
Smell from the mouth - causes and treatment in adults, drugs

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Unpleasant odor from the mouth is called halitosis. In most cases, this is one of the manifestations of dental or other diseases, so refreshing means are only able to disguise it for a while.

Improper odor can poor oral hygiene. Often, such a symptom is a harbinger of life-threatening conditions. About the causes of odor from the mouth in adults and treatment of halitosis, read on.


  • 1 reasons breath of an adult
    • 1.1 rottenness breath
    • 1.2 smell of feces mouth
    • 1.3 ammonia Halitosis
    • 1.4 Odor acid
    • 1.5 smell of rotten eggs
    • 1.6 acetone Halitosis
  • 2 What to do if you smell from the mouth - treatment and preparations
    • 2.1 Folk remedies for bad breath
    • 2.2 To which doctor should I apply?

Bad breath causes in an adult

Causes of bad breath in adults

An unpleasant odor from the mouth, due to pathological causes, always has a specificity, that is, the same for a particular disease.

Caries and other diseases of the mouth cause the appearance of one type of odor, the problem of the stomach and intestines - the other. Physicians distinguish such types of halitosis:

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  1. Pathological - it is caused by diseases of internal organs( extraoral halitosis) or dental problems( oral).
  2. Physiological, which is not associated with disease and is caused by inaccuracies in the diet or lack of proper oral care. This smell occurs when fasting, smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs.

There are also such terms as halithophobia and pseudohalitosis. These conditions are due to psychological reasons. In the first case there is a fear of the appearance of a smell after a previous illness, to this inclined people are inclined.

Pseudohalitosis refers to obsessive states when a person seems to have a constantly unpleasant smell from the mouth - this requires the help of a therapist.

This or that cause of bad breath in an adult determines the nature, or shade, of halitosis. He, in turn, helps to understand where the problem can be localized in the body.

The pathological factors of cause seven types of odor from the oral cavity:

  • putrefactive;
  • feces;
  • is ammonium;
  • is acidic;
  • of acetone;
  • of rotten eggs.

Putrid odor from the mouth

More often indicates dental diseases and pathology of respiratory organs. It can appear due to the accumulation of food residues in a caries-affected tooth or under a prosthesis, due to the inflammatory process. The nature of the smell is due to the decomposition of amino acids under the action of bacteria.

As a result, volatile, unpleasant odors are formed. Listed below are the frequent causes of putrefactive odor.

  1. Diseases of the respiratory tract - sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sinusitis, lung abscess, bronchoectatic disease, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis or bronchitis.
  2. Diseases of the oral cavity - dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, periodontitis, caries, diseases of salivary glands or periodontitis.

Putrid odor can also cause:

  • plaque on teeth or tartar due to poor hygiene;
  • smoking or alcohol abuse;
  • disturbed digestion - thus the smell can be especially expressed.

The smell of stool from the mouth

Odor of feces from the mouth Its cause is more often localized in the intestines and is caused by dysbiosis, obstruction, decreased peristalsis and absorption of food.

The smell of stool from the mouth occurs in people suffering from anorexia or bulimia, which is also associated with a violation of digestion - food is not digested, begins to rot and wander.

The fecal odor of the smell sometimes occurs with an infection of the respiratory system.

Smell of ammonia from the mouth

It arises in diseases of the kidneys and kidney failure, when the blood level of urea increased, the molecule of which contains an amino group. Due to a malfunction in the filtering system, the body begins to look for other ways of removing this toxic substance - through the skin and mucous membranes. As a result, the mouth smells of ammonia.

Odor of acid

Sour odor from an adult provokes an increased acidity of the stomach, which can be caused by various diseases - gastritis, esophageal diverticulitis, ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, pancreatitis.

Sour odor can be accompanied by heartburn and nausea.

Smell of rotten eggs

Also appears in cases of stomach problems, but already in case of reduced acidity, as well as gastritis, belch and feeling of discomfort in the stomach may accompany it. Another reason for the smell of rotten eggs from the mouth is food poisoning.

Odor of acetone from the mouth

The smell of acetone from the mouth

It indicates pancreatic diseases - diabetes, pancreatitis, as well as some other pathologies, which are described below.

There are several pathogenic causes of the odor of acetone from the mouth in an adult. The most harmless of them may be indigestion, but there are serious diseases that cause this symptom.

Diabetes mellitus

With advanced forms of diabetes, blood sugar levels are very high. In this case, a large number of ketone bodies are also released into the blood, which are called acetone in colloquial speech( in fact, they are compounds of the same class with a similar structure).

In this condition, the kidneys begin to actively excrete acetone, so a urinalysis will reveal its presence. In addition to the kidneys, ketone bodies are secreted through the lungs, which causes the appearance of a specific odor from the mouth.

This symptom requires immediate examination and medical attention because it is a harbinger of a diabetic coma.

Diseases of the liver

Acetone in the blood and urine can appear with certain liver diseases. This body produces enzymes that break down toxic substances for the body, including neutralizing ketone bodies.

If there is a violation of liver function, there may be the appearance of acetone and, as a consequence, the appearance of odor from the mouth.

Thyroid problems

To provoke the odor of acetone from the mouth, a hyperthyroid crisis can be a dangerous, abrupt condition. This is the extreme form of hyperthyroidism, in which the production of iodine-containing hormones is increased by the thyroid gland. The characteristic acetone smell comes from urine.

Other signs of crisis - an excited state, hallucinations, delirium, hand tremors, blood pressure drop, muscle weakness, tachycardia, vomiting and fever.

Kidney Disease

The odor of acetone can occur with renal pathology:

  • nephrosis;
  • of renal failure;
  • of kidney dystrophy.

Violations in the filter system adversely affect the exchange of protein in the body, the products of its decay are not completely removed, and accumulate in the blood. The smell of acetone during breathing also happens with urine acid diathesis.

What to do if you smell from the mouth - treatment and drugs

treatment of odor from the mouth

Since most of the time halitosis is just a symptom, the treatment that requires it is the disease that caused it. For this, it is necessary to pass the examination, having passed the tests, appointed by the doctor. Depending on the reason, medical or surgical treatment is performed, for example:

  • use of antibiotics or NSAIDs for inflammatory disease;
  • removal of tonsils in tonsillitis;
  • puncture of the sinuses of the nose with the accumulation of purulent contents in them;
  • treatment of carious lesions;
  • removal of a diseased tooth or inflamed pulp;
  • therapy of hyperthyroidism;
  • treatment of increased acidity of the stomach or other pathologies of the digestive system.

To reduce the intensity of unpleasant odor helps a thorough oral hygiene - the use of quality brushes, dental floss, rinsers and toothpastes with triclosan, carbamide peroxide, chlorhexidine, cetylpyridine.

Do not use rinse aid, containing alcohol - they dry the mucous, reducing the amount of saliva.

Folk Remedies for Bad Odor from the mouth

  • Rinse mouth with warm water with essential oils - mint, sage, clove - at the rate of 2 drops per full glass of water. Swallowing the solution is strictly prohibited, and the oils should be of high quality.
  • 10 minutes before a meal, you can chew dried juniper berries, anise seeds or fennel seeds.
  • Tea with dog rose - 1 tbsp.l.on 200-250 ml of boiling water, to insist 25-30 minutes.
  • You can rinse your mouth with the broth of acid mullet, St. John's wort.
  • If digestion is disturbed, syrup, oil or sea buckthorn juice is helpful.
  • When indigestion help tea with ginger and honey, chamomile broth, wormwood or dill seeds, flax seeds.
  • With reduced acidity, red and black currants, apples, fruit cocktail from sea bream, honey, and at increased - carrot or potato juice, a mixture of aloe with honey, decoction of mint and yarrow are useful.

Any folk remedies can not be used uncontrollably, and before their application it does not hurt to consult with a specialist.

To which doctor should I apply?

You can get rid of odor from your mouth much faster if you do not do self-medication, but seek help from a specialist. First, assess your condition and determine if there are other symptoms.

Toothache, bleeding or inflammation of the gums and other problems in the oral cavity is an occasion to visit the dentist. Go to him, if, in addition to smell from the mouth, there are no signs - you may need to remove tartar or accumulated plaque on the teeth.

Sore throat, nasal congestion, wheezing, cough - with such symptoms go to the otolaryngologist. If there is discomfort in the intestines, constipation or diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, visit a gastroenterologist.

If the dentist does not find problems with the teeth and gums, and there are no other complaints besides bad breath, you should go to the therapist - it is possible that the existing disease is asymptomatic.

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