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Polisorb during pregnancy: can or not

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Polisorb during pregnancy has proven itself as an effective enterosorbent active substance which represented by low-dispersion of colloidal silica particles - the substances most capacious area absorption. It is biologically inert compound capable of capturing low-, medium- and high-molecular substances from the intestines and stomach which They are usually external and internal toxins, viruses, fungi and bacteria, heavy metals, allergens, radionuclides, alcoholic products decay.

This product feature allows you to actively use Polisorb during pregnancy, including adverse environmental conditions with minimal side effects. Polisorb MP is approved for use in all phases of pregnancy, nursing mothers and children of all ages. To ensure maximum effect and reduce potential side effects must adhere to correct methods of preparation and administration.

Purpose MP Polisorb during pregnancy

  • Relief toxemia and preeclampsia (toxemia of late).Polisorb envelops gastrointestinal wall, not allowing toxins forming in the toxicosis, absorbed into the bloodstream. When early pregnancy apply Polisorb advisable to improve the overall well-being, eliminate nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to odors.
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  • allergy treatment. Due to the hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman is a weakening of the immune system. Against this background, almost always exacerbated by allergic diseases, and 30% of pregnant women do not face the manifestations of allergy before, allergy is diagnosed for the first time. Polysorb allows to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of allergy without potent hormonal and antihistamine medicines that can damage an unborn child, particularly in the first trimester pregnancy.
  • Purification by gastrointestinal degradation products "slag" and active agents malicious in case of poisoning, diarrhea and intestinal infections. The immune system of the pregnant woman is reduced, so poisoning can cause not only overdue or exotic products, but also the usual dishes that stored at improper conditions or antibiotics, preservatives and other substances added to the products for long-term storage even at step production.

Polisorb during pregnancy efficiently binds all disease-causing agents found in the lumen of the intestine and stomach, as well as loosely connected to the intestinal villi. Drug activity is manifested both in terms of antigens caught outside and precipitates from blood vessels, dense network which twist around the intestine wall. Thus there is not only the removal of unnecessary substances from the lumen of these bodies, but also a comprehensive cleansing the blood of a pregnant woman.

  • immunity, Increased resistance to disease, accelerating recovery from viral and bacterial infections. Polysorb effectively captures viral and bacterial particles in the stomach cavity, as well as toxic products of their activity, contributing to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, including seasonal flu, which is a danger during pregnancy increases.
  • Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis. Bringing pathogens, Polisorb restores healthy bacterial composition of internal cavities, while reducing the risk of contracting candidiasis (thrush) - frequent companion of pregnancy.
  • chronic renal failure treatment. Capturing and inactivating the infectious particles and endotoxins, Polysorb helps to alleviate diseases kidney and urinary tract, including swelling and polyhydramnios, threatening the normal flow pregnancy.
  • Weight recovery after childbirth. Excreted from the body inert protein-lipid complexes, Polisorb allows for soft weight loss during and after pregnancy without signs of energy starvation and loss of nutrients, which is important to nursing mothers.

Active POLYSORB recommendations of Gynecology and Obstetrics for 20 years - the best demonstration of a popular answer to the question of whether pregnant Polisorb.

Benefits MP POLYSORB for pregnant women:

  • Unlike activated carbon, Polisorb does not injure the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • Like other chelators, the drug does not penetrate the blood does not bind to a biologically active molecular complexes in tissues and completely excreted with the captured block malicious particles. Not being able to cross the placenta, Polisorb operates within the digestive tract of a pregnant woman.
  • In the vast majority of clinical cases means no adverse effect on the symbiotic intestinal microflora pregnant.
  • Regarding other sorbents preparation shows the most rapid effect which occurs in the first 5 minutes after administration.
  • The most significant among OTC sorbent adsorption capacity - 300 m² / g of substance 1 - Polisorbents allows to effectively clean the digestive tract clearance of toxins in the short term, improving the pregnant.
  • Absence in the flavorings, preservatives, flavorings, artificial sweeteners and sugars gives the ability to use Polisorb allergies, liver disease, diabetes, and other disorders of carbohydrate exchange.
  • The peculiarity of the drug - the lack of taste and smell, which facilitates its use at a toxicosis.
  • Silica Powdered drugs are not subject to freezing, do not lose their properties during changes in temperature and pressure.
  • Overdose Polisorbents excluded, but is required to withstand approximate rules on body weight daily portions and duration of use in order to avoid constipation, hypovitaminosis and hypocalcemia.
  • 20-year-old positive experiences in the hospital and on an outpatient basis in Russia and abroad.

Dosage and admission rules

Polisorb MP should be taken only in diluted form. Adult 1 tbsp. l. "Uppers" kneaded in 100 ml of liquid (water, mineral unsweetened carbonated beverages, herbal broth, juice, tea, juice). Pregnant drinking Polisorb recommended 30-60 minutes before or after 1.5-2 hours after a meal. Additionally increase the daily rate of fluid, wherein the liquid food (soups, porridge viscous and others) should be considered.

The dependence of the amount of the drug from the body weight.

Body mass

A single dose

The amount of liquid dilution 1 dose

40-60 kg

1 tablespoon "Uppers" (2.5-3 g)

100 ml

61 kg and more

1-2 tablespoons "Uppers" (3-6 g)

100-150 ml

Toxemia, and all kinds of allergies. Polisorb from toxemia during pregnancy is discharged with a 1 tbsp 3 times a day 1 hour before meals, allergies - in the same amount as before, during or immediately after a meal. It is advisable to make the first reception POLYSORB the morning on an empty stomach to ease the condition for the whole day. During the day, required to drink up to 1.5 liters. Smaller quantities can lead to constipation, large - to swelling due to kidney overload. The duration of the treatment - 2 weeks.

With the resumption or symptoms persist, consult a doctor is required for course corrections. Allergies need to supplement the course POLYSORB hypoallergenic diet, to identify and eliminate the allergen contact with him.

preeclampsia. Late toxemia (preeclampsia) - one of the most serious factors of complication of pregnancy, particularly in the presence of confounding diseases. This diagnosis requires close medical supervision. For ease of preeclampsia during pregnancy on the later stages of the drug should be used in combination therapy in an amount of 6-12 g per day.

Poisoning, intestinal infections, diarrhea. Reconstitute the powder with water according to the instructions (1 tablespoon per 100 ml liquid). The resulting suspension must be taken from the first signs of poisoning small sips every 5-10 minutes or every 30-60 minutes the first 5 hours on the second day - 4 times a day for a single dose, then - 3 times a day till recovery. If poisoning practiced as Polysorb gastric lavage solution (2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) in a hospital environment. Additionally, you must fill with clean water and brine fluid loss from vomiting and diarrhea. In parallel with the treatment required to go on a special diet to recovery (liquid porridge of rice and oats, strong tea, chicken broth from the breast and dried bread).

Chronic renal failure. In addition to the basic treatment after consultation with a specialist - 3-4 single servings per day to 1 month.


  • exacerbation of gastric ulcers and bowel;
  • other bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal atony walls;
  • intolerance silicon oxide.

Side effect

Polisorb in clinical practice sometimes shows increased incidence of constipation, especially in pregnant women, with a tendency towards them. Avoid constipation help replenishing the daily fluid intake volume of 1.5 liters, as well as careful adherence to the recommended volume of fluid required for cultivation of the drug.

During pregnancy, take the drug Polisorb more than 2 weeks, the emergence of a risk of hypocalcemia and vitamin deficiencies, blood aggravated impoverishment in favor of the emerging fruit. Reduce the risk of vitamin and calcium deficiency courses multivitamins and calcium complexes, as indicated by the treating physician.


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