1 tbsp. l. buckthorn and 2 tbsp. l. strawberry filled with 1 liter of boiled water for 35 minutes. Drink infusion before eating 0.5 cups.
  5. 1 tbsp. l. rose hips, black currants (berries of these plants will be needed), strawberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l. The mixture of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water. Brew preferably in a thermos. Infuse drink 12 hours strain. Drink as a tea throughout the day. Can be added to the cooled infusion of honey.

The most important rule in the diet - eliminate "food-stimuli" and saturate the diet of a vitamin complex. Immunity in this increase and will easily cope with the infection even in chronic cystitis. This will help prevent recurrence of cystitis, urethritis.

What to cook

Many people think that food restriction does not allow tasty to eat. But it is an absolute fallacy. From the list of products described below can be cooked a lot of nutritious and delicious dishes.

What to cook for breakfast

  • cereals;
  • vegetable puree;
  • casserole;
  • sausage, cooked sausage;
  • omelets and sandwiches with cheese (in remitting period);
  • weak tea or freshly squeezed juice.

What to cook for dinner

  • Lenten soup;
  • lean meat broth;
  • cutlets, meatballs cooked in a double boiler;
  • roasted vegetables;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • vegetable salad;
  • juice, fresh juice, jelly.

What to cook for lunch

  • roasted vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • casseroles;

What to cook for dinner

  • pancakes;
  • vegetable / fruit salad;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

Diet for such diseases as cystitis involves fractional 6 meals a day, the man simply will not have time to starve.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

He will eat every 2 h. And the presence in the diet of women, men and children only healthy foods will not only help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and prevent relapse, but also cleanse the body of excess toxins. Besides diet cystitis - a great way to get rid of the extra kilos.

Menu and delicious recipes

The most important thing in your diet - to make clear the menu.

It might look as follows:

breakfast 09.00 Breakfast II 11.00 13.00 lunch Snack 15.00 dinner 17.00 Before going to bed 19:00
Oatmeal on the water.

Sandwich (bread, a slice of sausage, mozzarella, herbs).

Cucumber salad with cabbage, greens and olive oil.

A glass of jelly.

Soup broth of veal.

Buckwheat, veal chops.

Salad (fresh cabbage and carrots. Fruit juice.

Tvorga casserole with raisins and dried apricots.

Green Tea with marshmallows.

Baked fish (whiting) with vegetables (carrot, eggplant, onion, dill). Green tea. Fruit salad, Dog rose decoction.

Delicious recipes

Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice: This dish is prepared like a normal stuffed peppers, but without the addition of meat. With the composition of the stuffing bit protushennaya include carrots, onions and rice. To get a tasty dish, it is recommended to add more carrots. It gives sweetness and very well with pepper.

Stuffed bell peppers: Peppers cut in half, remove seeds. Grate fat cheese, mix it veal meat, add 0.5 grams of salt, chopped parsley, chives. Fill each of the halves of the resulting mixture. Bake in oven for 25 min.

Potatoes with vegetables and fish: Potato bake. Extinguish carrots, eggplant, onion and pepper, adding 0.5 g of salt. Whiting or Pangasius baked in the oven, add steamed vegetables and baked potato.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

Stuffed tomatoes: This dish can be taken as food in the chronic form of the disease. During the heat treatment, the acidity of the tomatoes is significantly reduced. Tomatoes cut in half, remove the flesh. Prepare a stuffing of boiled: chicken breast, potatoes, eggs and cucumbers (ingredients chop into cubes). Add low-fat sour cream to the minced meat and stir.

Stuff tomato "plates" in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Buckwheat soup: Boil the chicken breast with onions. Oyster mushrooms extinguish on vegetable oil with onion, carrot, parsley, and pepper. Boil separately buckwheat. Add to the finished soup, chopped potatoes. When it is cooked, add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes.

Chicken breast baked in pumpkin: Cut off the top of the pumpkin. Remove the pulp. Slice the chicken and the flesh into pieces, boil for some time. Add pepper, 0.5 g of salt, parsley, low-fat cheese. All the ingredients are put in the pumpkin, bake in the oven for 1 hour.

Cutlets with zucchini:Make minced chicken with onions, add the grated zucchini, add the flour, egg. Form patties and cook for a couple. You can make cutlets of turkey breast.


Diet - an important step in the treatment of cystitis, especially among women. foods cause flatulence, necessarily excluded. Protein foods make the kidneys work with a double load. Therefore, milk, fatty cheese varieties, yoghurt too are excluded, especially in the acute course of the disease.

Diet for cystitis in women, children, pregnancy list of prohibited and permitted foods, menus, recipes

Vegetables, fruits, decoctions - a "three pillars" on which the diet. One of the main rules - a diet constantly. Also important are two rules: that the person eats, and in what quantities. Accustom themselves to proper nutrition, a person ceases to have breakfast on the go (this is what causes metabolic disorders, low immunity).

Diet ensures relatively quick results in the treatment of cystitis - discomfort disappears after 3-4 days. And most importantly - do not limit yourself in the consumption of favorite foods. They just need to be prepared properly.

Undoubtedly, some time will be hard to bring myself to give up the barbecue, pickles and burgers. But then people have and did not notice how no longer need them. And the reason for this - a great abundance of food, and from inexpensive cost products.

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