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De Nol: how many days to take and how often you can do it

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De-Nol is a drug successfully used for the therapy of ulcer diseases. Since the drug is often prescribed in combination with other medical means for patients it is very important to know when and how often you can take De-Nol.


De-Nol used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane in the stomach and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (gastritis, gastroduodenitis);
  • gastritis, chronic nature;
  • mucosal pathology caused by the influence of Helicobacter pylori together with other medicines.

pharmacological properties

The main active ingredient De-Nol (colloidal bismuth subcitrate) promotes the formation of a film on the surface of ulcerous and erosive lesions of mucous membranes. Due to such protection reduces the risk of damage to the food juice, which helps rapid healing possible.

De-Nol almost no absorption takes place in the stomach and intestines, its excretion occurs mainly in the faeces. After the end of therapy bismuth concentration decreases rapidly.

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Dosage and method of use

The course of treatment De nolom should begin after consultation with the attending physician.

For patients 14 years of age, 1 tablet four times a day. An alternative may be taking two tablets twice a day.

Children from 8 to 14 years of age take 1 tablet twice a day.

Younger patients from 4 to 8 years, the dosage is calculated from 8 mg per kilogram body weight of the child daily (2 times a day). However, the total daily dose should not exceed two tablets.

Taking the drug is held for half an hour before meals. The tablet should be washed down with a little water.

The duration of the therapeutic course of 4 to 8 weeks. It is very important that the patient in the next two months after treatment did not use products that contain bismuth.

If the patient is diagnosed diseases caused by exposure to Helicobacter pylori, should apply special scheme of complex therapy, in which the following drugs are used: De Nol, Omez, Tetritsiklin, Metronidazole. In this case, De Nol can take 10 - 14 days.

The maximum duration of continuous rate De nolom is 8 weeks. The great length of treatment can cause adverse reactions and overdose effects which can be expressed in the development of renal failure.


The drug is indicated for the absence of the following contraindications:

  • sensitivity to bismuth and its derivatives;
  • functional disorders of kidney activity.

use Features

The drug at high doses, or increasing the maximum duration of therapy may cause severe adverse reactions. That is why for the treatment of ulcers can drink De Nol no more than 8 weeks without a break.

Dairy products may interfere with the positive effects of the drug.

If the patient is assigned a complex therapy, it is recommended to carry out reception De Nola apart from all drugs in order not to reduce its positive effects.

Medication is not recommended for use in pregnant patients. If necessary, the use of medication during lactation should stop breastfeeding.


De-Nol is one of the most popular tools used successfully for the treatment of ulcerative diseases of the digestive system. It allows you to create a protective film on the affected areas and promotes rapid healing of mucosal lesions and scarring.

Before therapy the doctor will tell you how many days drinking De Nol and his daily dosage. To maximize the exposure you need to strictly follow the instructions of a specialist does not exceed the necessary dose and the duration of the course.


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