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Folic acid: in which products contain list

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A list of useful products

Consider products containing folic acid. Essential vitamins contained in herbs, vegetables, meat and fish and offal. Daily intake of vitamin B9 for adult organism - 400 micrograms and in pregnancy above. Menu need to be so that it is composed of different products, and contain the required amount of folic acid. Below is a list of folic acid content in mg per 100 g product.


Fresh green leaves are added to salads or used to improve the taste of food. But few people think that they are a source of folic acid.

To provide the body with vitamin B9 it is recommended to eat:

  • parsley - 117;
  • spinach - 80;
  • lettuce - 40;
  • green onions - 11.

It can be seen that parsley contains the most folic acid, but for the daily needs need to eat more than 300 grams of green. Few people agree on that. Therefore, you should use fresh herbs for seasoning, and for vitamin B9 eat other foods.


Vegetable crops are considered a source of vitamins, folic acid, but they are low:

  • legumes - 160;
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  • broccoli - 125;
  • cabbage - 10-30 (vitamin content depends on the type of vegetable and growing conditions);
  • pumpkin - 14;
  • beet - 13;
  • tomatoes - 11;
  • potatoes - 9.

Vegetables - foods that contain folic acid in a small amount and they can not be to make up the daily supply of vitamin. But neglected vegetable crops is not worth it. In addition to9 vegetables contain different vitamins and minerals, and fiber needed to complete the work of the intestine.


Familiarize as folic acid comprises a useful product such as cereals:

  • buckwheat - 50;
  • wheat - 37;
  • rye - 35;
  • barley grits - 32:
  • oats (groats) - 29;
  • Corn - 24;
  • barley - 24.

Contents9 also relatively large and the grains can not serve as the primary source of folic acid.


contain9 in small amounts:

  • Citrus - 5-7;
  • Grapes - 4.

If you continue the list, then in the rest of the fruit folic acid number will be even smaller. But we should not give up the fruits and berries: fructose and some other vitamins are also essential for health.

meat offal

If you need foods rich in folic acid, it is necessary to pay attention to the meat food:

  • potroshok poultry (chicken, turkey, duck) - 330 - 700;
  • beef liver - 240;
  • Pork Liver - 225;
  • kidney - 45.

If we look for the source to compensate for vitamin deficiency, you should pay attention to the bird offal (liver, stomach, heart). The product of folic acid most, but this only applies to poultry, organically grown feed.

Other food products

You should also include your menu the following products:

  • cod liver - 110;
  • porcini mushrooms - 40;
  • eggs - 7.5.

Nutritionists recommend once a week necessarily eat cod or her liver. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the condition of blood and help to reduce cholesterol.

How much folic acid is found in foods, the table indicates only fresh, not subjected to heat treatment, food. Below you will learn how to prepare meals that the food remained useful.

"Commonwealth" in9 and B12

When used with a lot of food Folic acid can occur in hypovitaminosis12And this has a negative impact on hematopoiesis. To avoid health problems, should be included in the diet of foods containing both vitamin:

Foods containing B12 and folic acid:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese);
  • wheat.

Most of these products are present in the daily menu, and the daily requirement in12 much less than in folic acid.

What affects the useful properties of food

As mentioned above, in the table indicates the amount of folic acid in fresh raw foods. Making Sense, which reduces the useful qualities.


Before calculating the daily dose, it is necessary to clarify the origin of the product. Considered the most useful herbs and vegetables grown in the garden and homemade meat.

Reduce the useful qualities of the vegetable:

  • growing in a greenhouse;
  • use of growth stimulants or chemical fertilizers;
  • the use of genetically modified crops.

The quality of the meat is affected by:

  • pelleted feed;
  • use of hormonal supplements;
  • keeping animals and birds in confined spaces (cells stall).

When calculating the daily dose should be considered that the content of folic acid in the products there will be less of the table.


Loss of folic acid products occurs during prolonged storage:

  • vegetables and greens lying on a refrigerator shelf, less useful than plucked from the garden;
  • Frozen meat products, meat or fish after defrosting lose some vitamin B9.

Losses can not be avoided, even if the storage takes place in the well-equipped cellar (carrots, cabbage).


Destroys the nutrients thermal treatment:

  • baking at high temperatures;
  • frying over high heat;
  • prolonged cooking.

If it is impossible to eliminate the first 2 factors: the products have to buy in stores, where it is stored in refrigerators or freezers, do something so that maximum safety of folic acid in food after cooking perhaps. Only need to cook properly.

helpful hints

To prepare dishes rich in folic acid, should follow simple rules:

  • Do not fry to a crisp. Many people like crispy potato crust or ruddy chunks of meat, but this food is not very useful;
  • Long to cook. Cook soft-boiled eggs are better, and cereals for porridge pour boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos or wrapped up warm cloth container;
  • Simmer on low heat. Fried fish or meat subprobukty lose some useful properties, but the quenching helps to reduce possible losses;
  • Give preference to raw food. Greens, cabbage or tomatoes are much healthier in a salad. But fill salads should not be store-bought mayonnaise, and unrefined oil or sour cream. Mayonnaise contains preservatives, which impede the absorption of nutrients.

Well, it should be remembered that products containing folic acid, it is better to buy in the subsistence economy. Of course, fresh meat from that contained in the wild animals and birds is difficult to purchase a person living in an urban environment. But fresh herbs, sour cream, milk or vegetables can be bought on the collective farm market, which is, in any city.

How to make your own menu

In the proposed list above indicated, folic acid kakihproduktah more. It seems enough to know how much and in what products contained in9In order to prevent a possible vitamin deficiency, but not all like products are equally useful.

In drawing up the menu should be guided by the following rules:

  • Take a "reserve". The daily dose of 400 micrograms, means must count on 500-550 micrograms.
  • Take into account the method of preparation. If you plan a salad of raw foods, the losses are minimal, but even sparing with putting folic acid content in the product to fall by one-third;
  • Do not be afraid of an overdose. Overdose on vitamin intake from food is impossible. In the intestine happen absorption necessary quantity of folic acid and the remainder is removed from the body with stool;
  • eat diversely. No need to get hung up only on folic acid the body needs, and other vitamins.

But we must not only choose foods rich in folic acid - a diet must be balanced. In addition to the shortfall in the9Should take care of the body is of other vitamins.


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