
How to quickly cause appendicitis at home?

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1 Blind but dangerous

The formation itself is a short and thin blind worm-like process, the length of which is from 7 to 10 cm. Appendices are located at the end of the cecum in the initial part of the large intestine. The appendix also produces intestinal juice, like the whole department of the large intestine, but it is so small that it does not play a special role in the digestive system. Therefore, for a long time there was an opinion that the appendix was a completely useless formation, which at the first opportunity was removed. The recent discovery of scientists suggests that the appendix is ​​not so useless, it found lymphoid tissue, like those that are in the palatine tonsils. Since these cells are able to protect against infections, there is a suggestion that the appendix is ​​also part of the human immune system.

Picture 1

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At the same time, scientists have proved that there are not so many immune cells in it, and it is of special importance for human immunitythe process does not have. Therefore, many scientists again agreed that there is no special benefit from the appendix, and the damage in its inflammation is significant. If you do not recognize the seizure in time, then it is dangerous not only for human health, but also for his life.

2 The main causes of inflammation

If a person decided to cause appendicitis, then it's probably not worth doing, as the entire immune system will be undermined, and against this background other diseases will develop. With insufficient intake of fiber in the body can begin an attack of appendicitis, as well as with a large number of animals consumed proteins and fats, that is, meat and fish. If a person consumes more plant food, then an attack of appendicitis, perhaps, will never happen.

Picture 2

Appendicitis causes artificial ingestion of food in the blind process of the intestine. For this, you need to eat food that gets stuck everywhere, for example, sunflower seeds. In this case, it is necessary to eat fried seeds along with the shell for a long time.

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In a purified form, the seeds are very useful for the body, they contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. They are easily digested and do not lead to inflammation of the appendix. Remember that if you swallow the shell, which is initially dirty, you can cause infectious bowel diseases.

Appendicitis can begin because of pomegranate or grape seed. On the other hand, pomegranate seeds are rich in fiber, they cleanse the body of bad cholesterol and other harmful substances. They are able to normalize the hormonal background and increase hemoglobin in the blood. But in a large number of unadjusted pomegranate stones cause inflammation of the cecum as well as grape, watermelon, and apple.

3 Risk factors

But the exact causes of appendicitis development are still not established. There are risk groups, which are partially listed above. To other provoking factors of occurrence of an attack it is possible to carry a number of diseases:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • is an inflammatory process in the lungs;
  • long, not passing colds;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • caries.

Picture 3

As a result of these diseases, the infection penetrates into the bloodstream and then enters the process of the cecum, causing an inflammatory process. Therefore it is very important to visit doctors and dentists on time.

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Scientists suggest that stress plays an important role in the development of appendicitis. There is it so - as a result of strong excitement the human vessels strongly narrow. Blood does not come in sufficient quantities to the shoot, and inflammation develops. But more often than other reasons, appendicitis causes bowel obstruction, which causes constipation and colitis, and later the attack develops.

Other sources of appendicitis include:

  1. Fast Food. In such food, many dangerous food additives and fat. Fried food can overload the stomach, from which the process of the cecum does not cope with such a load. Over time, the appendix produces a swelling, it begins to attack pathogens, as a result of inflammation, an attack occurs.
  2. Nuts. Despite their usefulness, a large amount of this product as a result leads to negative consequences, especially salted nuts.
  3. Chips. Most often this product is loved by children, therefore it is from chips that attacks of appendicitis occur in children under 15 years old. Therefore, the task of parents is to monitor the nutrition of their child.
  4. Sweets. Currently, confectionery products are stuffed with various additives, dyes, chemical elements and preservatives, which significantly harm not only the figure, but the body as a whole. Therefore, lovers of sweets suffer from tooth decay, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. And all these disorders lead to an inflammation of the appendix.


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Picture 4

4 Symptomatic manifestations of

In order to deal with the situation in time, it is necessary to know the signs of acute appendicitis:

  1. The first thing that indicates an attack is a cutting pain in the abdomen. First, it is localized in the umbilical region, then moves to the left side. The pain can be either permanent or temporary.
  2. Nausea and vomiting occur. In the vomiting content will be seen not only the remains of undigested food, but also bile impurities with yellowish mucus. The patient has no appetite.
  3. Other signs of indigestion.
  4. Raise body temperature to 37.5-38 ºC, if the temperature reaches high marks, then this indicates an inflammatory process. Perhaps, the development of peritonitis, appendicular infiltration or septic thrombophlebitis began.

It is very important to seek medical help within 24 hours after the onset of an attack. Otherwise, the disease will go to the gangrenous stage. At this time, the person does not feel a strong pain, this is due to the dying of the nerve endings of the process of the cecum. But the general intoxication proceeds, along with this there is an acute tachycardia.


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Treatment is surgical. Otherwise, the process will break, and this is a direct threat to the life of the patient. Therefore, knowing the causes of appendicitis, and the unpleasant consequences of such a condition, observe the elementary rules that will allow you to live in peace and not be afraid for your health.

  • 1 Blind but dangerous
  • 2 Main causes of inflammation
  • 3 Risk factors
  • 4 Symptomatic manifestations

There are a number of people who are worried about the seemingly absurd question: how to cause appendicitis. But many doctors are sure that this process of the large intestine is a completely useless formation, besides, if it is removed, it is possible to avoid such a disease as peritonitis in the future. But, on the other hand, self-induced inflammation of the appendix may threaten complications, if you do not recognize the attack of appendicitis in time, you can even lose your life. This happened more than once, if a person at this time was away from the medical station.

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