Types Of Diseases

How to maintain skin health

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Contents of
  • Function of sebaceous and sweat glands
  • Reasons for changing the functions of the epidermis
  • Methods of prevention and treatment of the problem
  • Nutrition for reducing the problem of

Oily skin of the face in men is associated with the features of the structure of the epidermis. Deep skin layer - the dermis of the stronger sex is much thicker than in women. This layer serves as the basis for sebaceous and sweat glands, hair bulbs and vessels. The thicker the dermis, the more there are additional glands in it. To understand the nature of oily skin, you need to know the functions of the glands located in it.

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Function of sebaceous and sweat glands

On the face of men, a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands is located. Sebaceous iron is necessary for the production of natural fat, which serves as a lubricant for the skin. Under the influence of various factors, its activities can be disrupted. At the same time, a change in the volume of fat produced is observed. This change provokes the appearance of various neoplasms on the face area.

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The sweat glands are needed for proper thermoregulation of the skin. Many of them have a hair bulb in the bed. The sweat gland is excreted in the bed in the form of a papilla. From it are derived compounds of salts and various degradation products. When mixing sweat and grease lubricant, there is a significant contamination of the pores. It's time to clog up, there is an inflammatory process. Often against the background of blockage in men, there are red rashes.

Eruptions on the face of men are of a different nature. Treatment and prevention of the problem depends on the causes that have increased the fat content of the skin.

Reasons for changing the functions of the epidermis

There are many reasons that affect the increase in fat content of the face in men. There are such irritating factors as:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Improper care for skin;
  • Dysfunction;
  • Harmful habits.

The main cause of the appearance of excessive fat content of a man's face is a hormonal failure. Often this phenomenon occurs in boys during adolescence. At this age, there is a growing hormonal background. In boys, testosterone production increases. This hormone is responsible for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Under his influence, hair growth is activated on certain parts of the body. Changes associated with the reproductive system are also due to testosterone.

Teenage Acne The hormone begins to be produced in large quantities and unevenly. Under its influence, the vascular system is activated. Vessels begin to grow and stretch. There is a violation of blood supply in the skin. In this case, the trophism of the sebaceous gland worsens. Omentum begins to produce fat in large quantities, as the body mistakenly regulates the moisture of the skin. Under the influence of testosterone, there is also an increase in sweating. The sweat fluid is mixed with fat and clogs the pores. Against the background of hormonal changes in boys there are teenage pimples.

The fat content of the facial skin has a detrimental effect and the environment. Strong temperature changes affect the function of fat release. In hot weather, omentums and sweat glands begin to actively develop secrets. In the summer, various dusts from the air are mixed with a secret. There is a strong contamination of skin pores. If untimely purification is carried out, small rashes are formed, called acne.

Many men are mistaken about the use of cosmetics to care for the skin of the face. Modern cosmetic industry has developed a large number of products that are suitable for men's skin. If properly used, you can significantly reduce the fat content of the skin.

A frequent culprit in enhancing the fatness of a person is malnutrition. Modern men eat fried and fatty foods. This is due to the characteristics of life and profession. Not every young man can afford a full-fledged useful dinner. Most men eat heavy food because of a long feeling of satiety.

Oily and fried foods have a pathological effect on the digestive system. The stomach can not fully break down the fats that enter the body. There is an accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue. The patient's body weight increases. This pathology affects the strong expansion of the glands. The production of fat is increasing. The same reaction occurs on the skin when using spicy foods. Sharp and burning seasonings increase lymph flow and blood circulation. Against this background, salivation is increasing.

Sealing operations can be affected by bad habits. Alcohol-containing drinks and smoking have a particularly negative effect. Both types of pernicious habits have a negative effect on the vascular and nervous system. Under the influence of alcohol, there is an increase in the pulse, dulling of attention. Transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. The use of alcohol-containing beverages is accompanied by increased sweating. Against this background there is a blockage of pores. On the skin are pimples and acne.

Methods of prevention and treatment of

problem There is a wide variety of methods of treatment and prevention of increased fat content of the skin. Specialists offer the following methods:

  • Skin Care Medication;
  • Cosmetic effects;
  • Power regulation;
  • Normalization of personal care for skin.

In case of hormonal disorders, experts recommend the use of a medicamentous type of treatment. Oily skin on the background of hormonal changes becomes more porous and thick. To solve this problem, you need to adjust the background. For treatment, various drugs are used that restore the level of testosterone and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

For boys who are in adolescence, physicians are advised to use yeast with sulfur. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy. The effect of yeast is due to the composition. The composition of the medicine includes various vitamins of group B, sulfur and zinc. Group B is necessary for the body for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system. Taking medication leads to normalization of weight and muscle structure in men. Hair and nail plate growth is restored. Sera has a positive effect on the work of the sebaceous glands. The level of fat produced by the omentum is reduced. Zinc helps regulate the formation of testosterone. The intake of yeast helps the boys to easily transfer the adolescent period.

Also for the treatment of fatness a man can use various herbal preparations. To wipe your face, you can use Rotokan infusion. Rotokan contains an extract of calendula and chamomile, prepared for alcohol. Alcohol solution is used as a tonic. Daily it is necessary to wipe the skin with a swab dipped in Rotokan. Application within 10 days significantly reduces the production of sebum.

Acne treatment is also performed with the help of various medications. Pharmacies offer a wide range of different products for external use. They include various antibiotic substances and antimicrobial components. Well-proven tool such as Zinerit. Daily use of the substance gives a good and lasting effect. Application is carried out in men at different ages. The main action of Zinerite is the reduction of the high fat content of the face.

The action of cosmetic preparations is based on salicylic acid. This substance strongly dries the skin and narrows the pores. But the use of such tools requires consultation of a dermatologist. In case of rosacea, such remedies are contraindicated.

Nutrition to reduce the problem of

It was noted that the fatness of the face is aggravated by malnutrition. This is especially true for men. Reduce the fat content of the skin will help to choose the right food. Dermatologists recommend to abandon foods that contain animal fats. Such food not only has a detrimental effect on the skin condition, but also disrupts digestion. At increased fat separation it is recommended to pay attention to the following products:

  • Proper nutrition Buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Legumes;
  • Nuts of various kinds;
  • Green;
  • Turkey and veal;
  • Green fruits.

With acne, cereals are very useful. Such products have a cleansing effect on the skin and activate digestion. Especially such qualities can boast of buckwheat and oatmeal. Buckwheat cleans the intestines from accumulated decay products. This is due to the particles of the shell, which leave the body in an unchanged form. Oatmeal also covers the walls of the stomach and prevents the absorption of harmful substances. With cereals it is recommended to start the morning.

Legumes and various nuts contain a large number of B vitamins. These components regulate the functioning of the nervous and muscular system, restoring the health of the skin. Only fresh or boiled beans have such properties. In canned form, they do not represent any nutritional value.

Men can not refuse meat-eating. For meat lovers, it is recommended to eat dietary varieties of turkey and veal. Both types of meat contain a large number of iron. Due to its content, a rapid formation of new blood cells takes place. The blood is renewed, the tissue trophism is amplified. With normal oxygen nutrition, the fatness of the facial skin is normalized.

Many men do not consider it necessary to properly care for the skin of the face. This leads to unpleasant rashes. To avoid the problem, you need to eat properly and cleanse the skin.

If you choose the right care for yourself, it's difficult for a dermatologist.

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