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Folic acid in pregnancy: how much should you drink and how long

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In 20% of the population there is lack of folic acid. Some of them are not aware of the problem and does not know the consequences. Folic acid is a vitamin B group and B9 or properly called follatsin. Most in need, pregnant women. It is to understand how long you can drink folic acid during pregnancy and when to start receiving it.

Folic Acid Purpose

Why take a medicine if the body during metabolism produces little follatsina. But this amount is not enough. Therefore, expectant mothers should drink folic acid tablets and enrich your diet foods that contain it.

During conception planning and child-bearing in need follatsine increases. This is because folic acid is necessary for the formation of the placenta, and its scarcity can provoke the failure of pregnancy at different stages.

Follatsin, like other B vitamins, stimulates cell division and the formation of the embryo tissue. therefore drink folic acid during pregnancy can be in the first days. The substance necessary for blood formation process, the synthesis of red and white blood cells, required for the synthesis of nucleic acids - RNA and DNA responsible for the transfer of genetic signs.

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Lack of folic acid intake during the first months of pregnancy can cause severe abnormalities in utero development of the embryo. For example, malformation neural tube from which the brain cells formed thereafter.

When to start taking medication

Drink folic acid gynecologists recommend that all expectant mothers. The necessity of this important substance for a pregnant woman is not disputed even ardent opponents of pharmacy of vitamins.

Ideally, you should start drinking follatsin three months before the alleged conception and another three months after a woman discovers that she is pregnant. Accurately calculate the date of conception - is incredibly difficult, usually this process in a healthy couples takes two to six months. Therefore drink folic acid in the minimum dosage at the planning stage should be continuous.

From the second trimester pregnant should drink at 0.8 mg folic acid per day. Typically, in this period the expectant mother prescribe multivitamin complexes containing follatsin.

Therefore, an additional drink B9 should only be in the presence of medical conditions:

  • A history of the patient miscarriage or premature birth;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • Diagnosing malformation neural tube.

Dosage follatsina when planning and during pregnancy

During the planning phase of folic acid recommended dose is 0,4mg, and while carrying the baby increases twofold - to 0,8mg. Abuse follatsinom also not worth it. This can complicate diagnosis of pernicious anemia (where the shortage of B12 vitamin in the body is observed). Receiving more than 5 mg of folic acid per day reduces the neurological symptoms of the disease, but does not affect its occurrence and progression. Therefore, more than a doctor's prescription dose should not be.

The optimal dose of folic acid for pregnant recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) is 0,8mg. But at high risk of intrauterine fetal malformations, this number may increase to 3-4mg.

Such dosage appointed expectant mothers regardless of they are taking multivitamin complexes. In this case it is necessary to take away from the designated number (2-4mg) dose of folic acid, which is part of a multivitamin. A missing part is subdivided into several doses throughout the day.

How many times drink folic acid during pregnancy depends on the desired dosage. If enough 0.8 mg, the drug is taken once. If the dose is above should be divided into 2-3 doses. Folic acid is better absorbed if you drink it after meals.

How many pregnant women need folic acid tablets? Monoprarata One tablet contains 1 or 1,000 milligrams millikillogramm substance. Therefore it is enough 1 tablet a day to get the minimum necessary dose follatsina.

Is it possible to overdose

Folic acid - is readily soluble in water. Therefore, to drink it more than the prescribed dose is not necessary. It just does not digest. Output excess vitamin kidneys. For a complete ekskretirovaniya 5 mg follatsina need 5-6 hours.

Who can welcome follatsina

Drink vitamin B9 is recommended for all women expecting a baby, regardless of their diet. How long to take folic acid? Usually administered in monotherapy during pregnancy. But it is especially important to drink follatsin in the first trimester.


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