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Omez or Creon: which is better and can we take together, compatibility

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In the treatment of functional gastrointestinal pathologies are various preparations for the complex and monotherapy, including representatives of proton pump inhibitors, enzymes, analgesics. Patients are wondering what is better: Omez or Creon, get a prescription for these drugs from the doctor.


Active agent product - omeprazole, 0.01 g per capsule. Omez action is inhibition of the enzyme proton conveying hydrogen for the synthesis and isolation of hydrochloric acid. In this way reduces gastric acidity, and eliminates the symptoms of acid gastric and intestinal diseases.

Omez indicated for use in the following diseases:

  • reflux esophagitis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • erosion of the stomach after ingestion of NSAIDs;
  • infection Helicobacter pylori;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

The combination therapy is used with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis.

Is contraindicated in patients intolerant of omeprazole and benzimidazole derivatives in the patient, as well as parallel to the treatment of nelfinavir.

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Creon in one capsule contains 150, 300 or 400 mg of pancreatin. Capsules possess enzymatic activity include amylase, lipase, protease necessary for normalization digestion with enzyme deficiency.

The capsule shell dissolves in the small intestine releasing the enzymes providing the digestion of nutrients.

Creon is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • muskovistsidoz;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • pancreatectomy or gastrectomy;
  • congenital disorders of the pancreas due to its abnormal structure.

Creon used during operations on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as after the attacks of acute pancreatitis and restore oral ingestion. Is contraindicated in hypersensitive to components of the drug.

Dosing preparations

Recommended dosage omez is one or two capsules once a day. The course of treatment lasts for up to four weeks, depending on the severity of symptoms. Omez capsule taken in the morning before a meal without chewing.

Dosage Creon is calculated from the patient's needs, and depending on the clinical pathology. The capsules are swallowed, without chewing, drinking plenty of water. Creon is recommended to drink during the meal or after the meal is finished.

joint application

Creon simultaneously omez administered when aggravation of gastrointestinal pathologies caused by high acidity and is accompanied by a reduced enzymatic activity and incomplete digestion of food.

Take Omez and Creon should be together on such a scheme:

  • One or two capsules omez morning before breakfast, or one capsule in the morning and evening;
  • One capsule of Creon during each meal.

This combination stabilizes the well digestion process and eliminates pain pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcer and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

differences drugs

And Creon, and Omez belong to the group of means for the digestive tract, but Omez - a proton pump inhibitor, and Creon - polyfermental drug to improve digestion. If we compare with Creon omez, we can conclude that it is complementary but not substitutable products:

  • Creon regulates the amount of enzymes in the gut, facilitates digestive processes;
  • Omez reduces the acidity, inflammatory processes and has virtually no effect on the digestive process.

The difference between the drugs and is in a different pharmacological action. Joint reception complex eliminates the cause of the disease and stabilize the digestive tract. According to the testimony of their analogs may be assigned: polyenzyme Mezim preparations, Pancreatin, antispasmodic Trimedat to normalize bowel movements, and others.


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