Skin Treatment

Effective against lice and nits - a list of the best drugs

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Lice can appear in any person, since from an infected person they easily move to healthy people. As soon as such parasites were seen, it is required to immediately begin treatment to eliminate them, as they instantly multiply and can infect others. In most cases, patients require 1-2 application of a special drug. It all depends on its effectiveness and compliance with the instructions for the treatment of the head. It is also important to handle personal items, especially pillows and blankets, on which viable lice can remain. Below is a list of the most effective and effective tools in the fight against parasites, a number of which can be used at any age.

Effective against lice and nits

Effective against lice and nits

Content of material

  • 1 Insipidity water against lice and nits
  • 2 Paranitis in pediculosis
  • 3 Nudes in pediculosis
  • 4 Hygienics when lice appear
    • 4.1 Video - How to remove lice and nits on hair
  • 5 Pediculicide 911
  • 6 Pediculum Ultra vs.lice and nits
  • insta story viewer
  • 7 Full Marx spray for the development of pediculosis
  • 8 Rosh Tov with pediculosis
  • 9 Para-Plus against pediculosis
  • 10 Fora Plus in the treatment of pediculosis
  • 11 MediFox when removing lice
  • 12 Cost of medicine for pediculosis

Insipidemic water against lice and nits

Despite the fact that the remedy is quite toxic, with proper use it is most effective, which is confirmed by patient reviews. In almost 97% of the cases of using chicken water, the result was achieved already after the first procedure for treating the head. In order for the product to work, it is important to follow the exact algorithm of the action:

  • first requires a good head wash with an ordinary shampoo;
  • then the curls are divided to make a few small strands;
  • thoroughly shake the crooked water;
  • then put on gloves and apply the product on a cotton or gauze swab;
  • then individually apply a swab on the strand, paying special attention to the occiput, ear zone and temples;
  • after processing all the strands of hair are assembled and fixed at the top, a hat is put on;
  • withstand commercial water for 30 minutes and then rinse with shampoo;
  • as soon as hair has slightly dried, they need to be carefully combed, so you can remove all dead lice;
  • to remove nits, you need to walk through the hair with a special comb against them.
Cessation water - an effective remedy against lice and nits

Measuring water is an effective remedy against lice and nits.

Because the substance has increased toxicity, the patient's condition should be constantly monitored. If he has such unpleasant symptoms as dizziness, nausea, clouding of consciousness, vomiting will open up, then he should immediately wash off the cynical water. If the symptoms do not disappear within 20-30 minutes after washing, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid acute intoxication of the body, especially when it comes to young children and patients who have breathing problems.

Warning! When treating head from lice under the age of 12 years, open all windows in the room and ensure maximum airflow to the patient. It is also desirable to put a mask on the child and protect his eyes. If, for some reason, the product has got on the mucous membranes, it is required to rinse everything quickly with clean water, take a medicine against poisoning and seek medical help to assess all the risks.

Paranitis in pediculosis

Paranitis allows you to quickly eliminate lice and nits

Paranitis allows you to quickly eliminate lice and nits

Also very good drugstore that allows you to quickly eliminate the disease. Produced in several pharmacological forms - spray, shampoo and lotion. Shampoo, which is characterized by a dense texture with a large amount of mineral and oily substances, is more effective. Their action in pediculosis is supported by dimethicone. This chemical is relatively safe if you follow the correct instructions for use.

You can use the drug from three years. The active substance is used exclusively for dry hair. In gloves, you need to distribute Paranita along the entire length of the strands and wait 10 minutes. After that, the product is washed off with water and any soap base. After washing, lice can be removed by hand or combed with the comb provided. If necessary, the treatment procedure can be repeated after 5-7 days. At the same time, be sure to examine your loved ones and yourself during this time to prevent re-infection.

Warning! Because of the oily structure, Paranitis shampoo is difficult to wash off hair. Best of all it removes tar tar or soap, in addition after washing the curls can be rinsed with acetic water. To do this, add a tablespoon of 6% or 9% vinegar per liter of water. You can use a wine or apple product.

Nuda in pediculosis

The drug Nyuda has a mild effect, but it shows an excellent result when treating the head from pediculosis

Nuda drug is mild, but it shows excellent results when treating the head from pediculosis

. The drug is produced in the form of a spray that has a mild effect, but it shows an excellent result when treating the head from pediculosis. You can use Nyudu from the age of three. For treatment it is required to distribute the spray to the roots of the hair, so that they become sufficiently moist. After this, using a small comb, which is included in the kit, you need to distribute the main component over the entire length of the hair.

Treatment procedure takes 45 minutes, while hiding under the hat is not necessary. At the end of the allotted time, it is necessary to wash the head with ordinary water first, and then with any soap base. After that, the hair is carefully combed and combed using a small metal comb against the parasites. If necessary, the therapy can be repeated after 1-5 days.

Warning! This medication is strictly not recommended for those patients who have any history of skin disease. Treatment in this case can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of repeated rashes, complications of chronic forms or swelling.

Hygienics with the appearance of lice

Hygienics from lice and nits

Hygienics from lice and nits

Use this medication can be from five years. For treatment, it will be necessary to distribute in wet strands for each patient the amount of shampoo, especially carefully rubbing it into the roots, whiskey, nape and the BTE.After applying the active substance, it will take 20 minutes for the medicament to survive so that the chemicals can act on all parasites, including louse eggs. After treatment, the hair is washed with water and shampoo. Once they are a little dry, you need to comb out all the strands using the comb, which is included in the bundle. If necessary, the treatment is carried out after 5-10 days, but you can not use Hygienics more than twice in 4 weeks.

Warning! If necessary, Hygienics may be used by adult patients who have had pubic lice. Treatment in this case is carried out in the same way as on the head.

Video - How to remove lice and nits on hair

Pediculicide 911

A special feature of this effective remedy for lice is its release form. Shampoo is released in small bags. One sachet is enough to process short hair, than strands are longer, the more medication is needed for treatment. Distribute the pediculicide 911 to the dry strands, after which it is distributed along the entire length by means of a comb. Hands should also massage your head slightly to ensure the best absorption of 911.

After distributing the required amount of the drug, it is kept on the head for 45 minutes. Once the allotted time has passed, the means 911 is washed off with water and shampoo, soap can be used. The treatment is repeated a second time only if the first procedure is ineffective and it can be done no earlier than 10 days.

Attention! You can only use the medicinal product from the age of 6 years. If you need to use shampoo at an earlier age, you should make sure that there is no individual intolerance.

Pediculum Ultra against lice and nits

Pediculum Ultra Spray

Pediculum Ultra spray

Instruction provides for the use of this medication from the age of three, but only if no skin diseases occur. Apply the drug only to dry strands, with this long hair is required to process, dividing into several curls to achieve the desired result. To sustain Pediculenum Ultra is required for three hours, since only such a length of procedure can provide the necessary effect. After the time allotted for the session, the head is washed under running water with soap or shampoo. When the treatment is complete, all the strands are combed with a comb. Repeat treatment in the absence of a full result can only after 8 days.

Warning! This medication rarely causes allergies or other side effects. But sometimes patients experience puffiness, burning or redness. In this case, it is required to immediately wash off the Pediculen Ultra and, if necessary, apply an antihistamine ointment or take a tablet of such action.

Full Marx spray with the development of pediculosis

Full Marx spray from lice and nits

Full Marx spray from lice and nits

Before the beginning of treatment it is required to carefully comb the hair so that there are no tangled areas. After that, the entire length of the curls is required to apply about 50 ml of solution, long strands need more means, but do not apply more than 150 ml. Carefully with massage movements it is required to distribute the active substance along the entire length of the strands, as well as into the roots. Also do not forget that more thorough processing requires the occipital and behind-the-ear zone.

Treatment of the head continues for 10 minutes. After that, the hair is carefully combed. It is allowed to carry out the treatment of the head two more times with a mandatory break of 7 days. Virtually does not cause allergic reactions, unless the patient has problems with the tolerability of the active ingredient. Can be used in childhood.

Warning! Full Marks spray very well burnable. Therefore, you do not need to smoke during the procedure or are close to open sources of fire.

Rosh Tov with pediculosis

The drug is one of the most expensive medicines in its price category. Among the components of Rosh Tov, such as extracts from ethereal plants are distinguished. They have not only a depressing effect on parasites, but also protect the head from drying out, relieve dandruff. For a faster and more stable result, dimethicone is included in the composition of the drug. Due to the presence of this chemical component, Rosh Tov should not be used until 3-5 years.

The drug should be spread on dry hair and put on a polyethylene cap to provide a faster and noticeable effect. Hold the strands under the cap is required for 30 minutes. Once the treatment is completed, it is necessary in classical fashion to comb the strands with a comb. Repeat the treatment can not be more often than two times within 7-10 days.

Para-Plus versus pediculosis

Effective drug against lice and nits Para-Plus

Effective drug against lice and nits Para-Plus

According to the instructions, this spray can be used only with three years. But according to the reviews of moms and pediatricians, it is better to refrain from using Para-Plus until the patient reaches the age of five. Before using the spray, you must carefully cover your eyes, mouth, nose and ears so that sprays do not accidentally get into them during the spraying of the active substance. If this happens, there may be undesirable consequences in the form of irritation, burning, lacrimation, and even bronchospasm.

Spray Para-Plus on dry strands, but a number of doctors insist that the hair should be slightly moist, this will provide a more complete and lasting effect. It is important to carefully process the occipital zone, whiskey and area behind the ears. Withstand the drug on the head for 20-30 minutes, it all depends on the complexity of the disease. After that, the hair, as usual, washed and combed using a special comb. Repeat the treatment can not be more than two times in two weeks. If the necessary effect is not achieved within two procedures, the treatment does not continue.

Warning! Para-Plus is also used for processing parasites of personal belongings and furniture. It is not necessary to flush the drug from soft surfaces, but it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room after spraying the active substance.

Fora Plus in the treatment of pediculosis

Fora Plus is able to completely eliminate parasites in 10-15 minutes

Fora Plus is able to completely eliminate parasites in 10-15 minutes

The main active ingredient of this drug is permethrin, which is able to completely eliminate parasites in 10-15 minutes. According to the conducted studies, the drug is not addictive and can be used for repeated infection with lice. After hitting on the head causes paralysis of insects, which ensures their rapid destruction.

Fora Plus shampoo is applied only to dry hair, and it is required to carefully rub the active ingredient in the roots, where the largest colonies of nits and lice are most often observed. After 10 minutes, rinses are washed and combed. If necessary, the head can be re-treated after 10 days, in adults the treatment can be carried out 5-7 days after the last procedure.

MediFox for elimination of lice

Medifax against lice

Medifax against lice

To eliminate lice, it is only necessary to prepare a fresh emulsion. To do this, the third part of the contents of the standard vial with the active substance is mixed with 200 ml of warm water, it is obligatory that it be boiled. It is required to shake the container with the drug as best as possible in order to obtain the best concentration. Once the emulsion is ready, it should be applied to slightly damp hair. In this case, it is required to rub the substance into the roots with gloves or with a conventional cotton swab. As soon as 20 minutes have passed, MediFox needs to be rinsed well from the head, necessarily additionally washing the hair with usual shampoo. Re-treatment of the head is provided only in exceptional cases and not earlier than one week.

Warning! This agent can also be used to treat other hairy parts of the body. At the same time, it is not necessary to reduce the procedure, women should apply the remedy to the genitals as accurately as possible so that it does not get on the mucous membrane.

Cost of a medicament for pediculosis

drug Image price in rubles in the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus Price in rubles price in Ukraine
rubles hellebore water The simmering water 50 1,6 21
Paranit Paranita 300 10 123
Nydala Nyuda 600 19 246
Shampoo 911 Shampoo 911 100 3,2 41
Pedikulen Ultra Pediculum Ultra 600 19 246
Full Marx Full Marx 600 19 246
Rosh Tov 800 25 287
Para-Plus Para-Plus 600 19 246
Handicap- Fora Plus 100 3,2 41
Medifox MediFox 100 3,2 41
Hygienics Hygienics 180 7 84

The use of these medications in most cases does not require consultation with a doctor, as they are safe and easily tolerated by many patients. The exception is strong chemical solutions, which are often not recommended for use in pregnancy and for young children under 5-7 years. If there is any doubt about the use of a particular medication, it is best to consult a pediatrician or a therapist.

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