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Supraks in intestinal infection: dosage, how to take help or not

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By enteric infections is meant a group of diseases affecting the digestive structure. Sources of intestinal diseases generally are products, water, domestic appliances and toys. From this article you will learn how to apply Supraks with an intestinal infection.

Short description

Supraks is an antibacterial agent belonging to the third generation cephalosporins. The basis of drug substance is cefixime. Supraks sold in tablets, capsules and powder for preparation of suspensions. The drug was well destroys the pathogens of intestinal infections. Because of minimal toxicity can be used in child therapy and future moms.

The drug penetrates the blood for a long time. Its maximum concentration in the body is detected only through 4 chasa. Therapeutic action lasts hours.

Indications for

Patients are strictly forbidden in intestinal infection Supraks drink without a prescription.

The use of antibiotics for the treatment of intestinal diseases is expedient only in those cases where the pathology of bacterial origin. If the infection provoked viral agents or banal poisoning Supraks will not give any of the therapeutic effect.

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In addition, the use of the drug may have a negative impact on the patient's state of health, because its constituent components will destroy the good intestinal flora. As a result, it will trigger the development of disbakterioznyh reactions and slow recovery of the patient.

Supraks can be used against:

  • moderate, or severe infection;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • cholera.

The dosage and duration of therapy against E. coli should develop only a qualified doctor.

The dosage for an adult and child

Adult patients should take a maximum of 400 mg of the drug per day. The dose can be consumed at one time or divided into two doses of 200 mg. To eliminate the outbreak of intestinal infection Supraks need to take 7-10 days.

When intestinal infection in children need to take Supraks on this principle:

  • 2.5-4 ml of a suspension kiddies from 6 months to one year;
  • 5 ml babies 2-4 years;
  • 10 mL little patient 5-10 years.

If the child has reached 11 years of age and it weighs more than 50 kg, it can take Supraks Soljutab. If a child of that age has not reached the specified weight, it should be calculated according to the formula dosage of 8 mg per kilogram body weight.

Side effects and contraindications

Only a doctor has to decide whether to treat a patient an intestinal infection Supraksom or need to use an analog thereof. If you select an inappropriate drug, the likelihood of side effects will increase by several times.

Generally, treatment of acute intestinal infections Supraksom going well, but in some patients, such therapy provoked:

  • impaired renal functionality;
  • malfunction GIT;
  • decreased immunity;
  • nausea and severe vomiting;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Also Supraks may cause redness, irritation and flaking of the skin. In some patients, after taking the drug lost appetite.

Supraks against intestinal infection should not be prescribed to patients who:

  • are individually drug intolerance;
  • treat complex chronic renal insufficiency;
  • We have not reached the age of six-month (for the suspension) or 12 years (for capsules).

Be wary drug prescribed:

  • pregnant women;
  • at pseudomembranous colitis;
  • elderly patients.


Intestinal infection - is a serious disease that should not be ignored. Despite the effectiveness of Supraksa, it is better not to be used as a self against this disease.


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