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Activated carbon from cholesterol: reducing or not

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Long-term increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood leads to disruption of blood flow in the vessels that can be life threatening. Therefore, anyone who has seen this result in a blood test should be aware of the methods to reduce it. Activated carbon from cholesterol - an effective method of prevention of circulatory disorders.

Properties of activated carbon

Activated carbon - a sorbent having a natural origin. His tablets exhibit high surface activity. Due to this, toxins and poisons literally adhered to the activated carbon surface.

The drug is completely straight. It is produced as a result of the burning shell, wood, fruit pits.

Activated carbon is taken under these conditions:

  • Indigestion.
  • Infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • The high acidity of gastric juice.
  • Poisoning by drugs, poisons.
  • Before carrying out diagnostic testing for reducing the formation of gas in the intestine.

As you can see from the list above, the official instructions not mentioned to the drug that drink activated charcoal is really effective at elevated cholesterol. But this recipe is tested for years of traditional medicine. In addition, we conduct a formal study on the effectiveness of activated carbon to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. It is about them and will be discussed further.

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Evidence of the effectiveness of activated carbon

The first major study on whether to take the activated carbon to reduce cholesterol, was published in an English magazine. This happened in 1986. It was selected by a group of people who are diagnosed with high cholesterol. Each took 2 tablespoons of activated carbon divided by 3 times a day for one month. The study showed that 8 grams daily doses reduce cholesterol by 25%. A concentration a fraction thereof, low-density lipoproteins, decreased by 40%.

After 3 years, it was conducted another study, already in Finland. Patients with high cholesterol were divided into two groups. One group drank activated charcoal in a dose of 16 grams per day, and the other - of drugs to reduce the "Cholestyramine" cholesterol. The experiment revealed that activated charcoal reduces the amount of lipoproteins and cholesterol almost as effectively as special pharmaceutical drugs.

This conclusion is based on the following data:

  • In the subgroup that took the activated carbon, there was a decrease in total cholesterol by 23%, and low-density lipoprotein decreased by 29%;
  • The subgroup, which saw "Cholestyramine", showed the following results: reducing cholesterol by 30%, lipoprotein - by 39%.

How to drink activated charcoal with high cholesterol

Dosage is calculated on the basis of body weight. 10 kg take one tablet. The required amount of ground in a mortar. The resulting mass is poured 100 - 200 ml lukewarm water. The solution is taken 30 minutes before meals. You can divide it into two parts.

It is worth noting that the activated carbon against cholesterol can drink only short courses. Since this substance is a powerful adsorbent, it binds not only cholesterol but bile acids. Because of this, digestion of fat is difficult, and they are excreted.

There are other side effects of this medicine:

  • violation of a chair;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • malabsorption of nutrients in the digestive tract.

The consequences of high cholesterol

Increased level of cholesterol in the blood is very insidious, since a long time can occur without any symptoms. Most often the first signs of the disease appear in advanced stages, the development of complications.

High cholesterol is a breeding ground for the development of atherosclerosis. It is a disease characterized by the deposition of fatty plaques in the vessel wall. When the plaque reaches a large size, it covers the vessel and prevent blood flow.

Depending on the order in which organ plaque grows, there are different diseases. With the defeat of coronary arteries developing coronary heart disease and cholesterol deposition in the vessels of the brain leads to the development of atherosclerosis. Sometimes, poor circulation can be so severe that come to life-threatening condition - myocardial infarction or stroke. Unfortunately, while assisting is often too late.

That is why it is so important to know how to lower your cholesterol, taking activated charcoal. Timely start of treatment can help avoid these dangerous complications.


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