The Best Analogy Piratcetama
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TOP 4 piracetam analogues: a review of medications, the best substitutes

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The drug Piracetam

piracetam - a drug which stimulates cerebral activity, has the ability to to help the body adapt to adverse external influences, activates the internal processes.

Piracetam medicament represented pharmacological industry in several forms or shapes - is tablets, capsules and injections.

Piracetam has found its application in neuroscience at the following pathological conditions as asthenic-neurotic syndrome, vascular dystonia, brain trauma, dyscirculatory and dysmetabolic encephalopathy, acute disorders cerebral circulation. Just Piracetam should be administered for prophylaxis - in severe physical and mental stress.

But this nootropic agent - is not a panacea. There substitutes piracetam, which are presented in different ways - from the tablets before injection.

1. nootropil

Piracetam in injections can replace drug Nootropil ampoules. The drug is an analog of piracetam, but more efficient in many neurological pathologies.

The composition of piracetam analog - Nootropil includes an organic compound aminobutyric nonproteinogenic acid, sodium salt acetic acid, sodium chloride, food ethanoic acid, sterile liquid.

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This analog of piracetam is available in several forms:

  • liquid injectable Nootropil - 0.2 g per 1 ml of the preparation. 1 vial contains 5 ml of solution - 1000 mg piracetam organic compound;
  • drip solution - 0.2 g per 1 ml. 1 bottle contains 15 ml of the basic substance piracetam, which corresponds to 12 g of a medicament.

Indication for analogue piracetam - Nootropil are:

  • heavy, unconscious of various origins, as well as rehabilitation after coma;
  • unsteadiness of gait, disturbance of memorization process, the initial stages of dementia, if it is impossible to concentrate, mood swings;
  • death of brain cells in Alzheimer's disease;
  • alcohol addiction during abstinence syndrome;
  • complex treatment of children with poor concentration;
  • circulatory and dysmetabolic encephalopathy;
  • piracetam analog application in the treatment of hereditary hemoglobinopathies;
  • sudden, sharp and very fast spasmodic muscle contractions.

Drug action is due to the basic substance - piracetam, which has impact on the ability to learn, remember, focus - improves brain activity. It promotes platelet adhesion suppressing process, which in turn leads to a decrease thrombogenesis. As a result, blood circulation is improved.

Assigning a medicament Nootropil instead drug Piracetam can confidently expected from analog positive, fast, high-quality and effective result.

2. Drug Memotropil

Analogue drug Piracetam - it Memotropil tablets. By using analogs of piracetam tablets, you can save money or improve the quality of treatment. In this case, the medicament Memotropil deshovoe not a drug, but is much more effective piracetam in many pathologies of organism. Analogue piracetam should be used not only in neurological practice, but also in psychiatry.

Memotropil Tablets consist of organic compounds nonproteinogenic aminobutyric acid or piracetam, natural polymer, mealy potato carbohydrate glycol acid sodium salt, stearic acid magnesium, hypromellose, PEG 600, food additive sunset, fatty silicate powder monopropilnglikolya, titanium whitewash.

Memotropil Pirotsetama or equivalent should be used for the following pathological conditions:

  • age-related dementia;
  • Alzheimer's disease history;
  • in a rehabilitation period of ischemic stroke with speech impairments, change of mood, reduction of motor and psycho-emotional functioning;
  • in the treatment of alcohol dependence between metalkogolnogo psychosis;
  • unsteadiness of gait at dyscirculatory and dysmetabolic encephalopathy;
  • in lesions of the cerebellum;
  • chemical poisoning of the central nervous system;
  • brain concussion;
  • cortical myoclonus;
  • inability to concentrate and memorize information in children with organic lesions of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Memotropil drug is an analogue of piracetam, and it means that it exhibits a similar effect on the body. The drug helps the body to absorb oxygen and thus reduces the need for internal organs and systems in oxygen. It has a pronounced beneficial effect on nerve cells and has a calming effect on muscle spasms. It has antioxidant protection. Analogue piracetam has the ability to stimulate metabolism and microcirculation in the nerve tissue.

The drug does not cause drowsiness and has no stimulating effect on the psycho-emotional state. The drug Memotropil - a modern analogue of piracetam, tends initially to stop blood clots. It reduces the amount of fibrin and plasma glycoprotein in blood plasma.

3. The drug Lutset

Analog piracetam - Lutset medicament is a popular and widely used drug. Lutset sold in drugstores in two varieties - as injections and tablets. The core Lutset both forms of the drug, as in other drug analogs Piracetam - organic compound includes non-proteinogenic amino butyric acid or piracetam.

The tablets further contain polyvinyl pyrrolidone, titanium dioxide, stearic acid magnesium, a polymer of ethylene glycol mixed ether based on methylcellulose, fatty silicate powder, ethyl ester cellulose.

The composition for injection contains absolute ethanoic acid, sodium salt acetic acid, sterile medical liquid.

Analogue piracetam - Lutset should be applied in the following pathologies in the body:

Oral administration:

  • the recovery period after acute circulatory disorders in the brain damaged its fabric and change of activity;
  • if damaged bones, cranial and medullary tissue due to injury;
  • senile dementia in a partial loss of memories, inability to concentrate, reduced physical capacity, unsteadiness of gait and sudden swings of mood;
  • death of nerve cells in the brain in Alzheimer's disease;
  • in painful spasms of muscles of the body, as a consequence of pathological changes in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain;
  • children - if you can not concentrate while studying and organic lesion of the right hemisphere of the brain;


  • different types of dementia, amnesia, partial loss of the ability to store information, inability to concentrate, motor retardation;
  • encephalopathy in old age;
  • disturbance of speech due to lack of oxygen brain cells;
  • painful muscle spasms caused by disorders in the cerebral hemispheres;
  • helplessness psychoorganic origin;
  • nystagmus, postoperative numbness;
  • dysmotility;
  • Treatment of alcohol dependence - withdrawal symptoms, the weakening of mental abilities, physical activity, fatigue.

Both forms Lutsetama - it substitutes piracetam, which have similar pharmacological action. The drug or Lutset Piracetam is a drug that enhances the totality processes in the nerve endings and cells, as well as increases or stabilizes the weakening of mental abilities. Analogue piracetam has a positive influence on the metabolism in the brain, it stimulates the blood circulation in large veins and arteries, and affects the brain microcirculation, improving the learning process and the ability to remember information.

Analog piracetam - Lutset medicament promotes callosum, which is responsible for connection of nerve endings between right and left cerebral hemispheres improves interaction marrow cells, normalizes resistance inhibitory and excitatory conditioned responses in the central nervous system. When ischemic damage in the brain, piracetam analog promotes reductive processes in the ischemic brain tissue. As with all analogs of piracetam - Lutset has no ability to dilate blood vessels.

4. Tiotsetam

In pharmacies, you can buy cheap, existing, complex, well-established counterparts Pirotsetama. This group of drugs is necessary to carry medicament Tiotsetam.

Tiontsetam pharmacological commercially available in two forms - a pill and injection. The structure of both forms of complex analog of piracetam organic compound includes non-proteinogenic amino butyric acid - piracetam.

The composition of a tablet formulation Tiotsetam besides piracetam includes synthetic hepato-cardioprotectant morfolinevaya salt, mealy potato carbohydrate, mannitol, fumed sugar, stearic acid, magnesium, polyvinylpyrrolidone, lactose, titanium dioxide, PEG 3000, triatsetoksipropan, sulphosalts, sulfonated sudan yellow food additive, indigotine.

The composition of piracetam analog - injection included Tiotsetam synthetic cardioprotectant hepato-morpholine salt, a sterile medical liquid.

Combined analogue piracetam - Tiotsetam should be applied in the following pathological conditions:


  • temporary and long periodic exacerbations occurring with circulatory disturbances of cerebral vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • circulatory and dysmetabolic encephalopathy;
  • brain injury;
  • during the recovery process after undergoing a cerebral ischemia.

Solution inktsy:

  • Therapy of acute oxygen deficiency of brain cells;
  • post-stroke dumbness;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • acute encephalopathies period;
  • acute alcohol withdrawal.

Complex analogue piracetam Tiotsetam drug is not only a neuroprotective drug, but also as a proofreader circulation, It reduces the need of internal organs and the CNS cells in oxygen exhibits antiarrhythmic action and fights free radakalami.

Drug Tiotsetam is a popular drug among doctors neurologists, cardiologists and physicians, and the same available and existing analogue piracetam.


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