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Fish oil during pregnancy: it is possible or not, the danger of the use of

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Fish fat - animal product having in its composition retinol, calciferol and a complex of essential fatty acids (EFAs) of the class of omega 6 and 3. It is derived from krill and fish ray-finned family, the high northern latitudes.

The possibility of using fish oil during pregnancy and lactation was seen by gynecologists, obstetricians, pediatricians, cardiologists and psychiatrists. Considered its impact on the process of conception. We tested the relationship between the purpose of fish oil and the ability of women to fully gestate and give birth to a healthy baby. It turned out that in the absence of contraindications, use of the drug has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Important! The official instruction receiving fish oil during pregnancy and lactation is forbidden! Be sure to consult with your doctor!

In clinical practice, Fish oil is widely used. The product reduces stress, stimulates brain activity, normalizes blood level pressure, reduces the risk of cardiac disease, prevents blood clots, reduces inflammatory reactions. Knowing all these positive aspects, women planning a pregnancy, of course, asks the question: "Is it possible to Fish oil pregnant?"

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Fish oil is at the stage of planning of pregnancy

By following a few simple rules, and in consultation with your doctor, a woman can drink during pregnancy Fish oil. Admission Fish oil is necessary to start at the stage of planning of pregnancy. Prospective parents should take care of their health. It is necessary to visit a specialist, pass all prescribed examinations. The doctor will give dietary advice, prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements, if necessary. Often both spouses at the planning stage of pregnancy is recommended intake of fish oil.

Men Fish oil prescribed because it helps to increase testosterone, accelerates the process of sperm maturation, improves semen.

Women Fish oil makes it possible to fill a lack of EFAs in the body, which often lead to impaired fertility. Menstruation in these cases is often painful and plentiful. Fish oil stimulates the proliferation of the endometrium, facilitating conception.

Fish oil and pregnancy: benefit and harm

The doctor, appointing drinking during pregnancy Fish oil, must take into account the possible reactions to the drug, and women and the unborn child.

The expected benefits of the drug in women during pregnancy:

  • amplification of all protective reactions;
  • Warning signs of toxicity, may weaken an already existing manifestations of toxicity;
  • reducing the risk of prematurity;
  • Risk prevention of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes;
  • increase in the total psycho-emotional background in women, reducing the risk of postpartum mental disorders.

The expected benefits of the drug for the embryo:

  • stimulation of placental blood flow;
  • improving conditions Bookmark and differentiation of brain and bone connective tissue;
  • reducing the risk of osteomalacia - designed to strengthen bone tissue.

However, despite the clear benefits of the drug, there are a number of diseases and conditions in which the appointment of Fish oil is impractical and even dangerous:

  • allergies to seafood and fish;
  • all conditions associated with hypercalcemia, or accompanied by the deposition of calcium conglomerates;
  • all diseases accompanied by reduced blood clotting;
  • tuberculosis (active form);
  • chronic renal disease;
  • endocrinological pathology.

It must be remembered about the adverse effects caused by the reception of the product:

  • dangerous and hypervitaminosis (overabundance of vitamin) D, capable of leading to kidney disease, or injuries occur during childbirth;
  • retinol contained in fish oil is able to be deposited in the organism, so its reception uncontrolled, can lead hypervitaminosis, leading to fetal malformations.

Fish oil in pregnancy: what to choose and how to use

In order to choose the right Fish oil at the pharmacy and do not bring self-harm, eating it, you need to remember the following simple rules.

Fish oil should be drunk only after meals.

It is necessary to choose the encapsulated product that is cleaned more thoroughly. Highly purified products obtained by molecular differentiation. This requirement corresponds to the Fish oil capsules for pregnant women. Encapsulated Fish Oil is easily dosed, does not present the inconvenience of smell and taste. Gelatin shell prevents BAD from exposure to oxygen, which allows you to store the product longer.

Buy Fish oil is necessary without flavoring additives. Should buy products of famous manufacturers (American, Scandinavian, Russian firms).

It must be remembered that pregnant women taking fish oil with caution, carefully following doctor's instructions as to the timing of its application and dosage. Fish oil usually take short courses with a break in between.

Fish oil for pregnant women cleaned very carefully on special technology, but there is the chance of unwanted effects can not be excluded completely. If use of the drug there was a reaction in the form of a rash, redness, swelling, treatment should be discontinued immediately and notify the physician.

Appointment Fish oil depending on the timing of pregnancy

Early pregnancy is a special time in the life of the expectant mother and her child. This is the time when the foundations all the most important tissue, there is a formation of the placenta. For a woman at this time is the most painful early toxicosis. It is most commonly manifested fatigue, irritability, dyspeptic symptoms. One of the causes of early toxicity, many authors consider the lack of biologically important elements - nutrients, which is one of the reasons for the appointment of these drugs during early pregnancy.

The need to drink Fish oil during early pregnancy rarely occurs: it must be serious reasons:

  • threat of interruption of gestation;
  • burdened obstetrical history;
  • the threat of thrombosis of any location,
  • Early severe toxemia;
  • deficiency of retinol and calciferol;
  • rapid depletion;
  • frequent allergies.

The onset of the thirteenth - fourteenth week of pregnancy is associated with the advancement of women health. Usually by this time, hormonal changes ends. But in this situation there are a variety of failures.

When careful attention to their health, and timely treatment to the doctor, many problems can be solved in time begun treatment.

During this period of pregnancy Fish oil is recommended:

  • at the first sign of preeclampsia, the threat of interruption of gestation;
  • if there are signs of ischemia and fetal growth retardation (as determined by ultrasound examination data);
  • if there are signs of bone formation in the fetus;
  • burdened with obstetric history;
  • if there are signs of malformation of organs and organ systems of the future child.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the female body is under great physical and functional changes. Enlarged uterus compresses the neighboring organs, nerves, blood vessels. Venous outflow is hampered due to compression of abdominal vessels. Under the influence of progesterone and relaxin softens ligaments, preparing to leave the female body.

During this period, when the fetus is already formed, fish oil for pregnant women is a good tool to prepare for the birth of the female body. To this end, gynecologists often recommend it for use.

Fish oil increases the elasticity of the uterine wall, which is especially important in the prenatal and childbirth.

Fish oil is indicated for reducing the severity of fetal ischemia caused by a decrease in placental circulation.

Stimulating serotonin production, fish oil prevents the development of a woman's postpartum mental disorders.

Fish oil during breastfeeding

Children are born with is not fully formed by the nervous system. In the postnatal period, continue to form the neural brain communication, develop visual and auditory analyzers, develop and tune complex immune system. For all of these processes are needed EFAs, as well as retinol and calciferol.

The fact that at the stage of breastfeeding modern maternity take fish oil can, and in some cases necessary, according to almost all scientists. However, opinions about when to start using Fish Oil diverge.

Some scholars have focused on the fact that the birth - it is a stressful situation for both the mother and for the child and offer to delay initiation of Fish Oil. Others say that birth - a physiological process, and advises women to use Fish oil from the first days of life child, because it contains the ingredients as desired newborn during the final formation of the nervous tissue.

Before you begin accepting Fish oil after pregnancy, you should consult a pediatrician and child neurologist.

Lactation can eat Fish oil, but short courses. Otherwise, you may develop increased fat milk and lactostasis. Used exclusively encapsulated fish oil because it has less effect on the organoleptic properties of breast milk. Moreover, as already noted, the gelatin capsule to prevent oxidation and spoilage.

Before you start to take an active additive in the full dose, you must hold a one-day test to determine the reaction of the child and the mother, if she does not even take fish oil during pregnancy, at the product. If during the day there will be no allergic reactions in the child or the mother, and the child will continue to actively take the breast, you can move on to receive fish oil full dose.

In numerous publications on the subject of whether Fish oil is needed during pregnancy, it has been shown that children whose mothers took during pregnancy Fish oil, were born at term and have higher mental faculties, they are smaller than their peers suffering from allergic diseases, were less prone to drop infections.


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