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RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications for men, women

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Rhode Leuzea has more than twenty species, natural habitat which is in Russia, Ukraine, North Africa and Australia. Worldwide recognition of the RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES, useful properties which healers Tibet, Mongolia and China have estimated several thousand years ago. The use of this plant has a number of contraindications, but it is characteristic of all medicines.

The content of the article:

  • 2 The composition and nutritional value levzei carthamoides
    • 2.1 Composition levzei carthamoides
  • 3 Useful properties levzei carthamoides
    • 3.1 For the female body
    • 3.2 For the male body
    • 3.3 For the child's body
  • 5 Recipes funds from RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES
    • 5.1 Decoction to increase potency
    • 5.2 Infusion for improving efficiency and relieving fatigue
    • 5.3 Infusion for prevention of viral diseases
    • 5.4 Tincture to improve erections and strengthen the immune system
    • 5.5 Tincture of leaves Leuzea with gastrointestinal diseases and to improve metabolism
    • insta story viewer
    • 5.6 Elixir for athletes and bodybuilders
    • 5.7 The extract for the treatment of anemia and prostration
    • 5.8 Means for increasing libido
    • 5.9 Tea Leuzea catarrhal and viral diseases
    • 5.10 Broth from a headache, edema and joint diseases
    • 5.11 Means for rinsing the mouth and throat
    • 5.12 Compress Leuzea rinsing nonhealing wounds
    • 5.13 Warm compress pain in the joints or muscles
    • 5.14 Cold compress for pain head
    • 5.15 wet inhalation
    • 6.1 Mask for hair loss
    • 6.2 Means to strengthen the hair
    • 6.3 Tonic for Skin Rejuvenation
    • 6.4 Compress Facial leaf lewisia
    • 6.5 Honey levzei for the treatment of acne and acne
    • 6.6 cosmetic ice
    • 6.7 Wrappings for dermatitis
  • 7 Damage contraindications
  • 8 Collection and storage levzei
  • 9 Videos about levzei carthamoides, its beneficial properties and methods of application


The people RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES better known as rapontik, Maral root and bolshegolovnik. Outwardly, it looks like a thistle. Brown rhizomes are arranged horizontally. They grow many meters apart. Flowers levzei carthamoides - purple or violet, and achenes - gray or brown.

It blooms in mid-summer, and begins to bear fruit in September. Plantation plants found in Siberia, the Altai mountain forests, on the Sayan Ridge in Kazakhstan. Have experience of industrial cultivation Maral root in Ukraine and Central Russia.

Residents of Siberia in the XIX century drew attention to the fact that deer deer eat roots levzei during the rut.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

This hint of nature has been studied. Zoologists have found that a plant increases the potency of animals. RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES useful properties and contraindications which was first mentioned in the writings of the researcher Siberia traditions Academician GN Potanin, according to locals in the region, it can cure ailments fourteen, one of which is the decline forces.

The composition and nutritional value levzei carthamoides

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES, useful properties and contraindications that traditional healers have long been known, the official medicine is listed in the list of medicinal plants in the middle of the twentieth century. As a result of numerous studies, scientists have found that it is composed of a maximum concentration of valuable substances.

Composition levzei carthamoides

Vitamin C Improves the immune system, it stimulates the production of adrenal hormones
alkaloid Reduce the pain of any origin, have sedative properties
anthraquinones Stimulate the body's defenses
inulin Promotes the assimilation of vitamins, it regulates lipid metabolism and normalizes the digestive tract work
Carotene It strengthens the immune system, detoxifies
resins Act as an antibacterial, laxative, antitussive
Essential oil Displays phlegm and softens cough, fatigue
flavonoids Strengthens the nervous system, making elastic walls of blood vessels and capillaries
Gum Reduces the concentration of cholesterol
organic acids Have a tonic effect
Protein Strengthens muscle tissue
catechins Prevents the development of malignant tumors
Macro- and microelements Protect the organism from adverse effects of the environment
Steroids Contribute to the production of hormones that regulate mineral metabolism, increase libido
Lipids Involved in the synthesis of hormones, strengthens the nervous system
saponins Contribute to the removal of phlegm, eliminate inflammation
coumarins It acts as a diuretic, blood thinners
vitamin E Reduces symptoms of menopause
Wax It has bactericidal properties
Iron Participates in the development of hemoglobin
Magnesium It strengthens the heart and vascular system
Manganese CNS regulates the work involved in the synthesis of insulin
Copper Saturates oxygen organism cells
Cobalt Participates in the process of hematopoiesis
Zinc Provides protein metabolism, stimulates the reproductive system
Chromium Reduces the concentration of cholesterol and blood sugar

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES, useful properties and contraindications which are due to the rich chemical composition, has a great nutritional value. From raw material plant in the middle of the twentieth century in the Soviet Union began to produce non-alcoholic tonic lemonade "Sayan".

Studies conducted with the participation of 902 workers in the diet which have introduced the drink, showed that all subjects returned to normal vegetative system in 14-21 days of use. General physical and neuro-psychological condition has improved markedly, depression disappeared. Workers increased work capacity and the craving for alcohol - decreases.

At the end of the study was first documented certified levzei carthamoides ability to increase sexual potency. High nutritional value of plants attracted the attention of breeders. It is successfully used as a biologically active food additive for growing cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and birds.

Livestock industry produces premixes and compound feed with the addition levzei carthamoides, hydro-alcoholic extracts and infusions to drink.

Practice has shown that the preparations with this plant significantly intensify average growth of animals and birds, as well as reduce their mortality. Ecdysteroid contained in Leuzea, it provides the body with strong immunity and ability to adapt to extreme conditions of industrial maintenance.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

At home, the grass can be fed fresh or procure flour from its leaves. Herb dressing increases the production of proteins in animals, which stimulates their growth. In this case phytomass absolutely not toxic and safe for all kinds of cattle, fur animals and birds. It can be safely used in any quantity.

Feeding Leuzea fresh cows and goats milk yield improves and increases the milk fat content. In addition, the dressing of this plant improves reproductive function of animals. It can be concluded that the medicinal properties of the plant and its nutritional value are used in many spheres of human activity.

Useful properties levzei carthamoides

Maral root contains many bio-stimulants - phytoecdysteroids as no plant in the world, making it a unique source of vital energy, physical and sexual power. In 1960, the last century, Soviet scientists have made a discovery that led to the use of funds from the levzei roots in professional sports.

In the underground part of the plant was found a high concentration of ecdysteroids, it is a natural doping. Preparations based on levzei, later called "Russian secret", officially entered the diet of major league athletes.

Scientists have shown that this herb improves the biosynthesis of protein in muscles and the liver and kidneys, which leads to an anabolic effect, allowing to achieve high sports achievements. A large concentration of ecdysteroids in the blood has no negative impact on health.

Researchers of the Academy of Sciences in Siberia studied the effect of plants on the human body functions nootropic (memory and thinking). It was found that taking only a few drops per day Leuzea extract 5 times improves concentration.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications
The figure lists the useful properties and applications levzei carthamoides.

Most popular Maral root found in the 80 - 90s, when its adaptogenic properties, proved the ability of the plant have been studied to improve the body's endurance under extreme conditions. with increased physical and psychological stress.

In 2003, Russia officially authorized the use of Rhaponticum carthamoides for the manufacture of medicinal products, and in 2008, the government lifted all restrictions on the production of food and dietary supplements of this plants. Studies have shown that there are no disadvantages levzei carthamoides other natural adaptogens and their synthetic analogues.

When this effect is given even small doses of medication, and medium and large - do not have a negative impact on the body.

Tools made of Maral root, can be used by themselves, and the male and female older than 12 years any time of the year to facilitate psychasthenic symptoms, get rid of neurotic states, fright, fear, anxiety. Traditional medicine practices withdrawal effects of alcohol intoxication and food poisoning by a decoction of levzei.

Herbalists recommend taking a decoction for quick splicing bones for fractures. Properties levzei manifest in improving the processes associated with protein synthesis and energy consumption. This allows not only to eliminate muscle fatigue during intense physical activity, but also burn excess fat.

Russian scientists have studied the influence of psychiatrists levzei carthamoides on sexual function in men and increased libido in women. The researchers concluded that the use of drugs of this plant has had the greatest impact on men and women in the age category from 45 to 60 years.

In patients 25-40 years after the sixty-day course better sex life also occurred, but not significantly. Scientists of Uzbekistan and the Czech Republic in their scientific works of Maral root noted in sperm quality change, increase sperm mobility, improvement in the completeness of penile erection in the subjects treated with drugs out of him.

Because Leuzea is a natural adaptogenic, it can help to increase the resistance to intense physical stress and adverse external influences.

For the female body

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES, thanks to its rich composition, can help women:

  • improve reproductive function;
  • to increase libido;
  • regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • mute pain, including menstrual;
  • relieve tension and stress;
  • recover from depression;
  • restore appetite;
  • to cheer up;
  • speed up the metabolism;
  • lose weight;
  • tidy up the skin and hair.
RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

This plant has the advantage over medication, since has a mild effect on the female body. However, during the reception of preparations thereof need to monitor blood pressure as it may rise.

Vasodilator levzei property should be considered for women with glaucoma, and the plants ability to thin the blood can hurt those who suffer from it reduced clotting.

For the male body

Since ancient times, healers and shamans in Siberia treated Maral root disorders of the reproductive system in men. Scientists have studied the ability of the plant. Studies Leuzea ability was detected enhance testosterone, which enhances the potency, enhances sexual desire and courage attached men.

It has been proven that long-term use of funds from the levzei leads to an increase in body hair and deepening of the voice change in men. Formulations of Maral root may harm people suffering from diseases such as chronic renal failure, arrhythmias, high blood pressure.

For the child's body

Children under 12 years old to use drugs levzei carthamoides prohibited. Treatment with drugs of Maral root, do not contain alcohol, it is recommended students middle and high school, if there are problems with concentration or fatigue.

Indications for use Maral root for children older than 12 years may be need to strengthen the immune system in the autumn-winter period, when the general weakness of the body, apathy, lethargy, depression.


Levzei carthamoides in official and folk medicine used for such purposes:

  • rejuvenation, tidal energy;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase potency in men and libido in women;
  • easing menopause symptoms;
  • improve cerebral circulation;
  • treatment of depressive, neurotic states and psychasthenic;
  • neutralize the pain of any origin;
  • eliminate the effects of alcohol intake and food poisoning;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • functional recovery after a prolonged illness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • reduce sugar level;
  • accelerate the accretion of bones;
  • slowing tumor growth, including malignant.

Healing properties have roots, rhizomes and leaves of the plant. Seeds levzei carthamoides not found any application in national or in the official medicine. Contained in the underground parts of the plant ingredients help improve the tone and the protective functions of the body.

Herbalists and pharmacists broths prepared from the roots, tablets, oils, extracts, increase potency, libido, endurance and activity. From the leaves levzei make powder, which is widely used in sports and bodybuilding, because it improves the power and speed characteristics of an organism.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

Both parts of the plant have a high concentration of iron and vitamin A, and therefore their effective use to improve blood formula. Scientists note that the substance contained in levzei carthamoides stimulate the body's hidden reserves, so rejuvenation occurs at the cellular level.

To use drugs from this plant can be at any time of the year. Rich in vitamin composition will help counter viral and colds, high concentrations of carotene, macro-and micronutrients - relieve symptoms of food poisoning.

Official medicine offers a wide range of tools with different release forms. One popular drugs is Maral root extract liquid at 70% alcohol. The greatest effect of taking in people who are prone to fatigue, decreased ability to work, insomnia, vegetative dystonia and impotence.

Excellent proven levzei extracts in the treatment of heart disease, and hypotension. Doctors also recommend taking them in the integrated treatment of diabetes. Liquid extracts of this plant prescribed military and sportsmen adaptogenic as an effective drug that helps support the body in extreme conditions.

Take alcoholic extract 10 drops three times a day for half an hour before eating. The course of treatment lasts depending on the testimony of 14 to 21 days. If necessary, the readmission is carried out after a ten-break.

Pharmacists also offer tablets of Maral root. They are recommended to take the athletes during intense training before competition. Levzei ability to rid the muscles of lactic acid significantly reduces the pain that makes it possible to increase the burden.

Tablets of Maral root - tonic, tonic preparation containing natural steroid Ecdysten that promotes vasodilatation and increased blood flow. The high rate of ekdistena in tablet formulations to effectively cope with the challenges of low potency, so it is recommended to take for impotence and to improve reproductive function.

Standard admission course - 2 weeks (can be extended to 21 days). The recommended dose is 10-15 mg per day.

Another popular remedy - the essential oil from the leaves levzei. Most often it is used for aromakureniya, cold inhalation, therapeutic baths, massages, however, and ingestion is possible. Oil contained in lipids and organic acids help relieve stress, fatigue, irritability, headache.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

A large concentration of alkaloids normalizes sleep and wakefulness. Part of the magnesium Leuzea oil strengthens the heart muscle, and flavonoids have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels and nervous system. For this purpose, 5 complete art. spoonfuls of jam or honey need to add 8-10 drops of oil. Serving necessary for 1 hour. spoon twice a day.

The essential oil is effectively eliminates the symptoms of hangover. To do this, you need to take a glass of tomato or orange juice and add 1-2 drops of the drug. The juice can be replaced by any fermented milk (yogurt, curdled, Ira).

Relieve stress and help relax a warm bath. Enough water is added to 3 drops of essential oils mixed with sea salt or milk. Taking a bath is recommended that no more than half an hour.

Another pharmaceutical preparation is a powder levzei. It is recommended to use the body to recover after a long illness or stressful situations. The powder is made from the young shoots of the plant. It contains 65 ecdysteroids, 23% protein, 40 micronutrients, and about two dozen different vitamins. The drug is completely harmless even in large doses.

Take this agent in dry form (resolves under the tongue), but it can be brewed as an herbal tea. Prophylactic dose is 25 mg per single dose. The recommended dose is 50 mg per day. Athletes consume usually 100 or more mg Leuzea powder.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

The infusion of Leuzea taken to improve the completeness of penile erection, enhancing immunity, relieving fatigue. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to one month. The recommended dose - 4-5 drops per 1 reception three times a day for an hour before eating. Honey Leuzea also a curative agent. It tones the body, strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes vegetative vascular system.


Decoction to increase potency

For preparation means 250 ml of purified water necessary to add 1st. spoon roots, the mixture was boiled for 15-20 minutes. During this time, some of the liquid has evaporated. After removing from heat, drink, leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain. Before use in the broth should pour boiling water so much, how much will need to again obtain 250 ml.

Accepted need to 80 ml three times a day for 15 minutes before eating. Broth can not prepare for the future, as the next day, he lost part of his healing power.

Infusion for improving efficiency and relieving fatigue

This tool differs from the broth so that the raw material is not brewed and poured boiling water and insist in a thermos. It is advisable to cook no more than the daily dose as a fresh drink more efficient.

The method of preparation is simple: Article 1.5. spoonfuls of ground roots and rhizomes Leuzea add 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for one hour. Take the infusion should be for 5 minutes before meals for 1 st. spoon 3 times a day. The dosage should not be exceeded, as it may cause increased excitability.

Infusion for prevention of viral diseases

This is the easiest recipe for infusion. We need 2-3 tbsp. spoons roots Leuzea put in a thermos, pour hot water (0.5 L) and leave overnight. Can take the morning to 19 hours at 1-2 degree. spoon. The next evening to prepare a new infusion. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months.

Tincture to improve erections and strengthen the immune system

To prepare the tincture will need 1 tbsp. spoon of dried root, 1 cup of 70 percent ethyl alcohol. The ingredients must be mixed, placed in a glass container and let stand in a dark place for 21 days. Before the infusion should drain use. Take 5-7 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before eating.

Tincture of leaves Leuzea with gastrointestinal diseases and to improve metabolism

Fresh or dried leaves of the plant to grind and fill with vodka at a ratio of 1:10. Insist in a dark place for 10 days. Take tincture should be 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Elixir for athletes and bodybuilders

To make this means you need to buy in the drugstore lewisia extract, dilute it with vodka at a ratio of 1:10, and shake well. Should consume resultant tincture 30 drops three times a day.

The extract for the treatment of anemia and prostration

To obtain a concentrated agent, you need 5 tablespoons. spoons roots Leuzea pour 200 ml of vodka. To stand in a dark place for three weeks, then strain. Take 15-20 drops per day. This tool contains alcohol, so it is forbidden to use children, drivers, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from alcohol addiction.

Means for increasing libido

For the preparation of the beverage should be added to 100 ml of red wine 20 drops of an alcohol extract of Leuzea. Take as needed.

Tea Leuzea catarrhal and viral diseases

Preparing this healthful drink made from fresh flowers of the plant (3-4 pcs.) Or 2 hours. tablespoons of dried roots. The raw material should be placed in a thermos or tea maker, add 0.5 liters of boiling water for 30 minutes. not less than three - the purpose of the prevention is recommended to drink one cup of tea per day, and during the illness.

Broth from a headache, edema and joint diseases

For its preparation 2 hours. spoons fresh or dried leaves Leuzea to pour 300 ml of cold water. Stand in a water bath for half an hour, and then to insist and strain. Divide the broth into 3 parts and drink during the day.

Means for rinsing the mouth and throat

In case of problems with the gums or throat pain to add 1 teaspoon of Leuzea alcoholate in 200 ml of water at room temperature. Rinse your mouth or throat 5 times a day. This facility also helps eliminate halitosis.

Compress Leuzea rinsing nonhealing wounds

It is necessary to take a 100 ml isotonic sodium chloride solution and add 1 tbsp. spoon of tincture levzei water-based. Moisten a sterile bandage and put on the wound for 30 minutes.

Warm compress pain in the joints or muscles

In a glass of warm water add 5 drops of essential oil levzei. Moisten in the liquid gauze, to impose on the affected joint. To enhance the effect, you need to wrap the affected area with plastic wrap and warm woolen scarf. Compress withstand such should not be less than two hours.

Cold compress for pain head

To prepare the means to add 1 drop of Leuzea oil in 100 ml of very cold water. Moisten in this solution a cotton cloth, put a bandage on his forehead and lie down in a darkened room for 30-40 minutes.

wet inhalation

For the procedure need to in a bowl or pot with 0.5 liter of hot water a few drops of an essential oil Leuzea. Close eyes and breathe steam for 5 minutes.


RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES, contraindications and useful properties which are due to a rich composition contained therein of substances widely used in cosmetics.

Mask for hair loss

Included in the levzei substances promote enhanced blood flow to the hair roots, so a mask of this plant helps to effectively improve their condition. For the preparation of this agent is necessary to take 40 ml of olive oil or sunflower oil, the yolk of one egg, 3 drops of oil. The ingredients must be mixed, lightly whisk, apply to dry hair for 20-30 minutes before washing.

Means to strengthen the hair

To hair is silky and do not fall, you need to comb them before going to bed, moistened teeth comb oil levzei. RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES is one component of anti-aging cosmetics. Included in its composition vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, the skin necessary to preserve the elasticity and youthfulness.

Tonic for Skin Rejuvenation

To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. plant roots spoon sugar and 1 cup of hot water and let stand in a warm half hour. After cooling the tool should be stored in the refrigerator. If this liquid to wipe your face and neck twice a day, a week application, the skin becomes supple and taut.

Compress Facial leaf lewisia

Remove redness on the skin, you can use dried leaves levzei carthamoides. To do this, the crushed raw material to pour warm water. Let it brew and apply soaked grass on his face. After 5 minute wash in cold water.

Honey levzei for the treatment of acne and acne

This natural bee product is applied to problem areas of the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off the honey with warm water and face.

cosmetic ice

The principle of action of ice on the skin is that there is an abrupt constriction and vasodilation. It helps to improve blood circulation. With exposure to cold can get rid of dark under eye circles and puffiness.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

To make this means you need to make an infusion: 1 cup of boiling water pour 1st. spoon levzei roots. After cooling, filter the solution, pour into molds for ice and send in the freezer. Led ice cubes on your skin you need to quickly, without stopping in one place. This procedure is usually carried out in the morning or when you need to quickly bring the skin in order.

Wrappings for dermatitis

This procedure is necessary to moisten the towel in a solution prepared from 1 liter of warm water and 20 Leuzea oil droplets.

Damage contraindications

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES has useful properties and absolutely does not contain toxic substances, but some cases, prohibited or not recommended treatments on the basis of its medicines, as there are contraindications. Absolutely can not use funds from the Maral root for pregnant women, since it is proved that they have an impact on fetal development.

Breastfeeding is also contraindicated for use preparations from Leuzea carthamoides, because the chemicals contained in the plant can cause a child's sleep disturbance and increased excitability.

It is forbidden to treat the means of Maral root children under 12 years of age. We do not recommend the use of tools Leuzea arrhythmia, chronic kidney and liver, high blood pressure, epilepsy, and atherosclerosis.

Collection and storage levzei

For the preparation of medicaments raw Leuzea harvested after seed maturation. This occurs from the end of summer and before the first frost. Fees are the roots and rhizomes of not less than 3 years. At this age RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES increases larger root system with the greatest healing power.

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications

In the procurement of raw materials is important to remember that this unique plant thickets recover slowlySo every 2-3 meters should be left at least one root. The stems should be removed, and the underground part of the clean up of debris, rinse thoroughly and leave in the sun for a week. On the night of the raw material it is recommended to clean the room in case of rain.

After a very large roots podvyalyatsya, they need to be cut into several parts and send it to completely dry in a dry warm room with good ventilation or in the attic. It can be dried in the open air under a canopy, but in this case it is very important to monitor the humidity.

Store ready-made raw materials in paper bags of not more than three years.

Having studied the beneficial properties levzei carthamoides and contraindications, you can effectively use it for recreational purposes, sports, cooking and cosmetics.

Author: Svetlana Maslennikova

Videos about levzei carthamoides, its beneficial properties and methods of application

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RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications for men, women
Reference Drugs

RHAPONTICUM CARTHAMOIDES. Useful properties and contraindications for men, women

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