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Lasolvan child in 3 years: dose, inhalation, instruction

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Often, the doctor prescribes a 3-year Lasolvan child to achieve an expectorant effect, so that the sputum departs, and the baby gets rid of the annoying cough. Lasolvan not contraindicated in children under 3 years old, in contrast to other, similar products.

effect of the drug

The main component in this vehicle - it is Ambroxol. Mucosolvan affects the organism through the first 30 minutes of administration, and effect remains effective up to 9 hours. It is important that the components of the drug does not accumulate over time in the body of the child, the concentration is observed only in the bronchi.

Lasolvan effect on the child's body as follows:

  • dry cough, changes in the wet, because of the stimulation of sputum, so that pathological processes becomes easier to treat;
  • mucous structure begins to liquefy, which contributes to the removal of it from the body of the child;
  • improves the function of the outer layers of the bronchi;
  • Mucosolvan further prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in the lung tissue;
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  • drug increases the effectiveness of other antibacterial drugs in the lung tissues of the child.

When to take the medication

The accompanying instructions contain important information about dosage - in what quantities, and how long to give Lasolvan child 3 years. The drug is prescribed infants with various pathologies, which have led to the appearance of inflammatory or infectious processes.


The syrup is often used to treat infants. It has a pleasant, sweet taste, making the child happy with his drink.

There are several forms of the means of production:

  • 5-aphid ml / 30 mg of ambroxol (for children under six years of age);
  • 5 mL / 15 mg of ambroxol (reception recommended newborn before one year of age).

The accompanying instructions contain important information about the safe dosage, taking into account the child's age and other features. Adults are encouraged to review the information.

Infants can be diluted fruit syrup Lasolvan small amount of milk or boiled water. Means better impact on the child's body, if in the course of treatment drink plenty of water


Solution for inhalation promptly deliver the baby dry cough. For inhalation dosage Lasolvan child only physician appointed to 3 years, taking into account the nature of the disease occurred.

Recommended dosage:

  • A dose of 1 ml / up to 2 years;
  • Dosage 2 ml / up to 5 years;
  • A dose of 4 ml / age of 5 years.

It is also recommended to use the parallel drop Lasolvan children of 3 years, which contribute to the elimination of mucosal edema. Means, as the syrup is contained in special containers, which have a dark glass. The concentration of the active substance - 15 mg / ml to 2.

Lasolvan inhalation child of 3 years is added to a special inhaler before use. The procedure is performed no more than 7 minutes.


Lasolvan tablets prescribed for patients over the age of twelve. The tablet of 30 mg of ambroxol. For the treatment of infants, of course, it is better to use a syrup.

Lasolvan tablets for a child of 3 years is contraindicated, Since the limit in a single dose exceeds the permissible level. Only in case of emergency can be divided in half tablet, half of the crushed, diluted with water to give your baby.


In this case, Mucosolvan administered to the baby by injection.

Recommended dosage:

  • baby up to 1 year - 1 ml once a day;
  • kids up to 2 years - 1 ml several times a day;
  • up to 5 years of age - three times a day on 1 ml per day;
  • up to 12 years - 2 ml three times a day.

Solutions for injections is recommended to combine with the inhalation, in order to achieve more effective treatment outcome.


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