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Fish oils with high cholesterol: reducing or not

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Perhaps some of us have heard that fish oil reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, but is it? Whereby it is possible to achieve such a result? First things first.

Fish fat - this is a special, very useful component that is extracted from the tissue of fish. Purchase the product can now be in any pharmacological institution. As a rule, experts recommend the use of fish oil, if there is a need to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. When inadequate performance can suffer from weight disorders - ranging from atherosclerosis, hypertension and finishing. Doctors suggest to add fish oil to your daily eating habits, if there is a high risk of stroke, or a person has heart disease.

Fish oil is extracted from marine fish oil-rich - it is a prerequisite. For example, the very popular cod liver oil or salmon in obtaining this valuable component. Fat of the above fish contain incredibly beneficial omega-3. So called acid, which have a beneficial effect on brain activity, cell regeneration, simultaneously normalize cholesterol.

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It is important to drink cod liver oil orally at an elevated cholesterol for its normalization. When the person you want to be not only healthy, normalize cholesterol as well and have strong nails, shiny hair, a radiant healthy skin - this additive must also be present in the diet postoyannos.

Product form - in the form of capsules with gelatin shell, at least you can find a component in special bottles, fish oil is better to buy in capsules - it is more convenient. Active acids of fish oil have a beneficial effect on the human body directly through eicosanoids. So-called special compounds that the body synthesizes in response to inflammation or stress transferred to the intracellular level.

Why do experts recommend taking fish oil

Use of dietary supplements from trusted manufacturers (cholesterol) can be everything - from the tool there are no restrictions, and the list of contraindications is negligible. Despite the fact that the pharmacy offers a large number of alternatives to the present day from cholesterol fish oil is considered the most effective means.

It should be noted that the addition of fish oil will be very useful if a person is suffering from the following conditions:

  • heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • mental health problems;
  • eye diseases;
  • kidney problems that provoke swelling;
  • skin diseases;
  • high cholesterol
  • asthma, etc.

Nutritionists recommend taking fish oil, and people who follow the diet. Fish oil is a storehouse of vitamins and mineral elements. Promotes safe weight loss supplement due to the fact that the accelerated metabolism.

Before you start taking fish oil, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, because there are a number of contraindications.

The relationship between high cholesterol and blood pressure

Many, even when at a young age, suffer from hypertension associated with high cholesterol, and is often the reason for this becomes an incorrect lifestyle, lack of sleep, greasy and unhealthy food, stress. Power is directly related to the amount of cholesterol. It is noteworthy that high blood pressure often leads to serious illnesses. Many physicians recommend supplements because fish oil reduces cholesterol in the blood, as well as alerts the appearance of hypertensive crises, and other pathological conditions associated with the activity of the heart, vessels.

One of the most likely causes of increased pressure is the ratio of fatty acids. If the first option is predominant in the diet - it is believed that it is useful for system activity responsible for blood circulation. It is due to fisheries fat, you can quickly restore the balance of fats, normalize blood cholesterol levels and protect yourself from possible complications associated with high blood pressure.

Research conducted by scientists to confirm the fact that, thanks to the omega-3 can be achieved in a short time unrealistic results - Cholesterol quickly comes back to normal, even if a person is punctuated diet.

There is the so-called good cholesterol and harmful. Their number of CMV in the blood can be monitored, undergo special laboratory tests. If the level is high, the patient is usually prescribed a special diet, and pharmacological agents. Few know that elevated cholesterol drink cod liver oil really is not only possible, but necessary. Specific dosage supplements to the diet will be considered later.

Why do you need to take fish oil

Besides the fact that this substance in a short time helps normalize cholesterol levels, as an additive has the following properties:

  • prevents depression. It contains eicosapentaenoic acid, - a substance that has the ability to reduce the expression of depression. Some experts say that dietary supplements need to be taken if the patient has a mental illness and there are mild.
  • When ADD is also recommended to use fish oil. Omega-3 not only reduces the quantitative content of triglycerides, but also contributes to the normalization of metabolism, active product It must be present in the diet of children, to ensure the normal function of the brain, rapid and storing new information etc.
  • Protection from arthritis, arthrosis due to the normalization of cholesterol. Typically, pathology data haunt the elderly, and they cause considerable discomfort. Doctors recommend fish oil against high cholesterol as a preventive component in articular ailments apparatus. Also strengthens bones and prevents fractures.

When to drink cod liver oil is not recommended

Before you buy capsules, it is important to get professional advice.

Supplements are not recommended for use under the following disease states:

  • decreased activity of thyroid;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • ailments of the liver.

With alcohol at an elevated level of cholesterol fish oil should be used with caution. If you want to reduce cholesterol, just take a supplement irrelevant. It is worth remembering that it should follow a diet, need exercise and a healthy sleep. If you want to learn how effective is the technique, it is best to go to the clinic with the lab and go through all the prescribed laboratory tests.

Fish oil for pregnant and lactating women

Information about what fish oil can damage a woman in the position of the fetus or absent. But that fish oil for pregnant women is incredibly useful, said a lot, especially about the omega-3. If you are carrying a child, and you have recommended fish oil with high cholesterol, you need to pick up only quality products as substandard additives may contain harmful substances, mercury type - it for pregnant women is dangerous.

Best option - consult a doctor, he specifically describe how to use the components to reduce high blood cholesterol, in what quantities take the product.

How to take a supplement

Fat of marine fish is usually recommended for the following conditions:

  • recurrent migraine;
  • tachycardia;
  • the emergence of chills before his eyes;
  • irritability, alternating with drowsiness;
  • sweating;
  • frequent edema;
  • blurry vision.

All of the above state - is high cholesterol symptoms. You should review your diet, as well as appeal to the pharmacy to purchase fish oil.

As standard, the experts prescribe to their patients to consume 1-2 grams of product on a daily basis, this is one capsule a standard dosage. If you want to increase the dosage - in this case you should consult your physician.

Take the capsules can be at any time of the day. Keep in mind that a high probability of bloating - in order to avoid unpleasant symptoms, you need to take supplements during the meal.

Are there any adverse effects

If you have decided to take all the same every day to lower cholesterol Fish oil - we must remember that there may be adverse effects. This is due to the fact that not every body is resistant to the product can also be purchased in the pharmacy network low-quality products, but it is fraught with unpleasant consequences, namely:

  • rash on the epidermis, sometimes it may be scratched;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • belching;
  • bloating;
  • heartburn.

To the doctor should immediately contact if you notice soreness in the area of ​​the chest, trouble breathing and heartbeat, chills.

Is it possible to be used in conjunction with other pharma

Be sure to get a doctor for advice if you are taking medications of the following categories:

  • antihypertensives for reducing the pressure;
  • aspirin and other medicines that thin the blood;
  • birth control pills.

When making alcohol a person needs to understand that fish oil does not give much use. This is due to the fact that the substance increases the level of fat in the blood, which, by itself, contributes only poor health.

During therapy with the use of fish oil need to adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet for normal cholesterol - to eliminate fatty foods, the product is subjected to heat treatment by boiling or steamed, without oil. If you do not follow medical advice, it is quite possible that cholesterol did not drop.

How to choose high-quality products

When choosing a material you need to look for reliable manufacturers who can offer a truly high-quality products. As already mentioned above, the component is removed from the fish and their meat often contains harmful substances - mercury, lead, etc. In fatty fish accumulates in the tissues of a large amount of toxins, they tend to be deposited directly into the fat tissue.

To date, well developed technology, and they allow you to remove the fish oil harmful substances. But the strength and quality of the process is directly dependent on the company, which is engaged in the production of additives. Immediately should make a reservation if you decide to purchase fish oil with the aim to fight high cholesterol, high-quality products will have a relatively high cost.

When selecting, storing fish oil must also take into account the interaction of the substance with oxygen, light. Rancid fat is overdue to take - it can only exacerbate the activities of the gastrointestinal tract, nutrients in it almost none. If you notice that the product has an unpleasant smell, or feel discomfort after application of the capsule, it is best to abandon this therapy.

Fish oil is often prescribed for serious illnesses as an alternative to medication.

What products to choose

If you want to use fish oil in order to profilaktikivsevozmozhnyh ailments are going to normalize cholesterol, can not acquire the encapsulated form in this case.

If you eat fish varieties, of which we have written above, it will be possible to forget about the problems with bad cholesterol. Fish oil from high cholesterol used for quite some time, and over the years the product had show themselves to be effective and safe agent which can be applied even to pregnant women. Fish oil can be used in an amount of 1 capsule with cholesterol for the prevention of, this will help you sufficient to maintain the tone, feel better, and normalization of the level of bad fats in the body.

Regularly eat fatty fish varieties are incredibly useful, but we must remember that the parallel should adhere to diet in order to achieve ideal results. Fish oil is important to select properly to it was the minimum content of harmful components.


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