
Tomatoes with pancreatitis

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A complex approach to the problem is required for successful treatment of pancreatitis. The most important direction in therapeutic therapy is adherence to a strict diet, the main purpose of which is to reduce the load on the pancreas. When compiling dietary nutrition, a number of particularly aggressive products should be completely excluded from the daily diet, at the same time to accelerate the recovery process, the body needs to receive the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Tomatoes with pancreatitis

In connection with this selectivity, the question often arises whether it is possible to have tomatoes in pancreatitis. The effect of this vegetable on the gastrointestinal tract can be both positive and negative, so when inflammation of the pancreas or stomach ulcer, such a product should be consumed in a limited way.

What is the benefit and harm of tomatoes

With the onset of the summer season, the craving for fresh vegetables is increasing. Tomatoes are a part of many hot dishes and salads. To give an unambiguous answer about whether it is possible to eat tomatoes in pancreatitis is rather difficult. This vegetable, undoubtedly, is a very tasty and useful product. It contains many mineral salts, iron, potassium, soft fiber and vitamins. Tomatoes activate metabolism, improve digestion and promote the removal of harmful cholesterol. Besides, thanks to the content of serotonin, this vegetable is able to raise the mood and prevent a depressive state, which is important during illness.

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However, excessive acid activity can be dangerous for the inflamed organ. The use of such a product in the period of exacerbation should be limited or completely eliminated. The possible presence of harmful toxins in the fruit can adversely affect the entire digestive system. With chronic pancreatitis and stomach ulcer, tomatoes can be eaten only after the vegetable is cooked.

Usage rules

People with pancreatitis who have acquired a chronic form need to monitor their diet with special care. In the absence of pain symptoms in the digestive organs, doctors recommend that you enter this product in the menu gradually. It should be noted that this is only about cooked and stewed tomatoes. Eating raw or unripe vegetables can cause inflammation of the pancreas. It is most preferable to use mashed tomatoes without peel in food.

Tomatoes with pancreatitis

To start using tomato puree with cholecystitis and pancreatitis you need from one tablespoon per day. In the absence of side effects, the norm can be increased to a whole tomato per day. In the case of the onset of pain, the product should be completely excluded from the diet.

Many believe that with pancreatitis, you can use various home preparations. For example, canned tomatoes in their own juice or pickled and pickled tomatoes. Unfortunately, in the opinion of nutritionists and doctors, these dishes should be included in the section of prohibited foods. This restriction is due to the fact that when preserving vegetables, dangerous ingredients are used that can cause irreparable harm to the digestive system. Such products include:

  • citric acid;
  • acetic essence;
  • various spicy spices;
  • large amount of salt.

In addition, housewives quite often add ketchup and tomato sauces, which they bought in stores, to their preparations, which can also contain aggressive ingredients, preservatives and colorants.

Tomato paste

A product such as tomato paste, which is manufactured industrially, is also not allowed for pancreatic and gastric ulcer disorders. So why can not you eat such a harmless product? The answer to this question is obvious. The technology of production of this product is associated with the use of various preservatives. In addition, there are unscrupulous producers who add to the paste various ingredients that cause the aggravation of the disease in a matter of hours. Therefore, before you risk your health, you should think about the questionable benefits of such a product.

Tomatoes with pancreatitis

It's quite another matter when tomato paste is cooked at home. This dish can be attributed to the "healthy" food. In order to get puree from tomatoes, you need to take a well-ripened fruit, cut them into small slices and pass through a juicer. The resulting juice should be poured into a saucepan and boiled for four hours until it thickens. The finished product is decomposed into sterile cans and stored in a cool place.

Is it possible to drink tomato juice

during illness? As it turned out, tomatoes in pancreatitis are not prohibited, but whether this statement applies to tomato juice. Unfortunately, this is a useful, vitamin-rich tasty drink in the presence of an acute stage of pancreatitis, as well as gastric ulcer refers to foods that doctors are forced to prohibit. The reason for this is a number of reasons:

  • the raw pulp contained in the drink can provoke gas production and diarrhea;
  • juice has a choleretic effect, as a result of which activation of aggressive enzymes may be provoked;
  • high salt content often leads to pancreatic edema;
  • organic acids, which are concentrated in the juice, can cause excessive production of gastric juice, and also activate the production of pancreatic enzymes.

Contrary to the current belief that tomatoes in pancreatitis can be dangerous, it is worth noting that the main restriction on the use of this product refers to the period of exacerbation of the disease. At the stage of persistent remission, this useful juice can be completely introduced into the diet in reasonable doses. However, it is only a self-made drink.

Tomatoes with pancreatitis

How to make tomato juice safe

Cautious introduction of tomatoes into the diet in pancreatitis and gastric ulcer is possible only during a period of persistent remission. If we talk about a product like tomato juice, it is recommended to dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio before use. At the same time, you need to listen carefully to the reaction of the organism and, at the slightest doubt, stop the experiment.

Tomato juice is indisputably a valuable product for the body, so its complete exclusion from the diet will be erroneous. The beneficial effect of this drink on the body is as follows:

  • juice is a supplier of trace elements and vitamins;
  • this product is considered a low-calorie;
  • the presence of serotonin in the composition helps to avoid depression;
  • due to phytoncides the drink has an antimicrobial effect;
  • lycopene, which retains its activity even after heat treatment, helps the body to combat cancers and atherosclerosis.

A worthy list of benefits suggests that with pancreatitis, tomatoes are more useful than harmful. Therefore, if the stage of the disease allows you to eat this vegetable, do not neglect the possibility to enrich the damaged organs with useful substances, and also to maintain immunity at the proper level.

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