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Sinupret: antibiotic or not, whether combined with antibiotics can be

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The use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs during the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections - effective way to deal with this problem. Doctors tend to the appointment of drugs able to act comprehensively. One of these - Sinupret, so many people may wonder: Sinupret antibiotics or not?

If you rely on the composition, it is difficult to say that Sinupret is an antibiotic in the classic sense of the word. However, some of its components may have an antibacterial effect, in spite of its natural environment.

How to classify the drug correctly

Many are inclined to take the view that Sinupret - this is purely a homeopathic remedy, the effect of which is due to the placebo effect. Such findings categorically wrong, since the components of the drug, regardless of the form of release, in the composition presented fairly concentrated.

All plant extracts included in the list of active substances that can affect the speed of propagation of various respiratory viruses, and some of them - on the reproduction of bacteria.

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Sinupret antibiotic itself is not exactlyBut its use improves the effectiveness of a broad spectrum antimicrobials, which are most commonly used for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Ultimately, we can conclude that Sinupret - a vegetable medicine complex action that helps get rid of the unpleasant symptoms - nasal congestion. Based on the mechanisms of its action on the mucous membrane, and should be judged on the effectiveness in As part of antitussive therapy when it comes to diseases that affect the bronchi or throat.

In some cases, it is appropriate to take Sinupret

Finally sort out the question of Sinupret antibiotic or not - it is possible to talk about the diagnosis, during treatment which the use of this drug will be the most important.

A key mechanism of action of the active components of the composition is in the regulation of mucus secretion. Recovery mechanisms drainage promotes the return of adequate ventilation of the sinuses. This allows you to get rid of the feeling of nasal congestion and reduces the intensity of coughing. This is especially important when the patient diangostirovan: sinusitis, sinusitis or bronchitis, because of their manifestations, respiratory function of the respiratory system can not be implemented fully.

Reduction of edema of the nasal mucosa makes Sinupret relevant even when it comes banal rhinitis, which is a symptom of each second catarrhal or allergic disease. Antibiotic drug Sinupret did not name, but it can be used to fight colds, which were triggered by bacterial pathogens. By resorting Sinupret treated, both acute and chronic form of any of the above diseases.

Dependence on the dosage formulation

To begin with, it is important to note that the drug is presented in three different forms:

  • Oral drops;
  • Syrup;
  • Pills.

The liquid version is much more practical when it comes to the treatment of children of kindergarten and primary school age. Adult patients and children from 11 years of age, it is more convenient to use the tablet. Determine at a dose of syrup or drops, must be able to distinguish between the concepts of "daily dose" and "single dose".

Age / Form




From 2 to 5

Single - 2.1 ml;

Daily - 6.3 ml.

Single - 0.9 ml; Daily - 2.7 ml.

From 6 to 11

R. – 3,5;

FROM. – 10,5.

R. – 1,5;

FROM. – 4,5.

1 PC. - three times a day.


R. – 7;

FROM. – 21.

R. – 3;

FROM. – 9.

2 pcs. - on the same schedule.


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