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Persen, Novopassit or Afobazol what better comparison of products

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To eliminate the anxiety and problems with falling asleep in Russian pharmacies is a wide choice of sedative, anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs. As a doctor, and the patient has to choose what is best: Persen, Novo-Pass or Afobazol depending on the detected disorder and its manifestations.


A tablet contains 35 mg of drug valerian root extract, 17.5 mg of Melissa leaf extract, and the same amount of extract of the leaves of peppermint. It refers to a group of hypnotics and sedatives.

Persen assigned to eliminate a weak nervous tension, irritability, anxiety as a result of stress. Appointed with nervousness, when there is no possibility of receiving potent sedatives.

Persen forbidden to drink under the following conditions and pathologies:

  • intolerance to the components of the formulation;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • depression and other conditions of CNS depression.

Precautions assigned with gastroesophageal reflux and / or cholelithiasis.


The drug is available in tablet form and oral solution. In 1 ml containing guaifenesin and extracts:

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  • herb St. John's wort;
  • valerian root;
  • leaves and flowers of hawthorn;
  • hop cones;
  • herb lemon balm;
  • elder flower.

Novo passes not only possesses sedative, and muscle relaxant action but.

Shows an application Novo Passito in mild neurasthenia, insomnia, as well as supporting migraine therapy, psychosomatic disorders, fatigue, functional bowel disease, dermatoses.

Novo passes contraindicated in myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, depression, bradycardia, as well as for parallel reception of cyclosporin or tacrolimus.


One tablet Afobazol preparation contains 10 mg fabomotizole. The active substance is a benzimidazole derivative exhibits selective anxiolytic effects.

Receiving Afobazol shown with anxiety and adjustment disorders in patients with somatic, dermatological and oncological diseases. In the combined therapy is indicated for the treatment of pathologies of sleep and sleep, neuro dystonia and pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

Differences between treatments

The difference between the New Passito, and afobazole Persenom lies in their composition, Which implies differences in action on the body. Novo-Pass and Persians - this herbal preparations Afobazol in its composition has a synthetic active ingredient with a pronounced anxiolytic effect.

If we compare Afobazol, Novo-Pass and Percy on potency, the most powerful is Afobazol and weak - Persia. Different composition of the drug is similar actions, but with different force. Herbal preparations are allowed for children from the age of twelve, Afobazol - 18 years.

Afobazol, Persia and Novo-Pass can be administered at sleep disorders, nervousness and anxiety states varying severity - depending on the severity of the clinical picture and select the appropriate power a drug.

Among the herbal remedies for reviews Novo-Passy better Percy through greater range of activities, as well as several dosage forms, which allows the patient to choose the most suitable.


Similar action on drugs:

  • Anti Labofarm;
  • Belisa;
  • Bioson;
  • Adonis-bromo;
  • Alluna;
  • Sleep;
  • Tenoten.

Some of the drugs will help you troubleshoot the problem should be solved as a result of physician examination and diagnosis.


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