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Panangin and alcohol: Compatibility through how much you can drink alcohol

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Whether permissible compatibility

Panangin - a drug that is often prescribed to cardiac patients. Normally, this assignment takes place in the complex therapy. This means actively involved in metabolic processes, as well absorbed.

In Pananginum effective drug medication discharged Hungarian pharmaceutical company, magnesium and potassium. It is used mainly drug for diseases of the body such as the heart, blood vessels with disease for prevention, but also as part of remedial measures.

Alcoholism in some cases, prescribe Panangin together with other measures aimed at the normalization of the systems. His main purpose in this case - the maintenance of heart function after drinking. But concomitant use with alcohol may neutralize all the beneficial effects of the drug and on the expected therapeutic effect.

Displaying this means in the case where the alcohol has removed from the body and is not present in blood, because when combined will be:

  • dramatically reduced blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • Panangin interaction with alcohol will give a strong diuretic effect.
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Same as the conventional Pananginum, it creates the effect when receiving Panangin Forte or drug Panangin adding B6.

Note! As an independent means of treating hangover and alcoholism Panangin (and its analogue Asparkam) is not applicable.

Panangin, like any other medication, has not only indications, but also contraindications.

Medicine is forbidden to accept, if there is:

  • severe kidney disease;
  • idiosyncrasy ingredients;
  • anuria et al.

In some cases, the method can lead to the development of side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • convulsions;
  • congestion, etc.

Alcohol causes dehydration and wash out many useful minerals. Among others - magnesium and potassium.

Alcohol received in significant amounts, influences:

  • fluid and electrolyte balance;
  • blood vessels;
  • arterial pressure.


The increased potassium content is accompanied by such symptoms as slowing or increased heart rate, arrhythmia. At high doses Pananginum administered as a solution, may occur ventricular fibrillation. This leads to a disruption in the process of circulation, up to the stop of the heart and respiratory system.

Such a condition can be observed in patients who were on treatment after hard drinking, and alcohol could be harmful. Such a state is quenched by introducing the potassium chloride into a vein. Reducing the level of potassium is produced gradually.


Malfunction magnesium concentration in the blood often follows the occurrence of a violation of potassium.

Magnesium deficiency leads to such displays:

  • convulsions;
  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • disruptions in heart rhythm and so on.

Panangin allows compensate for the lack of magnesium. In a hospital environment, it is administered intravenously. Pananginum after binge applied schemes have been receiving only one or two tablets has no effect.

Alcohol and simultaneously Panangin

Panangin sometimes may be prescribed along with other drugs in the treatment of alcoholism. Such approach allows to support the heart muscle, but in the absence of ethanol in the body.

The instructions to Pananginum application describes features of the tool and contraindications. This medication is not used in the dehydration and acid-base balance (acidosis).

Alcohol, especially in large amounts, when ingested, causes just such a state. Therefore Panangin intake can only worsen the patient's condition and cause serious side effects.

Symptoms of acidosis can appear very clearly:

  • shot down the rhythm of breathing;
  • arrhythmia;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • increased heart rate, etc.

Such features are typical for the state of acidification of the blood. If it is adopted Panangin at low dosage, it will not achieve any positive or negative effect. In high dosages of a combination of the effects of alcohol with Panangin lead to side effects.

At the same time taking the drug with alcohol can lead to such unpleasant consequences:

  • vascular spasms;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • lack of effectiveness of drug treatment;
  • increasing the likelihood of exacerbation of existing cardiovascular disease.

Admission Panangin after drinking

If the patient was drinking beverages containing alcohol, then followed by a reception Panangin will bring neither harm nor good. Panangin drink hangover may be just the first one to two hours after waking up. It is advisable to do so only on a doctor's appointment and in the absence of contraindications.

If a patient is prescribed therapy after a serious alcohol, especially with the introduction of Panangin in the form of injection, it should be done only under the control of blood parameters - level of magnesium and potassium.

Dosage - 1 or 2 tablets. Action of drugs in this case is directed to the maintenance of the heart muscle. Admission medications may be recommended in the following days after drinking alcohol.

Upon exiting the long hangover with severe binge Panangin may be useful as a means to replenish nutrients. But when severe dehydration potassium intake of the drug may lead to increased levels of this trace element.

Note! Keep in mind that taking alcohol and Panangin should not be together.

Drinking alcohol after Panangin

The one who is being treated for heart disease, it is desirable not to take alcohol during this period. If the situation is such that the alcohol will be drunk after Panangin should adhere to the rules on the separation of the medication at the time of alcohol-containing beverage.

Upon receiving Pananginum drink alcohol only in 14-20 hours men and women 20-24 hours, better - after day. This averages, and more accurate should take into account a person's weight, volume and strength of the drunk alcohol.

Even low alcohol may give a negative effect in conjunction not only with Pananginum, but also with other drugs.

This limitation is due to the arrival of the drug components in blood and tissues and accumulation therein. It does not matter in what form the drug was administered - either intravenously or orally.

Tip! If the treatment is carried Panangin course, it is desirable not to interrupt and postpone drinking alcohol beverages at a later time.

As a conclusion it should be noted that the effects of a combination of alcohol with Panangin are more likely to be negative, as confirmed by the actual reviews. If possible, it is better to avoid the dubious combination treatment of the drink, which will preserve the health and would not threaten unpleasant (and even dangerous) manifestations.


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