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Mildronat: Is it possible to prick intramuscular and intravenous

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Mildronat - metabolic drug designed to restore the balance of oxygen inside the cells and rapid recovery of the energy reserve. The question - whether Mildronat can chop intramuscularly, provides an answer guide that came with the drug. In it the manufacturer claims that the drug solution designed for intravenous, intramuscular and parabulbarnom.


Mildronat intravenously injected with:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • retinal thrombosis;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • retinopathy.

The drug is indicated to improve efficiency, maintain the body in strong physical and mental stress. Active ingredients of this medical agent can be interested in all of the cores and of stroke patients. The medicine comes meldonium, which the body supports the work of the heart and brain. Due to its effects, the patient improved performance and improved neurological functions.

How does the drug

Once in the blood and tissue components of the drug reaching its maximum blood plasma concentration. Medication strengthens heart contractions, supports infarction, improves cerebral blood flow. Intramuscularly Mildronat can prick for blood mass redistribution during ischemia. As a result of the treatment and stabilized carnitine concentration slows down the formation of necrotic areas.

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Active substances from the circulation means are distributed on cellular structures tissue.

Medicinal ingredients:

  • improve the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • remove paresis;
  • improves reflexes organism.

Mildronat intramuscular injection has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system.

Intramuscular injections Mildronat several times reduces the rehabilitation of the body at various heart diseases. Active substances increase the synthesis of medicines butyrobetaine, which has a vasodilating effect. The drug improves the functioning of brain structures, blood flow to the brain, increases physical performance.

The drug eliminates functional disorders in chronic alcoholism, eliminate angina. As a result of the treatment to stabilize the heart. Medication should be used in the treatment of stroke and heart disease.

Methods of administering drug


Injection Mildronate solution when administered intravenously do not cause adverse reactions. The drug is well tolerated by the body. However, when administered intramuscularly medicament active ingredients are absorbed more slowly. This feature will certainly be taken into account when making a shot Mildronate intramuscularly.

Parabulbarno method of administration

Parabulbarno method of administration of the solution lies in the fact that the injection is done in the lower eyelid. This method of drug administration used in the ophthalmic practice. The needle thus guided in apple fiber located near the eye. An injection is painful enough. To introduce a drug solution requires a very carefully.


Intramuscular administration of the drug can be replaced by the reception of capsules and tablets. One means tablet contains 250 mg of meldonium dihydrate. The active substance has a metabolic effect. Taking the drug required daily dose of 500 mg - two capsules per day. The daily dose is divided into two steps is used singly or, if necessary.

Mildronat the drug is administered intramuscularly, many patients suffering from heart failure. The price of a medicine, the average varies between 665 rubles.


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