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Pulmicort and alcohol: compatibility, how many can

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Pulmicort relates to medicamentous preparations, the use of which is acceptable for acute respiratory infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract. During use, you must take precautions. Pulmicort and alcohol while the application increases the risk of intoxication, detrimental effects on the liver. During treatment, the patient must ensure excessive drinking. It is recommended to use fresh juice and boiled water.

General information about the preparation

The release form - resuspended syrup, which must be diluted with saline. Plastic containers rhomboid or rectangular envelopes the slurry are realized in cardboard packages. The active substance in the composition - budesonide. Auxiliary components (sodium citrate, sodium chloride, citric acid) increases the activity of the main component of Pulmicort.

The main indications Pulmicort - laryngitis, asthma and laryngotracheitis. Vapors formed by heating the nebulizer solution, a positive effect on the respiratory tract. Use of the drug may not be possible in the presence of an adult and a child's absolute contraindications, which include:

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  • children's age (up to 6 months.);
  • hypersensitivity.

The dosage is determined individually, after consultation with a specialist. A single dose for an adult is 2 mL for a child (6 years) - less than half. Pulmicort has no structural analogues. Combining alcohol and Pulmicort, according to the description of the drug, it is strictly prohibited.

alcohol compatibility and Pulmicort

Pulmicort compatibility with alcohol-negative. Ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages, detrimental effect on the internal organs and can lead to respiratory arrest in diseases related to the respiratory system. Condensate from toxic alcoholic vapors partially leaves the body by exhalation.

When alcohol abuse human body lacks oxygen, which leads to accelerated lung function. Libations on the background of existing disease in a patient worsen the situation. Pulmicort budesonide contained in the interaction with alcohol loses its medicinal properties, and starts to work "in reverse" side. Alcoholic poisons, penetrating into the blood, binds to the medicament and impair its activity, blocking the gradually increasing anti-inflammatory properties and swelling. The therapeutic effect is less long, relief is not timely occur.

Possible side effects associated with the use of alcohol after inhalation

Drinking alcohol and taking Pulmicort simultaneously prohibited instruction. Even a small dose of low-alcohol beverage adopted after inhalation is capable to provoke asthma attacks. The patient has taken alcohol after the procedure, there is shortness of breath, possible wheezing in the chest and fever. In this case, the patient must wash out the stomach and give activated charcoal. Enterosorbent accelerate the excretion of poisonous toxins from the body and prevents the absorption of ethanol in the blood.


In the application of Pulmicort you must comply with all requirements of the attending physician. Any alkagolsoderzhaschie beverages, including dairy products, with a minimum content of alcoholic degrees rekormenduetsya completely excluded from the diet. Alcohol is forbidden to use the first 7-10 days after treatment Pulmicort.


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