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Metronidazole in dentistry: how to apply, application instructions

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Metronidazole is a representative of the group of antimicrobial agents with a broad spectrum of action. Metronidazole is used in dentistry for many years. Tool helps to cope with diseases that were triggered by the development and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms such as protozoozy, oral bacteria and trichomonas-sensitive current component metronidazole.

The preparation is made in the form of oral suspensions, solutions for administration via a dropper, tablets, creams and gels for topical use. Antibiotic drug is not.

Indications for use in dentistry

Metronidazole has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Due to this property of the drug is actively used in various fields of medicine. Dentists also use it for the treatment of various dental diseases.

How to use Metronidazole in dentistry, and it helps with any disease? Exhaustive answer is a qualified dentist.

The drug is used for the topical and systemic treatment of:

  • local therapy. Metronidazole effectively cope with gingivitis (gum disease), periodontal disease and periodontitis. The drug promotes healing of erosions and ulcers of the mucous membranes in the mouth with stomatitis. In dentistry use metronidazole is recommended for the localization of infection wells arising after removal of the patient's tooth;
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  • general treatment. Dentists prescribe the drug is administered orally or intravenously and mixed under anaerobic bacterial infections in the oral cavity. Systemic exposure Metronidazole promotes efficient elimination symptoms of the following diseases:

• ulcerative gingivitis,

• bone and mandibular osteomyelitis,

• necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis,

• periodontitis,

• pericoronitis;




• alveolitis.

Metronidazole relieves inflammation, eliminate pain symptoms, destroys infections that trigger the development of pathological phenomena in the gums. In case of insufficient therapeutic effect of therapeutic measures supplement intake of antibiotic agents.

Metronidazole against dentalgii

The drug is an antimicrobial drug with a pronounced anti-alcoholic, antiprotozoal and trichomonocidal influence. Analgesic properties Metronidazole is not. Also he is not able to block neural tooth sensitivity. Therefore, the drug is not used toothache, since in this case it is not effective.

Dosing Metronidazole

Gum disease is the main symptom of dental diseases. Therefore, most gingivitis appoint taking metronidazole. There are certain tips on how to take Metronidazole dentistry.

Prohibited mouth rinse solution Metronidazole intended for intravenous infusion. In the case of misuse of medications may cause serious poisoning. Gingivitis infectious and inflammatory nature are treated with oral tablets with a dosage of 250 mg and 500 as well as gels and creams.

In hospital treatment using a dropper. After application of creams and gels can not be patient anything to eat and drink and rinse your mouth for 30 minutes.

Local therapy is carried out by two methods gingivitis metronidazole:

  • twice a day should be lubricated with gel inflamed area. The drug is applied to the tooth root region of a thin layer, while massaging the affected finger gum and partitioned by means mucosa. During the procedure, there is a plentiful salivation. Excess saliva should spit;
  • When gingivitis also do applique. Tablet with a dose of 500 mg to grind. The resulting powder was dissolved in chlorhexidine. This liquid should wet gauze pad and place it between the lip and cheek inflamed gingiva.

Adult patients metronidazole therapy supplement ingestion of the antibiotic drug. The dosage for children is 5 mg per kilogram of body weight for adults - 7.5 mg per kilogram. Take medication three times a day. For a child dentist expects individual daily amount of medication.

Metronidazole is used for dentistry only on doctor's advice. Sometimes it is replaced with analogical means, which include those contained metronidazole. Among the effective equivalent of dentists distinguish Trykhopol, Ornidazole gel Batsimeks, Metroseptol. Also combined use medicines containing metronidazole and chlorhexidine stomatitis gel or Dentagel Metroviol Dent.


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