
Edema of the nose without a cold: reasons - detailed information

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Swelling of the nasal mucosa is usually accompanied by abundant mucous discharge and indicates a viral or bacterial infection. Rhinitis appears in 70% of respiratory and respiratory diseases, so the common cold is a common symptom. But sometimes it happens that the nose is laid, and the rhinitis is not observed. Clinically, this is manifested by difficulty breathing, sleep disturbances( due to the inability to fully breathe in the supine position).In some cases, there may be a foreign body sensation in the nasal cavity.

Nasal edema is a serious enough problem, therefore it is not necessary to do self-diagnosis and treatment at home. To tighten with the reference to the expert too it is not necessary, as the insufficient receipt of oxygen can become the reason of an acute hypoxia of tissues and organs, including a brain. For successful treatment it is important to correctly determine the cause of the pathology, and only the doctor after the examination and the necessary diagnostic measures can do this.

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Nasal edema with no runny nose: reasons

Nasal edema without runny nose: causes

Content of the material

  • 1 Symptomatic
  • 2 Dry air is the main enemy
  • 3 Beginning of the infectious process
  • 4 Nasal formation
  • 5 Increased adenoids
  • 6 Allergic reactions
  • 7 Medications
  • 8 Foreign body
  • 9 Curvature of septum and injury
  • 10 Nasal congestion during pregnancy
  • 11 Nasal edema in the child
    • 11.1 Video - How to get rid of nasal congestion
  • 12 Home test


Flow and coverThe mucosal dissection occurs as a result of the expansion of blood vessels. Such a reaction is often observed when microbes and viruses enter the nasal cavity, but other causes may cause hyperemia, for example, too dry air in the room or foreign matter entering the nasal cavity. Symptoms in this case in patients of any age are the same. These are:

  • impairment of respiratory function( worse during nighttime sleep);
  • redness of the inner membrane of the nose( mucosa);
  • change in the work of olfactory receptors.

If you do not take measures and expect that everything goes by itself, there may be an onset of inflammatory processes, as well as the appearance of cracks and erosions, which are the result of the drying out of the mucous membranes.

Important! There is no universal treatment in this case. Therapy may differ significantly depending on the cause that caused the edema formation, so only the doctor can choose the treatment regimen.

Dry air is the main enemy of

If the stuffiness is not expressed too much, there is no runny nose, and if you inhale air there is an unpleasant sensation, most likely, the reason lies in the increased dryness of the room. Sanitary norms of humidity in a residential apartment are presented in the table below.

Dry air is one of the causes of nasal congestion without a cold

Dry air is one of the causes of nasal congestion without a cold

Indicator Humidity level

standard 40-65%

Permissible value 35-50%

Significant excess of standard 70-85%

Significant lowering of the standard 30-35%

Invalidvalue Less than 20%

In winter, the humidity in most urban apartments does not exceed 15%.This is promoted by intensive work of radiators of heating and devices of heating of a premise. Such a moisture indicator adversely affects the health of people living in this area, since over-dried mucosa can not cope with harmful agents. The result is frequent ARVI, ARI and lower respiratory tract diseases, especially for young children whose immunity is still being formed and can not fully cope with unfavorable factors.

Humidifier for maintaining optimum air humidity

Air humidifier to maintain optimum air humidity

To strengthen the immune system, you can use special devices to humidify the air. The advantage of such devices is the ability to maintain the necessary level of moisture. If financial opportunities do not allow you to buy a good moisturizer, you can use a spray to spray plants. Spray the water several times a day in all rooms where family members spend most of their time.

Another way to increase humidity in too dry rooms is to hang wet diapers on the batteries or put containers of water. If the temperature in the room exceeds the norm( 20-22 degrees), it is better to adjust the batteries and reduce the heat supply.

Tanks for air humidification

Tanks for air humidification

Tip! Sleeping is also recommended in a well-ventilated, cool room. It's better to use an extra blanket or put on a warm pajamas, but do not turn on the heater for the night.

The onset of the infectious process

Many respiratory diseases begin with the swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and the formation of congestion. Such a sign may mean that an infection has already entered the body, but the virus is not yet active, or the immune system is weakened, so a sufficient amount of mucus to kill pathogens is not produced.

Factors that reduce immunity, for example, hypothermia, can contribute to the formation of congestion. If the cold does not appear on the 2-3 day after the onset of congestion, the cause lies in other pathologies or problems.

Education in the nasal cavity

Quite often, polyps can interfere with normal breathing. These are benign formations caused by hyperplasia( proliferation) of the mucous membrane. Polyps can grow alone or form clusters - in this case, the patient is diagnosed with polyposis.

Polyp in the nose

Polyp in the nose

Polyps often have a round or elongated oval shape. The base may have a leg on which the polyp sits. If the tumor is large, it overlaps the nasal passages, as a result of which normal breathing is disturbed and swelling arises. To diagnose a polyp in the presence of special equipment is very simple, so if the difficulty with breathing persists for 3-4 days, it is necessary to visit a specialist. After removal, the polyp will be sent for histological examination to exclude the possibility of cancers.

Important! In about 3-5% of cases, the inability to breathe normally indicates the growth of malignant cells forming the tumor. The prognosis of treatment in this case will be favorable only with early diagnosis and timely treatment.

Increased adenoids

Adenoids are the pathological increase in the pharyngeal tonsil. The main symptoms of adenoids are breathing disorders and a decrease in hearing acuity. Mucus in adenoids is very rare. Inflammation of adenoids( adenoiditis) is diagnosed mainly in children, but it is possible to detect pathology at any age.

What are adenoids?

What is adenoid

Treatment depends on the degree of increase in the pharyngeal tonsil. In adenoids of 1 and 2 degree, the nose is washed with saline solutions and inhalation. It is possible to use vasoconstrictive drops and preparations based on silver. In adenoids of grade 3 and 4, doctors often recommend surgical treatment. How much it is justified in each case, the treating specialist decides after studying the clinical picture and the results of the examination of the patient.

Allergic reactions

Typical symptoms of allergies are rash, itchy skin, lacrimation, nasal congestion, sneezing and mucus discharge from the nasal passages. The last item is not always met, sometimes the symptomatology is manifested only by difficulties with breathing and slight reddening. If a person is prone to allergic reactions or suffers from intolerance to any components, it is always necessary to wear antihistamines, selected by a doctor. This is important, since with severe irritation, it is possible to develop angioedema and anaphylactic reactions that can lead to laryngeal stenosis and death from asphyxiation( suffocation).

It also happens that a person who has never been diagnosed with an allergy experiences similar symptoms. If they appeared for the first time, it is necessary to analyze where the patient was and what he ate. If no new products have been introduced in the menu, and a person has not contacted the new substances, you need to contact the hospital to determine the cause. To remove symptoms and ease the condition can be a single use of drugs - histamine blockers.

What is an allergy and what can an allergy occur?

What is allergy and what allergy can occur

These include:

  • "Diazolin";
  • "Tavegil";
  • Suprastin;
  • "Claritin";
  • "Zodak".

Important! Further use of such medications is allowed only as directed by a physician.


Some medicines can cause side effects in the form of nasal congestion and formation of mucosal edema. Especially often this happens with uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictive drops. The resources of this group can not be used for longer than 3 consecutive days( in exceptional cases it is allowed to increase the period of application to 5 days), as they are addictive and contribute to the opposite effect. If you use vasoconstrictive drops with every runny nose, which is accompanied by stuffiness, the swelling of the nose will become a chronic phenomenon and will require long-term treatment, as well as correction of the food regime.

Important! Some antibacterial nasal agents( for example, "Polidex" and "Isofra") cause a short-term obstruction, which usually occurs after the end of treatment. If this does not happen, you need to contact your doctor.

Foreign body

The most frequent location of foreign bodies

If breathing became difficult suddenly, there were unpleasant sensations resembling the pressure in the nasal cavity, you should consult a surgeon - perhaps a foreign body got into your nose. Especially often it happens in childhood. It is not even necessary to talk about the dangers of this problem - if the object falls into the respiratory tract, asphyxia and death may occur.

If the foreign body is small, it can be from the nasal cavity for several days. The patient thus has the characteristic symptoms:

  • dense green discharge( indicate the onset of inflammation and suppuration);
  • pain in the nose, aggravated by movement, head inclinations or attempting to lie on the side with which the object is located;
  • progressive impairment of respiratory function.

For the diagnosis of an alien body, the patient is given a radiograph and is visually inspected.

Curvature of septum and injury

Curvature of the nasal septum may cause chronic nasal congestion. Breathing in this case is carried out through one nostril, which is harmful to internal organs, since it can lead to chronic hypoxia. The same is observed with various injuries. To diagnose the patient, X-rays are taken and surgical treatment is prescribed.

Types of curvature of the septum of the nose

Types of curvature of the septum of the nose

Nasal congestion during pregnancy

During pregnancy, progesterone is excreted in the body in a woman's body. This hormone is necessary for pregnancy to develop. Under the action of progesterone, muscle tissue relaxes and the blood vessels expand, which causes difficulty in breathing.

Every second woman who has a baby is complaining about nasal congestion. Often, edema occurs early in gestation( 4-6 weeks) and in the third trimester, when the uterus supports the diaphragm. To facilitate the situation, prospective mothers are advised to choose comfortable sleep positions, so that the chest is above the trunk. Sometimes only the position of reclining or half-sitting saves. Despite all the inconvenience, temporarily will have to reconcile with this circumstance. Breathing will fully recover after the birth of the baby.

Important! Some mothers begin to use vasoconstrictive medications when they start to congest, which only exacerbate the problem. Do not do this - it is better to be out in the fresh air and walk on foot, so that the blood circulates actively through the vessels.

Nasal edema in a child

Difficulty with breathing in children up to 2-3 years is normal

Difficulty with breathing in children up to 2-3 years is normal

Difficulties with breathing in children up to 2-3 years are considered normal. The fact is that in young children the nasal passages are rather narrow, so the nasal congestion often arises. Sometimes there can be wheezing and grunting. In most cases this is normal, but to exclude possible pathologies it is necessary to consult a pediatric otolaryngologist.

Another cause of mucous membranes in children is too dry air. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to walk with the child more often, monitor the level of humidity in the room, observe the drinking regime and wash the nose with saline solutions at least 1-2 times a week.

Video - How to get rid of nasal congestion

Home test

There is a certain technique that allows to determine approximately the cause of the swelling of the nasal mucosa. This is necessary in cases when it is not possible to visit a doctor urgently. To conduct diagnostics at home, it is necessary: ​​

  • lie on its side, from the side of which the congestion was formed;
  • to drip into the nasal passages of any vasoconstrictor in the dosage indicated in the instructions;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • turn over to the other side;
  • evaluate the result according to the table.
Edema remained on the same side Edema moved to other side

Possible causes Trauma of nose, cyst, foreign body, polyps and tumors Curvature of septum, inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses, rhinopharyngitis
Why the stuffy nose

Why is stuffy nose

Important! This technique allows you to get an approximate idea of ​​possible causes of congestion, but does not replace the internal examination of a specialist and stationary diagnostic procedures.

Nasal edema without a common cold is not as rare as it might seem from the beginning. The reasons of zalozhennosti without allocation mucus much, therefore independent diagnostics in similar cases is inadmissible. In rare cases, this symptom may indicate the initial stage of the oncological process, so all treatment appointments should be done only by a qualified specialist after examination and necessary examination.

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