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Azithromycin during pregnancy: can or not at different stages

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When can I take Azithromycin

Azithromycin medicine when planning pregnancy can be taken only in the presence of a serious infection in the body. Expectant mother should eliminate all negative factors in your life that may pose a threat to child bearing. You can not abuse alcohol, you should quit smoking, to adjust your diet, sleep and rest. Any negative factor can lead to miscarriage in early pregnancy and cause miscarriage.

The use of antibiotics in the planning of pregnancy and in the early weeks, when a woman does not yet know about the conception of the child, must be due to a serious problem. It is not necessary to catch at Azithromycin with banal colds. Acceptance of the drug is required to agree with the doctor and perform the instructions.

Currently, a special system of security classification of medicines for mother and fetus. FDA Organization has divided all drugs into 5 groups. Azithromycin - a drug that does not show a strong negative impact on the fetus during pregnancy during the study. However, doctors can not guarantee the complete safety of the mother and child when taking any medication. It is important to consider when taking azithromycin during pregnancy.

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The large-scale study of the safety of the drug azithromycin involving volunteers - future mothers was part of a medical program Motherisk Program. The results showed that Pregnant ladies, taking Azithromycin and pregnant women who did not receive the antibiotic, have equal chances of the emergence of a healthy child.


Azithromycin exhibits an active effect against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It stops the growth of streptococci, anaerobes, chlamydia, mycoplasma, mycobacteria, Ureaplasma, Toxoplasma, spirochetes. Doctors prescribe the drug only on the basis of the results of smears and tests.

The list of diseases for which the assigned Azithromycin:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • Skin and soft tissue infections;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • urethritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases

If microorganisms sensitive to azithromycin, the drug very quickly help to recover.

The course of treatment and dosage of any medicine during pregnancy determines and appoints doctor. It takes into account the state of the sick woman, peculiarities of gestation. Azithromycin during pregnancy take once every day, not often.

Azithromycin in early pregnancy

During pregnancy in 1 trimester Azithromycin is prescribed with great caution. The drug is desirable to take at an early period of gestation, since the effect of the antibiotic can adversely affect the development of the embryo. It is in the I trimester laid structure of the internal organs. therefore Azithromycin take in a given period is not desirable - this may adversely affect the unborn baby's health and even cause of the pathology. It is better to find a more secure equivalent.

The antibiotic helps to successfully cure many infectious processes in the female body, but the doctor needs to monitor the well-being of the mother. Should not be prescribed higher doses of the drug during pregnancy. Besides, you can not apply for too long course of treatment with azithromycin. The duration of therapy with azithromycin during pregnancy should not exceed 3 days.

Azithromycin in the middle of gestation

Azithromycin during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, you can take more than confident. All the internal organs of the unborn baby is already formed, so the medication is no longer presents a great danger to the fetus, as in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Azithromycin Dosage components only in a small amount of cross the placental barrier. Babe in the womb is protected from all negative factors that come from outside. This allowed physicians to make a conclusion that azithromycin in the middle of 2 trimester of pregnancy and it is advisable not able to harm the fetus.

If there is any infection in the body, whose microorganisms sensitive to azithromycin assigned one drug tablet per day - 500 mg. Do not exceed the dosage form. The treatment drug of 500 mg Azithromycin is not more than 3-4 days. The tablet should be taken on an empty stomach, 2 hours before eating. Swallow the medicine as a whole, without chewing, and washed down with a glass of water.

If, after taking the drug emerged drowsiness, nausea, pain in the head or chest, treatment with azithromycin should be immediately abolished. Female body during gestation is not a means for experiments. Pregnancy - not the best time to suffer the effects of antibiotics.

Azithromycin in late pregnancy

Before birth body expectant mother is exposed to enormous changes and rearrangements. During this period, it is important to avoid getting any kind of infection in the mother's body. Otherwise, you can trigger preterm labor, complications during delivery. Contraindicated wash-out before delivery.

Taking azithromycin during pregnancy only in very extreme cases - in purulent tonsillitis, inflammation of lymph nodes, the development of urogenital infections. In other sluchayahz expectant mother should abandon such a serious radical treatment and to find an alternative antibiotic azithromycin.

During pregnancy in 3 trimester of azithromycin taken with great care, not more than 500 mg per day. Your doctor may recommend a gradual reduction in dose of Azithromycin during pregnancy.

Take or not take azithromycin during pregnancy depends on many factors. When prescribing the medicine the doctor must take into account all the risks for mother and child, as well as the benefits that will be able to bring the drug. If a woman is suffering from a serious infection, it is impossible to prevent infection of the child during birth. When it passes through the birth canal, they should be released from the infection. In such a situation it is advisable the appointment of the drug Azithromycin expectant mother.

However, no doctor can not guarantee the complete safety of the mother and child while taking drugs. Future mom should look decent and effective alternative to antibiotics in the period of gestation. You can find a good recipe for an effective alternative medicine, using herbal infusions and decoctions of treatment, physiotherapy safe.

Take azithromycin during pregnancy should be strictly prescribed by the doctor scheme. In any case can not exceed the dosage of any medicine during pregnancy. Only then the light will be a healthy baby, who will not suffer because of the pathologies due to receive the mother of an antibacterial drug. If pregnancy should cherish their own health and not risk going to experiment.

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