Skin Treatment

Treatment of dermatitis on the face in adults - the best methods of treatment

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Dermatitis was considered a disease of children and adolescents several decades ago. But to date, this chronic skin disease is diagnosed in 5-7% of the adult population of the earth. Dermatitis on the face manifests itself in the form of dry skin, rashes, severe itching. During an exacerbation of the disease a person feels very strong itching, which turns into a burning sensation, and when combing ulcers, there is a possibility of secondary infection and deterioration of the course of the disease. Dermatitis is not contagious, and the course of the disease alternates with periods of remission and relapses.

It's important to know! Most often, dermatitis in adulthood is observed in the event that a person suffered from this skin ailment in the children with tve.

Treatment of dermatitis on the face in adults

dermatitis Treatment Facial adults

material Content

  • 1 dermatitis Classification
    • 1.1 Atopic dermatitis
    • 1.2 Seborrheic dermatitis
    • 1.3 Contact dermatitis
    • 1.4 Atopic dermatitis
    • 1.5 oral form
  • insta story viewer
  • 2 Dermatitis What causes dermatitis on the face of adults
  • 3 Dermatitis Treatmenton the face
    • 3.1 Antihistamines
    • 3.2 Corticosteroids in the treatment of dermatitis in adults
    • 3.3 Ointments and creams from dermatitis
    • 3.4 Antibiotics for face dermatitis
    • 3.5 Preparations for the normalization of intestinal microflora
  • 4 Apparatus therapy for the treatment of facial dermatitis
    • 4.1 Ultraphonophoresis
    • 4.2 Microcurrent drainage procedures
  • 5 Folk methods for the treatment of dermatitis on the face
    • 5.1 Cranberry against dermatitis
    • 5.2 Birch buds
    • 5.3 Cleanser for skin health protection
    • 5.4 Starch masks
    • 5.5 Video - How to treat dermatitis on the face folk methods
  • 6 How to properly pitClassification of dermatitis

    Depending on the nature of the rash and the course of the disease, dermatitis can be divided into several groups.

    Allergic dermatitis

    Eruptions on the face appear due to the ingress of allergens into the body, which provoke the production of antibodies in humans. If antibodies do not cope with allergens, a reaction occurs, which is manifested in the appearance of a rash, irritation, itching. In the acute form of dermatitis, other negative reactions are connected to the rashes: edema, increased lacrimation, runny nose, cough.

    Allergic dermatitis on the face

    Allergic dermatitis on the face

    Seborrheic dermatitis

    This kind of dermatitis begins to develop on the scalp and in case of neglected cases passes over to the face. There are two forms of the disease: dry and fat. When dry skin on the face is flaky, it itches, flakes off. With oily appear red abscesses, which are constantly inflamed.

    Seborrheic dermatitis on the face

    Seborrheic dermatitis on the face

    Contact dermatitis

    This kind of disease is provoked by allergens that do not accumulate over time in the body, but act on the skin in direct contact. For example, if you use an unsuitable type of skin cosmetics.

    Contact dermatitis

    Contact dermatitis

    Atopic dermatitis

    This kind of dermatitis develops from an allergic, but has a more neglected form and is more difficult to treat. When atopic dermatitis on the face appears eczema of a chronic nature, which is very difficult to treat.

    Atopic dermatitis around the lips

    Atopic dermatitis around the lips

    Oral form of dermatitis

    The localization of the rashes of this kind of dermatitis is always in one place - around the mouth. Skin blushes, flakes, in particularly difficult cases, wet eczema appears, which causes pain.

    It's important to know! Virtually all forms of dermatitis are caused by an allergic reaction of the body to various substances.

    Oral form of dermatitis

    Oral form of dermatitis

    Why dermatitis occurs on the face of adults

    There are a number of reasons that can cause dermatitis on the face in adults

    1. Genetic predisposition.
    2. Allergies to various substances.
    3. Diagnosis of dermatitis in childhood.
    4. Environmental contamination.
    5. Incorrect food: fast food, canned food, fast food.
    6. Frequent diseases accompanied by a large number of medications.
    7. Stresses, nervous overload, lack of rest.
    8. Dust, animal hair.
    9. Sharp climate change.
    10. Harmful habits: alcohol, tobacco, drugs.

    Treatment of dermatitis on the face

    It is impossible to cure any form of dermatitis on the face with one drug. Inflammatory processes on the skin are a consequence of various negative processes in the body, affecting many systems. Before starting treatment, the doctor should, with the help of tests, intradermal and provocative samples, find out the etiology of the disease and the cause of the inflammatory process. Only after the studies can be assigned adequate treatment, which includes various groups of drugs.


    Since dermatitis is most often provoked by an allergy, antihistamines should necessarily be included in the treatment regimen. It is advisable to give preference to the third generation of allergy medicines, which have a minimum of side effects and do not cause drowsiness.


    Preparation Claritin

    Preparation Claritin

    The main substance is loratadine, which has a rapid and long-term antihistamine effect. The medication begins to function in half an hour after administration, does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system. Quickly removes swelling, itching, prevents the appearance of new rashes on the skin.


    Preparation Rolinosis reduces edema and tissue spasm

    Preparation Rolinosis reduces edema and tissue spasm

    The main substance is cetirizine, which has antiexudative and antipruritic effects. Oppressively affects the focus of inflammation, reduces swelling and spasm of tissues. This drug has virtually no side effects and can be given to children and pregnant women.


    Cetrin has antihistaminic, antipruritic and anti-edematous effect

    Cetrin has antihistaminic, antipruritic and anti-edematous effect.

    Has antihistaminic, antipruritic and anti-edematous effect. Has no effect on the central nervous system, has no sedative effect. The most effective for dry forms of dermatitis.

    Corticosteroids in the treatment of dermatitis in adults

    Along with antihistamines, acute corticosteroids are prescribed in acute periods, which are hormones. These drugs significantly affect the focus of inflammation, which contributes to a faster relief of the course of the disease.


    Betamethasone reduces the concentration of lysosomal enzymes

    Betamethasone reduces the concentration of lysosomal enzymes

    Effectively affects all phases of inflammation, reduces the concentration of lysosomal enzymes, which provoke an inflammatory effect. The drug has antipruritic and anti-allergic effect. Improves microcirculation of fluid in tissues, which helps to remove swelling in the lesion.


    Dexamethasone is used to treat all types of dermatitis

    Dexamethasone is used to treat all types of dermatitis

    This is a broad-spectrum drug that is used to treat all types of dermatitis. It differs anti-edematous, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. It has quite a few side effects, so the purpose and use of the medicine should be under the supervision of the doctor.


    Prednisolone is an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent

    Prednisolone is an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drug

    This drug affects many types of metabolism in the human body, is an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent. It is prescribed for atopic, seborrheic, allergic dermatitis. Reduces itching, swelling, positively affects the foci of inflammation on the skin, should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, as it has many side effects and contraindications.

    Ointments and cream from dermatitis

    The most effective treatment for dermatitis are ointments, which are divided into two groups: hormonal and non-hormonal.

    If the course of the disease is not too severe, then non-hormonal medications are prescribed, which have a high therapeutic effect and are characterized by a minimum of side effects.

    Name of the drug Image Therapeutic effect
    Eplan eplan It is used in various types of dermatitis, it moisturizes the skin, relieves itching, swelling, reduces inflammation. Has an anti-inflammatory, antihistamine effect, promotes rapid regeneration of the skin.
    . Exoderate ekzoderil . It has an antifungal effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces itching.
    . Gistan. gistan . It is an antiallergic drug that reduces the visual manifestations of skin disease, relieves itching, swelling, moisturizing and protecting the skin.
    Radevit radevit ointment is suitable for all types of dermatitis, as it has antihistaminic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the ointment includes extracts of medicinal herbs
    Losterin losterin This composition contains D-panthenol, natural oils, plant extracts. The medicinal preparation has a multifaceted effect on the skin, rendering antipruritic, anti-edematous, anti-allergic effect.
    . Aisida ajsida . This ointment has an antiseptic effect, preventing the development of inflammation on the skin. The composition includes herbal extracts and antiseptic which eliminates the resistance and resistance of the skin to the harmful effects of external environmental factors

    Hormonal ointments for the treatment of dermatitis of different etiologies

    Name of the drug Image Therapeutic effect
    Acriderm akriderm This ointment is suitable for all types of dermatitis, rendersantipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling and redness on the skin
    Flucinar flucinar Has a drying effect on the inflammation focusreduces swelling, redness. The composition includes hormones that have contraindications: pregnancy, age under 2 years, problems with the adrenal glands
    Celestoderm celestoderm Effectively affects all types of dermatitis, relieves itching, reduces inflammation, has antihistamine effect

    It's important to know! Hormonal drugs have many side effects that can provoke health problems. To prescribe independently hormonal ointments is not recommended, treatment with these drugs should be under the supervision of specialists.

    Antibiotics for dermatitis on the face

    In some cases, along with antihistamines and creams, antibiotics are prescribed, which quite successfully reduce acute inflammation. These antibiotics are indicated for atopic and oral dermatitis:

    1. Minocycline.
    2. Doxycycline.
    3. Tetracycline.

    It's important to know! At appointment of antibiotics in the first days after reception the deterioration can begin. But, as a rule, after 10-14 days antibiotics start to give a positive effect, improving the skin condition and relieving inflammation.

    Preparations for the normalization of the intestinal microflora

    Very often, dermatitis on the face is caused by a dysbacteriosis that disrupts the bowels and slows the digestion of nutrients by the body. To eliminate the problem of dysbiosis, along with other drugs are assigned components that normalize the work of the intestine.


    Acipol eliminates digestive disorders

    Acipol eliminates digestive disorders

    This drug eliminates digestive disorders that last for a long time. Acipol stimulates immunity, increases the resistance of the body to diseases, which is very important for chronic forms of dermatitis. It is indicated for the treatment of food allergies, intestinal disorders. Has no contraindications.

    Hilak forte

    The drug Hilak Forte accelerates the development of normal symbionts in the intestine

    Hilak Forte drug accelerates the development of normal symbionts in the intestine

    The composition of the drug includes synthetic lactic acid, which helps to normalize the acidity in the stomach. The drug accelerates the development of normal symbionts in the intestines, which in a short time leads to normalization of the intestinal microflora. Improves digestion, helps reduce pathogenic flora.


    Lysozyme restores intestinal microflora

    Lysozyme restores intestinal microflora

    This drug is a probiotic that restores the intestinal microflora. Has anti-inflammatory effect, has a negative effect on the pathogenic flora of the intestine, improves the absorption of nutrients.

    Apparatus therapy for the treatment of dermatitis on the face


    This procedure allows you to work on inflammatory foci within the skin layers. Using a sensor that emits ultrasonic waves applied to the surface of the skin, a medical preparation( dexamethasone , lonidase ) penetrates deeply into the dermis layers. With each procedure, the drug accumulates in the skin and after 5-6 procedures begins its therapeutic effect. During the impact of the device in the sensor, the power and frequency of the waves change, which allows the drug to penetrate deep into the skin. The visual therapeutic effect of phonophoresis is noticeable after 7-8 sessions. In acute cases of atopic dermatitis, 10-15 procedures are indicated.

    Microcurrent drainage procedures

    The basis of this procedure is a weak pulse current having a low frequency. Due to its effect, edema decreases, itching decreases, lymphatic drainage of tissues improves. When inflammatory processes in the skin layers disrupt the transport of nutrients, microcurrent action contributes to the normalization of the nutrition of the intercellular space of the dermis.

    It's important to know! Hardware procedures are contraindicated in the acute period of dermatitis. The most effective use of therapy in the chronic course of the disease.

    Microcurrent drainage procedure

    Microcurrent drainage procedure

    Folk methods of treating dermatitis on the face

    Cranberry against dermatitis

    To prepare the ointment you need 100 grams of Vaseline and 50 ml of natural cranberry juice. Use only fresh berries, not frozen. Vaseline mixed with cranberry juice and thoroughly mixed. The resulting cream can be used several times a day, applying to the skin of the face. Cranberry has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.

    Birch buds

    A glass of birch buds should be prepared with a decoction, filling the product with 200 ml of boiling water. The kidneys should be kept on the fire for half an hour, then cool and drain. The resulting decoction should be cleaned several times a day. Natural lotion reduces inflammation, reduces the risk of new pustules, reduces itching.

    Cleaner for skin health protection

    From celandine, you can prepare a decoction that effectively copes with reducing redness. To prepare the decoction you need chopped leaves and plant stems, from which it is necessary to squeeze out the juice. Next, fresh juice is mixed with boiled water in the proportions of 1 to 2. The resulting liquid is used as a compress, applying on the affected areas of the dermatitis for 10-15 minutes.

    It's important to know! To treat dermatitis need to use the juice of celandine on the water, alcoholic compresses with this plant are too aggressive and can cause a burn of tissues.

    Starch masks

    For the elimination of itching, swelling, reducing irritation, it is useful to use starch. This substance in the amount of a tablespoon is dissolved in 50 ml of water and carefully smear the resulting mixture with a face. You can keep such a mask on your face for half an hour, then you must wash off the starch with cold water. The procedure is desirable daily, during the acute period of the disease.

    Video - How to treat dermatitis on the face folk methods

    How to eat properly with diagnosed dermatitis

    If you have skin problems on your face, you need to observe a certain kind of food, from which you must definitely exclude sweet foods: sweets, cakes, chocolate, buns. Also you need to forget about various sweet drinks, especially harmful for dermatitis soda.

    When ingested, these foods increase fermentation in the intestine, which leads to an increase in pathogenic microorganisms that disrupt digestion. This in turn leads to the disruption of the assimilation of proteins and increases the allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes.

    In addition to sweets, people suffering from dermatitis should avoid eating the following foods:

    1. Smoked meat. Marinated pickles and pickles.
    2. Various spicy spices and condiments.
    3. Fried foods.
    4. Honey
    5. Nuts.
    6. Exotic fruits.
    7. Fatty salted fish.
    8. Caviar and seafood.
    9. Alcoholic beverages.
    10. Mayonnaises, refueling.
    During the treatment of dermatitis it is useful to consume a lot of vegetables

    During treatment of dermatitis it is useful to consume a lot of vegetables

    During the period of exacerbation of dermatitis on the face, all food should be cooked for a couple or bake. It is advisable to use olive oil for dressing salads and cooking.

    Dermatitis on the face is difficult to cure, but you can avoid acute periods, observing not too complicated requirements:

    1. Do not use makeup during the onset of inflammation on the skin.
    2. Avoid exposure to excessively chlorinated water in dry forms of dermatitis.
    3. Most cosmetic products contain substances that disrupt the ph-balance of the skin, so it is recommended to use special hygiene-balanced hygienic products.
    4. You can not squeeze out the inflamed pimples, it will lead to an overgrowth of the inflammation focus.
    5. You can not touch dirty hands to the skin of your face, you can put an infection and provoke an inflammatory process.
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