Useful For Preparations

Polisorb by vomiting: instructions on how to make adults and children how to give

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The causes of nausea and vomiting

The cause of ailments, accompanied by nausea and vomiting can be a variety of circumstances:

  • Alcohol in large quantities;
  • the use of poor quality or unusual food;
  • concussion;
  • overeating;
  • appendicitis;
  • treatment of medical drugs and so on. d.

Vomiting may also provoke hacking cough caused by, for example, bronchitis, and other diseases. Some of these conditions (appendicitis, a concussion, and others.) Require immediate professional medical assistance. In this case, self-Polisorbents can lubricate the picture of the disease and further complicate diagnosis.

The causes of vomiting in infants under one year

For a newborn baby, who only adapts to life in the environment, a disorder in the work stomach and vomiting can cause even the slightest deviation in the usual diet like him, and nursing mother. In the first year of life the child is very sensitive to the environment, food and other factors.

For infants first year of life, the origin of vomiting may depend on such factors:

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  1. The diet of a nursing mother. If you have smoked, chemical dyes, alcohol, chocolate, flavor enhancers in its menu, smoked, etc.
  2. Transition to the new mixture. Unusual, even very high-quality product can cause both allergies and vomiting.
  3. Lure. Introduction of new products in the child's diet can also lead to a breach in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to update the menu of the child should be very carefully watching the reaction of the organism.

Note! Getting used to the external environment for the baby can produce unpleasant effects such as vomiting.

The causes of vomiting in children older than one year

After a year of nausea and vomiting are most commonly associated with eating disorders, to a lesser extent - with getting used to the environment.

Among the causes of gastrointestinal disorders work and vomiting are the following:

  • food poisoning;
  • slow metabolism;
  • appendicitis;
  • entering of a foreign body in the esophagus;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • neurological diseases;
  • cardiospasm as a result of fear, etc.

Since the causes of vomiting a lot, then you must first make an accurate diagnosis. Make it should be, before taking Polisorb nausea. If in doubt about the cause of ailments baby should be as soon as possible consult with your doctor.

Structure and Composition

Sorbent under the name "POLYSORB" is inorganic matter. Available in the form of finely ground powder. In the composition of the drug - only one substance - specially treated silica (colloidal silicon dioxide).

Polysorb packaged into sachets (3 grams) and banks (volume from 12 to 50 grams). The required dosage of the dry component should mete out very carefully, especially in the treatment of very young children.

Take Polysorb physician at a specified scheme, pre-diluted in the specified amount of water in the instruction. How exactly with vomiting to drink Polisorb determined individually. Product form allows you to vary as the dosage and number of doses.

Important! Drink not diluted in water, the powder is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule can lead to deterioration and intestinal obstruction.

Polisorb, falling into the gastrointestinal tract, has a local therapeutic effect. He does not enter the systemic circulation, it does not pass through the kidneys and liver. This important fact, which allows you to use the tool in the age group "0+" and the treatment of pregnant women.

range of applications

The action is based on the effective Polysorb taking in harmful substances and their withdrawal from the body naturally. Sorbent, due to its high security, can even be assigned to pregnant women and newborns.

Polysorb relates to well established ehnterosorbentov which may be part of complex therapy in the treatment of various diseases. Or it can be used as monosredstva. It absorbs harmful substances to the body, neutralizes toxins and acidic environment in which propagate pathological bacteria.

POLYSORB pharmacological effects on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • detoxification;
  • sorption.

Indications for

Indications for use in POLYSORB wide enough:

  • inflammation with formation of pus;
  • infectious intestinal diseases (in exacerbation);
  • poisoning, including medicines;
  • hepatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • toxemia of pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • intoxication caused by alcohol;
  • allergies and so on.

Note! Polisorb help with vomiting, if prepared correctly, and in the form of long-term suspension is not stored.

Side effects

Continued treatment leads to polysorbate excretion of not only pathological microflora, but also nutrients (minerals, vitamins, etc.). This may increase the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases. Compensate for the loss of vitamins and minerals can be added multivitamin complexes, which should not be taken simultaneously with polysorbate.

Whether happens that Polisorb drug causes vomiting? This issue may occur in patients who are discharged sorbent for the first time. Silicon, which is part of POLYSORB, hypoallergenic. To him can be extremely rare individual sensitivity. In this case, the drug the doctor is replaced by another similar action. Other components, including flavorings, comprising no adsorbent.


Despite the fact that vomiting after POLYSORB passes, and the patient's condition improves, he is shown to the reception not in all cases.

The ban on the treatment of polysorbate is applied in such situations:

  • bowel obstruction;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer and stomach;
  • idiosyncrasy.

Instructions for use in vomiting

Depending on the nature of the disease is determined by therapy circuit. The earlier case of poisoning, induce vomiting, polysorbate treatment is started, the faster and more efficiently it will operate.

Preliminary preparation

In all cases, pre-need to carry out preparatory activities:

  • To find out the patient's weight (this applies not only to children but also adults).
  • Purified water to prepare a dilution agent (breast milk can be used for infants).
  • For suspension for children will need very accurate scales. This is especially important for measuring doses of newborns. Suitable consumer electronics, or even jewelry.

Since the action of the sorbent based on taking in a variety of substances, the intake should be Polysorb or one hour before meals and receiving other medications or over one or two hours after a meal.

Important! Joint reception POLYSORB with other medicines may affect their action, and in some cases (for example, aspirin), even provoke gastrointestinal bleeding.

Determination of dosage

The desired dose is calculated on the basis of body weight.

Body weight, kg

Volume Polisorb powder

Volume of water ml

> 50 kg

2 tablespoons


40 - 50

1 tablespoon


30 - 40

2 teaspoons


20 - 30

1 teaspoon of "uppers"


10 — 20

1 teaspoon with a little slide


<10 kg

1/2 tsp


For the first year of life, it is desirable to use a more accurate powder dosing. For this baby weight should be divided by 10. For example, 3.12 kg / 10 = 0.312 grams. That's how much of the drug powder and should be taken for suspension.

Note! For infants should be closely metered dry Polisorb component suspension.

Treatment of vomiting in case of poisoning: features therapy

Nausea and vomiting caused by poisoning, Polysorb desirable to adopt when the first symptoms. This is the key to a quick recovery and less damage to the body as a result of illness.

First means for poisoning and vomiting may be gastric lavage using a water-sorbent powder Polysorb. For this enterosorbent diluted in the following proportions: 1 liter of water - 10 grams of powder. After a single washing of the preparation is drunk by the standard procedure orally.

Tip! If severe poisoning, you may need to spend some time in a row catharsis. And only then go for treatment under the traditional scheme.

Take suspension vomiting immediately after preparation. On the day is usually enough 3-4 doses at regular intervals.

The duration of treatment is determined individually taking into account all factors.

The average rate may be:

  • nausea, chronic intoxication - 2 weeks;
  • Poisoning - from 3 to 5 days;
  • vomiting due to food allergies - up to 5 days.

Treatment of vomiting in alcoholic poisoning

In alcoholic poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders accompanied with nausea and vomiting Polysorb applied from 5 days up to six weeks at the rate of 0.2 gram dosage per 1 kg of patient weight. Polysorb alcohol has the property to bind, thus it reduces the manifestations of alcohol poisoning.

When administered with alcohol, sorbent prevent intoxication, vomiting and development of hangover. For this medicine is taken in the first 5 hours of one unit dose every hour. The duration of therapy is determined individually. Typically, more intensive treatment is given for no longer than 2 days. This will prevent nausea and vomiting caused by large portions of alcohol.

Treatment Polisorbents children

This means - one of the most effective sorbents which can be discharged even grkdnichkam. He is good at helping kids with vomiting bile and nausea due to its absorbent action.

Medicine within minutes begins the therapeutic effect directly after being deposited in the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its good tolerability, high security and significant performance, doctors often recommend giving Polisorb child with vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

Tip! For newborns powder may be blended into breast milk or habitual formula. For older children - in the juice or compote. But in all these cases, you need to give the sorbent separately from the main meals.

Sorbents applied vomiting

Upon receiving Polysorb vomiting patient stops, and general condition improved significantly. But sometimes the treatment of this sorbent is not possible for any reason (idiosyncrasy, is not at hand, and so forth.). In this case, other sorbents similar actions can be assigned to remove intoxication and elimination retching:

  • Smecta;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Neosmektit et al.

Giving preference to polysorbate, you should know that it is more effective than most other enterosorbents. Some (eg, activated carbon), it is superior to a hundred times.

Issue in powder form allows you to choose the optimal dosage for the treatment, taking into account not only diagnosis but also weight. Dilution with means to form a suspension obtained slurry. It has no distinct taste qualities, and has virtually no odor.

For small children powder can be mixed in their preferred liquid food, which allows to treat even newborns. Any sorbents have a list of contraindications and features of the application, a list of which you should read in advance.

The drug is indicated for Polisorb vomiting in adults and children. It belongs to a very effective and safe sorbents, helps with many diseases. Depending on the individual characteristics of each patient's condition the doctor selects duration of the course of treatment, the scheme and the appropriate diet.


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