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Diprospan with alopecia areata: help or not

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Diprospan - it glucocorticosteroids. It is used in various inflammatory diseases, allergic autoimmune nature. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Diprospan with alopecia areata is part of a comprehensive treatment. The drug is used for a local effect on the lesion.

The concept of alopecia areata

alopecia areata - a disease has an autoimmune nature. Pathology has a genetic predisposition. Patients inherited damage in the genome. At the beginning of the disease can not be shown. Debut areata often occurs after severe stress, effects on the herpes virus or strep, immunization, allergic response, after trauma, surgery under general anesthesia, strong intoxication. Alopecia can cause hypoxic conditions of the brain, lack of blood flow to the brain tissue, disruption of the endocrine glands.

Inside the hair antigens are formed. The cells of the hair follicles are damaged and their own lymphocytic cells of the immune system - killers. Autoimmunity becomes chronic. With the progression of the disease at an early stage of the period of growth and hair loss are alternated, but there is a clear tendency to a complete loss of hair.

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On examination, the patient with alopecia areata on the scalp can be seen center lost hair. Over time, the high temple increases in size. Ultimately, the patient without treatment indicated a total loss of hair.

Treatment of alopecia diprospanom

Severe form of alopecia are treated with glucocorticosteroid (GCS), taken orally. This allows you to restore hair growth and stop the autoimmune process. To do this often use Prednisolone. Also, patients with severe alopecia appoint Diprospan.

When alopecia prick Diprospan make the muscle. Wherein you must choose only big musclesBest gluteal since corticosteroids can cause muscle atrophy. For patients with severe and rapidly progressive alopecia administration is carried out every 1-2 weeks. in the course of the number of injections is 3-5.

In addition to systemic use local glucocorticoid hormones GCS therapy. For local injecting is also suitable Diprospan. Treat alopecia diprospanom possible by injecting hearth baldness.

Do not apply topical administration Diprospan as a monotherapy in patients with rapidly evolving alopecia. In severe autoimmune alopecia therapy should be integrated (with the use of systemic corticosteroids). Diprospan monotherapy can be given if the alopecia occurs stably.

Diprospan from alopecia be administered using a tuberculin syringe with a 26 gauge. Place baldness cut away. Injections can be performed 1 time in 2 weeks. The course lasts 2-3 months. Diprospana Dosage is 0.1 ml per 2 cm2. The therapeutic effect was observed after 4 weeks.

In addition Diprospan doctors prescribe glucocorticoid ointments, external agents and zinc. The patient is a vitamin. During therapy, alopecia can be removed and re-constrain baldness. For 1 year is permissible to treat one or two times.


Diprospan has different patient testimonials. Some people say that addiction occurs after treatment. For some patients the effect of monotherapy no. Doctors recommend to treat severe manifestations of alopecia is not easy chipping hearth corticosteroids, and use both systemic and topical formulations. The correct approach to the therapy is required to give the result.


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