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De-Nol for pancreatitis: it is possible or not, how to make

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De-Nol produce tablets. Framework which has a therapeutic effect is colloidal bismuth subcitrate. Its based on the dry weight of Bi2ABOUT3 part to 120 mg per one tablet.

Additional components:

  • starch from corn;
  • polacrilin potassium;
  • hypromellose;
  • macrogol;
  • K30-povidone;
  • magnesium stearate.


According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system:

  • Chronic forms of gastritis: Bactericidal (associated with H. Pylori), with acidity (hyperacid), erosive;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • dyspepsia: flatulence, bloating or heartburn; irritable bowel syndrome; frustration of a chair;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (GU and benign neoplasm of the pancreas);
  • GORD disease (GERD).

That is, the manual does not specify what should be sure to drink De Nol pancreatitis. But the reception of De-Nol in general complex treatment of pancreatitis is very important for the prevention of complications of therapy with other organs and the gastrointestinal tract for a speedy recovery.

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Operating principle

De-Nol compound contains bismuth, which when released into the acidic environment of the stomach converted to insoluble salts: bismuth oxychloride and bismuth citrate. They cover the epithelial defect in the stomach due to the appearance of chelate bonds with peptides that line struck mucous portion, thereby terminating access to the acid from the juice of the stomach or digestive juice in the duodenal intestine.

Bismuth compounds also lead to disruption of metabolic processes in bacteria Helicobacter pylori. bismuth salts penetrate deeply into the membrane, disrupting its permeability. Getting into the cage, bismuth compounds block the enzymes work in it. Due to this, the microbial cells are destroyed.

The effect that De Nol:

  • Bactericidal against Helicobacter;
  • Enveloping - by forming a film over the epithelial defect;
  • Antacid - by reducing the activity of enzymes (pepsin, pepsinogen);
  • The cytoprotective effect - stimulation of production of prostaglandin E2, enhancing the activity of mucosal (cells that produce mucus), stimulation of synthesis of epidermal growth factor in its defect;
  • It improves the flow of bile.

De-Nol improves the protective processes in the digestive tract tissues, contributing to their early healing. In the treatment of pancreatitis, particularly in the case of its conjugation with impaired outflow of bile, the drug also improves the regeneration of prostate tissues, and establishes its secretory activity.

De Nol and pancreatitis

Treat pancreatitis De nolom without using other medicines ineffective. But this drug is very important in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of pancreatitisAs well as acute disease phase.

This is due to the fact that:

  • During exacerbation of pancreatitis, which occurs as a chronic, increases production enzymes gland. They can damage the mucous membrane of the gastroduodenal tract, provoking the development of gastritis;
  • Aggravation of pancreatitis requires the appointment of "starvation" diet in the hospital up to 5 days: patients do not take food that creates the conditions for damage to the stomach lining and duodenum;
  • Chronic forms of pancreatitis is often associated with other gastrointestinal diseases: gastroduodenitis, violation of outflow of bile, a disorder of motor-evacuation function;
  • Pancreatitis can develop due to infection with Helicobacter pylori gland tissue.

Treatment of pancreatic inflammation nolom de done in conjunction with appropriate therapy aimed at eliminating exacerbations pancreatitis. The drug accelerates the healing process, prevents the development of aggressive digestive juicesBy reducing their acidity and enzymatic activity, improves the patency of the liver and pancreatic duct.

These properties are used as prevention of gastroduodenita during treatment works disorders pancreatic and to shorten the period of active treatment in acute exacerbations of chronic disease. Especially effective is to take from pancreatitis De Nol, if diagnosed Biliary type.


Guidelines on how to take De-Nol pancreatitis, do not differ from the standard dose of the drug:

  • Medication used to 4 years. Pediatric dosage for patients age group 4-8 years is calculated individually based on the weight of the child: 8 mg / kg of weight of the child. The resulting number of medicines are divided into two steps. The daily dose - not more than 2 tablets. Once the medication given before bedtime;
  • For children aged 8-14 years drinking De Nol be doubly during the day and 1 tablet per single dose. In this case, one of the techniques to be at night;
  • Adult medicine give fourfold: 1 tablet three times during the day before eating, and one time - before going to bed.

De-Nol should drink half an hour before meals with plenty of water. You can not drink the medicine juice, soda, tea, milk. These products inactivate the drug, so avoid their reception for half an hour before drinking De Nol and 30 minutes after.

The treatment course lasts from 1 to 2 months. Exceed the recommended duration of treatment is desirable in order to prevent the accumulation and development of bismuth salts pathologies the kidneys. In the treatment of pancreatitis particularly important cytoprotective use De-Nol especially during fasting and in acute phase. Chronic pancreatitis, which is accompanied by a deficiency of the enzyme may not require appointment of the drug, however, indications for admission De Nola determined by the physician.

Pharmacological interactions

Pancreatitis take De Nol should, together with other groups of drugs. De-Nol does not alter the effectiveness of such means as:

  • anesthetics (No-Spa, papaverine);
  • proton pump inhibitors;
  • substitution treatment with enzymes (Creon Festal);

You can not apply De-Nol with:

  • milk;
  • cocoa, tea, coffee;
  • carbonated water and beverages;
  • juices;
  • fruit;
  • liquor

Since they are inactivated bismuth salts in the composition of medicines.

De-Nol reduces absorption of antibiotics, especially tetracycline, and therefore the appointment of the two drugs together is not recommended. If the treatment of pancreatitis implies compulsory acceptance of tetracycline, the doctor must give details of medication regime and to adjust the dose of the antimicrobial agent.

In the treatment of pancreatitis complex assignment means often involves antibiotics, however, typically use tools from the group of ampicillin.

Leading role in the treatment of pancreatitis in any phase current plays a diet heavy lifting for the digestion of food, requiring hard work of the prostate: fried, smoked, sweet, fat, food. Chronic pancreatitis forms require enzyme replacement therapy failure and reception enzymes.


Bismuth preparations, including De-Nol, can accumulate in body tissues and blood plasma, that an excess of them can trigger the development of disorders of the brain or liver.

In connection with this drink is contraindicated De Nol:

  • Children up to 4 years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • women who are breastfeeding infants;
  • are allergic to components of the drug;
  • those with severe disorders of the kidneys.

side effects

Reception De Nol can trigger the development of such adverse reactions, such as:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea disorders stool, nausea;
  • skin rash, itching, allergy;
  • poor concentration, memory loss, coordinated movements;
  • renal dysfunction.

If you experience side effects De-Nol note taking it and contact your doctor for advice.

In the treatment of de-nolom chair can change color to black. This is normal, but if you have peptic ulcer disease should always consult a gastroenterologist.

Upon completion of a course of therapy is recommended to be tested to determine the level of bismuth in it in order to prevent the development of side effects of the drug on the brain and kidneys. Normally, the concentration is less than 0.56 nmol / ml.


Long-term use drugs in excess of recommended doses can cause such phenomena:

  • Neforpatiya and renal failure due to exposure bismuth salts (usually occurs above De Nol concentration in plasma);
  • Encephalopathy (with prolonged and uncontrolled drug intake in excess doses) - motor coordination disorders, memory loss and concentration.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Swelling, redness of the gums and the appearance of dark colored gums and tongue.

In identifying these symptoms need to wash out the stomach, and take adsorbents (activated charcoal) and osmotic laxatives. Patients with severe kidney failure may need dialysis.


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