How To Give Enterosgel Babies?
Useful For Preparations

Enterosgel for babies: how to give the dosage instructions

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The drug is a gelevidnoe inert substance exhibiting powerful properties of the sorbent. Once in the digestive system, Enterosgel absorbs, binds and removes toxins, regardless of their origin. This may be poisonous substances trapped in the body from the outside, as well as components formation by metabolic reactions (endogenous and exogenous toxins).

Doctors often recommend for the treatment of Enterosgel to give infants, because the drug is completely safe, it has no negative impact on, does not interact with the digestive tract mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, and also prevents the absorption of useful substances.

Enterosgel relieves symptoms of intoxication, quickly improves the general condition of the patient.


Enterosgel is appointed to carry out detoxification therapy in adults and children (including infants) in the following situations:

  • for poisoning (acute and chronic nature) with toxic substances (arsenic, mercury, radionuclides, heavy metal salts, derivatives of lead, etc.);
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  • acute intoxication due to the action of various noxious components (drugs, poisons, veschestvama containing alkaloids);
  • for the therapy of intestinal infections (acute period) in conjunction with other drugs;
  • in the treatment of pathologies suppurative septic type, particularly in infants;
  • allergic pathologies, dysbacteriosis, hyperbilirubinemia, hyperasotemia;
  • for intoxication prevention among workers of hazardous industries and people living in ecologically unfavorable areas.


Before giving Enterosgel infants should ensure that it has no contraindications to a medical facility:

  • hypersensitivity agent components;
  • reduction peristaltic activity of the intestines and tone;
  • bowel obstruction (acute period).

Dosage and method of use

As with any drug enterosorbent be applied according to the scheme of therapy prescribed by the doctor. This is especially important when using the drug in young children and infants. When used properly, maximum efficiency effects during treatment.

Enterosgel be taken before or after meals and consumption of other drugs with an interval of 60 to 120 minutes.

The drug can be in ready to drink form or a liquid drink and dilute with water (1: 3).

Adult patients and children over 14 years old should be given 1.5 Art. spoons (or one packet) Enterosgelya (22.5 g) means three times daily;

For children from 5 to 14 years and is used 1 tbsp. tablespoon (15 grams) of the gel three times throughout the day.

Young patients, infants and children under 5 years old should be given 0.5 Art. spoons (7.5 g) three times a day.

Enterosgel for infants received the following scheme - 2.5 g or half a teaspoon, a six-day. For infants preparation must be diluted with water (1: 3) and is received prior to each feeding.

For the prophylactic therapy of the chronic nature of intoxication should drink 1 package Enetrosgelya 2 times a day for 7 - 10 days per month.

The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the patient and the treating physician, and may be from 3 to 21 days. Enterosgelya dosage may be increased if necessary.

Enterosgel for diathesis

Many young children, especially infants, suffer from various allergic manifestations. For example: redness or rash on the skin, peeling, and increased dryness of the skin. This impairs the child's well-being and brings grief to parents.

Usually, the cause of development diathesis in infants is an allergy in the use of food associated with a lack of certain enzymes in the baby. Some products can not be digested properly, and their decay leads to intoxication and subsequent allergic symptoms.

That's why pediatricians prescribe for babies with diathesis take Enterosgel. Because if you do not start treatment in time, allergies and diathesis may take a chronic course, which is much more difficult to fight.

Dose formulation for use in infants is: one teaspoon of the third gel, diluted with water or mother's milk in a ratio of 1: 3, before each feeding (in a six-day).

Sometimes doctors recommend the use of Enterosgel to treat diathesis in infants in a different way - externally. According to information from the parents - it is a powerful tool for removing scars, peeling and redness of the skin of an allergic etiology. Inflamed areas are lubricated with gel paste several times a day. Of course, this should be considered as an additional therapy for diathesis in infants. Enterosgel should be mixed with antiseptic for maximum effect and the rapid disappearance of cutaneous manifestations.

When the rash and redness between the legs of the child, the medication should be applied after the hygienic procedures, under the diaper. This will not only remove the redness, but also relieve itching. Baby Enterosgel not only externally, but also orally in combination with antihistamines.

Nursing mothers should be aware that their diet should not contain foods that provoke allergic reactions in infants.

side effects

Despite the fact that Enterosgel is well tolerated by patients of all ages (including babies) in very rare cases may develop adverse events that appear in the following way:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of heaviness and swelling in the abdomen;
  • pain in the abdominal area.

These dyspeptic symptoms are most likely to occur during the first two days after the start of therapy medical devices.

If during treatment Enterosgelem babies they develop constipation, it is necessary to conduct a cleansing enema or give a mild laxative. However, before the procedure, you should consult with a pediatrician.

If a side effect symptoms disappear within a few days, you should interrupt treatment and consult a specialist.

use Features

Enterosgel may be used in combination therapy with other medical means. The only condition for such a combination is the strict adherence to the interval between doses of drugs.

A medicine authorized for use in patients of any age, including infants, and has no contraindications for use in pregnant patients and nursing mothers.

The use of Enterosgel to children under one year should be carried out with strict control of regular bowel movements, as a medical agent can cause constipation. With the development of constipation for more than 2 days, necessary holding enema or receiving laxatives allowed infants.


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