
Rhinitis of pregnant women: symptoms and manifestations. Methods of treatment!

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When a cold starts, pregnant women begin to worry that they are sick. However, such a symptom does not always indicate an infectious process. Rhinitis in the second half of pregnancy appears for another reason and can be considered a variant of the norm.

Rhinitis of Pregnancy: Symptoms

Rhinitis in pregnant women: symptoms

Content of material

  • 1 Cause of rhinitis in pregnant women
  • 2 Predisposing factors
  • 3 Symptoms of hormonal rhinitis
  • 4 Danger
  • 5 Treatment of
    • 5.1 Video - Rhinitis of pregnant women

Cause of rhinitis in pregnant women

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa in pregnant women occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. This condition occurs in almost half of future mothers. Symptoms are more common in the second half of pregnancy and differ in duration. It is important to know about the existence of such a hormonal rhinitis so that you do not have to take self-medication and not worry about it again.

Pregnant women need to know about this kind of cold, and not engage in self-medication

Pregnant need to know about this kind of runny nose and not engage in self-medication

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The mechanism of rhinitis is based on a change in the hormonal balance. At pregnant women the level of an estrogen which through nervous system renders effect on vessels considerably raises. From the inside, their blood supply increases, and the outer wall of the vessels becomes less strong. This leads to mucosal edema, increased secretion and rhinitis.

There is rhinitis due to changes in the hormonal balance

Rhinitis occurs due to changes in hormonal balance

Tip: if a runny nose is accompanied by a deterioration in overall health or fever, then it can be caused by a viral infection. It is worthwhile to call a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Coryza can be a consequence of a viral infection, it is necessary to call a physician for an accurate diagnosis.

Runny nose may be a consequence of a viral infection, it is necessary to call a physician

for an accurate diagnosis. Predisposing factors

Rhinitis does not appear in all pregnant women. The probability of its appearance increases in the following cases:

  • a woman has pathologies of the nasal septum;
  • immunity to a pregnant woman is reduced or her frequent illnesses are common;
  • adverse climatic conditions provoke a physiological rhinitis - the mucosa is activated and produces more secretions;
  • at disturbance of a psychoemotional condition a rhinitis can be provoked by action of a vegetative nervous system. This is often found in pregnant women, who are characterized by mood swings or bursts of emotion.
Rhinitis in pregnancy can appear due to nervous tension, mood swings

Rhinitis in pregnancy may appear due to nervous tension, mood swings

Against the backdrop of a sharp change in the hormonal background in such an important period for a woman may appear hypersensitivity reactions or allergies. The tactics of treating allergic rhinitis are different from the fight against infection, so it is important to distinguish such conditions.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis

Tip: observing the characteristics of rhinitis will help to determine its cause correctly. A slight runny nose with a viral infection passes through the week. If the discharge from the nose provokes an allergen, then on contact with it the symptoms will appear, and in the absence of an allergen - disappear.

Symptoms of hormonal rhinitis

Hormonal rhinitis can be manifested:

  • by nasal congestion;
  • with a watery discharge from the nose;
  • itching in the nose;
  • by the accumulation of crusts;
  • by night snoring.
Hormonal rhinitis in pregnant women can be manifested by night snoring

Hormonal rhinitis in pregnant women can be manifested by night snoring

Sometimes pregnant women, on the contrary, complain of dry nasal passages and sneezing. Constant nasal congestion leads to headaches, from which tablets or soothing teas are badly helped. Edema and malnutrition of the mucosa provoke a loss of smell, the restoration of which will take 1-2 weeks.

Constant nasal congestion leads to headaches

Constant nasal congestion leads to headaches

Tip: Do not ignore the runny nose and associated discomfort. When breathing, oxygen should be received not only by you, but by your future child.

Danger of

Physiological and correct is respiration through the nose. The edema of the mucosa complicates this process, and the woman has to breathe through the mouth.

With nasal congestion, one has to breathe through the mouth. It can be bad for health

With a stuffy nose, you have to breathe through your mouth. This can be bad for the health of

. This adversely affects her health for the following reasons.

  1. The air does not have time to warm up to the desired temperature. An important feature of the nasal passages and villi is the warming of the air and the retention of the dust contained in it. If this does not happen, contamination settles on the trachea and bronchi, provoking an even greater secretion of mucus and cough.
  2. When breathing through the mouth, the pharynx mucus dries up, which increases the likelihood of inflammatory diseases.
  3. With a stuffy nose, less oxygen enters the body, which causes fetal hypoxia.
    Breathing with the mouth can further aggravate the rhinitis, and provoke a cough

    Breathing with the mouth can further exacerbate the rhinitis and provoke a cough

Difficult breathing in pregnant women can have negative consequences for the fetus, up to anomalies in the development of important organs and systems. That is why such a seemingly insignificant complaint should not be left without attention.

Tip: very often eliminate rhinitis helps normalize the psychoemotional state of a pregnant woman. Listen to pleasant music, dance, take a walk in the fresh air and watch the reaction of the body.

It is often enough to get rid of rhinitis help walk in the fresh air, the lack of stress

Quite often, getting rid of rhinitis is helped by outdoor walks, lack of stresses

Treatment of

There are some medications that are allowed to take during pregnancy. However, the mothers themselves are often anxious about any medications during this period. Therefore, for the treatment of pregnant women, preference is given to non-medicament means.

During pregnancy, women prefer non-drug treatment

During pregnancy, women prefer non-medicamentous medications for treatment of

. Their effect can be directed to:

  • removal of puffiness;
  • normalization of the hormonal background;
  • stabilization of the emotional state;
  • disposal of mucosal hypersensitivity;
  • moisturizing the respiratory tract and maintaining the health of the mucosa.

Following is the several different ways to combat rhinitis during pregnancy .

Table 1. Non-drug therapy

Method Description
Moisturizing the nose

Nasal Moisture

Inhalation with alkaline water or saline will help restore the health of the mucosa of the airways and clean them of excess contaminants.
Favorable climatic conditions

Favorable climatic conditions

An ideal condition for the health of the respiratory tract is considered cool and humid air. The optimal parameters are a temperature of 20 degrees and a humidity of 60%.To achieve this, you can use special devices - humidifiers or hanging wet towels in the room. Help to remove stuffy nose, for example, evening summer walks. It is recommended to perform daily wet cleaning to reduce the amount of dust and other particles in the inspired air.
Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal plants

Aromatic oils or herbal tea with mint is a good remedy for the common cold if the pregnant woman does not have allergies to such components.
Elevated body position

Elevated position of the body

Pregnant should not lie, but be in a semi-sitting position. Sleep is recommended on a high pillow or raised head of the bed. This will help reduce the swelling of the nasal passages and relieve snoring.

Table 2. Medications

Preparation Description
Contains natural enzymes that have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and immunomodulatory effects. Natural way normalizes many biological processes in the body. The drug also accelerates the elimination of toxins and degradation products in the inflammatory focus. When taking hormonal drugs Wobenzym reduces the number of side effects and makes them more safe for the mother and fetus.


Contains vitamins that strengthen the walls of capillaries and reduce their permeability. The drug helps to increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors, including stressful situations in pregnant women and variable weather conditions.


In the form of a nasal spray, doctors prescribe this drug to relieve severe conditions. Action comes instantly. Fluticasone helps in cases where other drugs are ineffective. The exact dosage and duration of use should be consulted with your doctor.

Tip: Do not try to diagnose yourself. Many common treatments are prohibited during pregnancy. This concerns, for example, mustard plasters and some popular drugs.

Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous for your health, and your child

Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous for your health and the health of the child.

The most popular group of vasoconstrictive drugs in the form of drops is for the removal of edema and nasal congestion. Women should remember that you can not use these products during pregnancy. Vasoconstrictive action can provoke increased uterine tone and lead to a threat of miscarriage. In addition, the effect of such drops extends to the vessels of the placenta, reducing the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

Video - Rhinitis of the pregnant

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