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Akvadetrim or Fish Oil: Which is better, the comparison, the differences

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Many people wonder what is better - Akvadetrim or cod liver oil. Both products are quite popular, their doctors often prescribe to replenish vitamin D deficiency, as well as the strengthening of all organs and body systems. This article will look at what medicine should give preference to the pros and cons of drugs, as well as other interesting information.

What used Akvadetrim

Doctors prescribe the drug for both adults and children.

Usually it is used when there is a need to achieve the following results:

  • provide a bone building material;
  • support the work of the thyroid gland;
  • recommended to take if you want to improve the work of the kidneys;
  • provide good activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • to provide the body with vitamin D;
  • improve blood clotting;
  • prescribed to boost the immune system and protect yourself from colds and infectious diseases.
If you compare fish oil and Akvadetrim (analogue - Vigantol) - these two tools are not exactly similar principle of action in the body. To choose their own means is not recommended, it is best to consult a doctor. In fact, both drugs are as bracing means, but their principle of operation is different.
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Akvadetrim often prescribed if the child was found rickets. The aqueous solution of vitamin E in the present formulation does not contain fat, so it is well absorbed. Part of the funds administered infant, as they have in the body is not enough bile to digest fats. That is to say, fish oil baby prescribe is overdue because the nutrients can not be absorbed. Before taking Akvadetrim, it is imperative to consult a doctor, because there are contraindications to the use of pharmaceuticals:

  • calcium overabundance of vitamin D;
  • kidney disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • availability of individual intolerance of the product components.

A clear answer to the question of which drug to choose, it is impossible. Many believe that the use at the same time Akvadetrim and Fish Oil - ideal, but this is not the case, since it may be an overabundance of vitamin D in the body, and in general - hypervitaminosis, such a state is undesirable for children, for the same adults. The child may be allergic to components Akvadetrima or idiosyncrasy seafood, this time it is necessary to take into account before starting therapy.

Child Akvadetrim shall appoint a qualified person, as in some cases may appear pobochki:

  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • anxiety, sleep problems;
  • depression;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation;
  • formation of kidney stones.

In Akvadetrima emphasis on the presence of vitamin D plays an important role in the functioning of our body. It regulates the exchange of salts of phosphorus and calcium, promotes the growth and strengthening of bones and teeth. Drink Akvadetrim must clearly with specialist advice.

Admission Akvadetrima together with fish oil recommended by experts, it is necessary to choose one drug.

Why use fish oil

The fish oils contain not only vitamins, but also very essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega6. The substance is completely natural, it is obtained from fatty fish.

Fish oil must be used in the following cases:

  • for regulation of metabolism;
  • provide the body with vitamin D;
  • activate brain activity;
  • cod liver oil establishes metabolism;
  • It reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • activates the central nervous system activity.

Akvadetrim together with fish oil does not need to take. Despite the fact that the principle of action of these agents is different, they have almost the same effect on the body. To decide for themselves, what kind of medicine you need to find, will help only a qualified doctor, according to the situation: general condition of the person, the main and related diseases, the presence of allergic reactions. Fish oil is often prescribed for adults.


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