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Zinc and folic acid for men: how to make both

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The success of the conception of the child depends not only on women but also on men. Reproductive disorders to be treated in different ways. Often prescribed to take zinc and folic acid for men during pregnancy planning.

What is needed administration of drugs

Zinc and folic acid for men are needed for the normalization of sexual and reproductive functions of the body. Due to zinc stabilized production of testosterone - a hormone that is responsible for men's health. Also, the element prevents the increased production of estrogens decreases the activity of the enzyme aromatase.

Folic acid is required for a man to increase sperm production. Also this substance improves the penetration capability of spermatozoa and their speed. This greatly increases the chance of fertilization.

dosage reception

Accept zinc and folic acid tablets men must be in a precise amount. Some people believe that the more of these components in the body, the better. But it is a gross error. Oversupply preparations nullifies treatment and can cause a negative reaction.

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The male body every day should be no more than 20 mg of zinc element. Output element in people who are in their reproductive years, more through ejaculation than through the digestive organs.

folic acid daily dose is no more than 300 micrograms. Breeding material from the organism involved in the kidney. Unlike vitamin zinc group B is not able to accumulate in the tissues, however its reception should be constant.

Can I take drugs together

Zinc and folic acid taken separately. The compatibility of these tools will not lead to a positive result, because they are not compatible with each other. If we take two substances immediately, the body produces a compound which can not assimilate.

Drugs with zinc and folic acid

The pharmacy can find many products containing the substances.

The most popular are the following grades of complexes of vitamins and drugs:

  • «Seltsink». In addition to the zinc element contained therein selenium, vitamins B, C and beta-carotene;
  • «Tsinkteral». It as an active substance has only zinc. Together with it is used an auxiliary component - Zinc sulfate;
  • «Spermaktiv». This medicament contains only half a daily dose of zinc. Apart from him there is still a part of selenium;
  • «folacin». This preparation contains a large dose of folic acid, so it is often used in severe deficiency of this element in the body;
  • «Folic acid». It is produced in the form of tablets with different doses of active ingredient.

The use of these funds on their own without the permission of a doctor is not recommended. The dose is calculated for each patient individually. The overabundance of materials is extremely undesirable, since can lead to adverse consequences.

In overdose of folic acid or zinc having symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, palpitations palpitations, taste or bitterness of the metal mouth, fever, muscle pain or a head set and other unpleasant signs.

If you experience side effects, stop taking the capsules or tablets. If poisoning is severe, it is necessary to wash out the stomach and call a physician.

Thus, folic acid and zinc can not simultaneously. But individually they appoint men often enough to normalize the reproductive function and favorable conceiving a baby.


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