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Derinat or Viferon: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time

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The ability to cope with viral diseases have many pharmacological drugs of modern market. The choice of the particular agent depends on many factors, but in particular it can be difficult when the drug is selected child. What better Derinat or Viferon? To answer this question it is necessary to consider each of immunomodulators.

Derinat: pharmacological action

This drug has anti-inflammatory action, promotes better healing and stimulate host defenses. Derinat can be assigned not only to adults but also to children to raise immunity. In its effects on the immune system it is - similar Viferon.

Derinat release forms:

  • eye drops;
  • drops in the nose and mouth;
  • spray;
  • ampoules, which may be used for injections.


  • gynecological infections;
  • ulcers and wounds that need healing;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • SARS (prevention and treatment);
  • hemorrhoids;
  • ophthalmic disorders, including inflammatory and degenerative disorders;
  • flu.

Application Derinat has some features: it does not combine with topical ointments or using hydrogen peroxide, as well as with gangrene. During application can manifest allergic reactions, fever. Caution should be exercised in patients with diabetes mellitus, as Derinat can affect blood glucose levels.

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The dosage of medication and treatment of the child Derinat scheme defines a pediatrician, depending on the age of the child and state of health. Usually, for children up to 2 years as a treatment instilled into each nostril, 1 drop of the preparation. For the prevention therapy is continued for 2 weeks. In the treatment of disease (e.g. rhinitis undertemperature) physician may increase the dose, and frequency of administration to bring up to 6 times per day.

At the same time with interferon take Derinat not prohibited, but this approach to treatment is not practical because of the identity of the impact of two immunomodulators. Therefore, to drink with drugs is not recommended.

Viferon: particular drug

The main ingredient of the drug, interferon is well tolerated by the body. Viferon often administered in the complex therapy of many diseases, including:

  • SARS;
  • herpes;
  • urogenital infections;
  • pneumonia, etc.

Available in three forms of the drug, designed for topical application: candles, gel and ointment. Rectal suppositories can be used for the treatment of children, including the first year of life. Replace with interferon can Derinat allergy to drug or indications when is preferable to use, for example, rectal suppositories.

Interferon, which is part of a drug has a lower bioavailability and does not form oral administration because the main active substance is not resistant to gastric juice.

Derinat and Viferon: a comparison

Derinat - an effective means which can be used in conjunction with drugs other groups. The same property has Viferon.

In the treatment or prevention of drug analogs may be replaced by:

  • Grippferon;
  • Dezoksinat;
  • viferon;
  • Imudon;
  • Immunal and others.

Recently Derinat and Viferon frequently prescribed for the treatment of frequent coldsIncluding children. In the form of ointments and gel Viferon has such a wide spectrum of action as in the case of Derinat solution. This is due to the fact that the basic substance of the last well penetrates the mucous and retains a high degree of bioavailability.

Note! The cost of drugs Derinat higher than Viferon.

Compare Viferon with Derinat can be according to the following table:

comparison options

A drug



The main active ingredient

sodium deoxyribonucleate

interferon recombined

Use during pregnancy

Yes, on doctor's orders

On the 14th week

Application of diabetes


Without Borders

The use for the treatment of children



The release form for external use




The country of manufacture





Combination with taking antibiotics, antibacterials



Compatible with fat-based medicines



Compatibility with hydrogen peroxide



The efficacy and good tolerability



Note! In very rare cases, the patient may experience an allergy to Viferon or Derinat. Then he stopped to use, report the reaction of the body the doctor to replace a medicine to another.

Despite some differences of drugs instead of taking Viferon Derinat quite acceptable. They are not complete counterparts, but have similar effects, helping to increase the body's resistance to disease.


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