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Dimexide in inflammation of the lymph nodes: how to make a compress

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Dimexidum in inflammation of lymph nodes is designated as antiinflammatory solution, based on which the patient is made compresses. Main therapeutic purpose of the drug - this integrated treatment of inflamed tissues lymph nodes with their localization in the neck, groin area, armpit, under the clavicle. Prescribe the use Dimexidum to combat lymphadenitis may only doctor. Unauthorized use of the drug - is prohibited.

Terms of use of the drug

Dimexide can not be classified as harmless drugs, because the solution is a potent and active enters the biochemical reaction as in the external environment, and after penetration into the patient's body person.

Therefore compress Dimexidum for lymph nodes are allowed to apply only subject to strict observance of the following rules:

  • As for the preparation of consumable compress taken 6 layers of sterile gauze bandage.
  • Fabric abundantly wetted Dimexidum already prepared solution is pushed into the palm of the hand and then applied to the neck portion or any other portion of the body where concentrated inflamed lymph nodes.
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  • On top of the gauze fabric superimposed plastic film. It should be used to avoid undesirable evaporation of the active components of the drug as well as provide additional warming effect.
  • On the segment of the bandage and plastic film wrap a warm scarf, shawl or any other dense tissue that be able to keep the heat generated in the application of a compress with Dimexidum, and will not allow the evaporation of the drug.

If compresses Dimexidum lymphadenitis when used for the first time, it is recommended every 15 minutes inspect the skin of the cervical spine, or any other part of the body where increased focus lymph nodes. When the red spots, irritation, rash, itching, swelling of the epithelial tissue, treatment is stopped immediately. The reason for such a reaction of the organism is an allergy to the active components of the solution.

The first application should last no longer than 1 hour. Subsequently treated lymph nodes via the compress can be over 4 hours. The optimum time to achieve a therapeutic effect, and avoidance of skin irritation is 2 hours from the moment of fixing a gauze dressing on the surface of the neck, or any other body part. Otherwise not excluded occurrence of burns. Especially, if the medicament were wrong proportions selected during the preparation of the solution.

Children compress with the inflammation of the lymph nodes is put on 30-40 minutes, no more than 1 time per day. It is extremely important to monitor the condition of the child. To respond to such complaints as a feeling of heaviness in breathing, rapid heartbeat, itching, dizziness and pain in the occipital, or in the temporal part of the head. Adults are allowed to use means more often. To quickly remove inflammation in the lymph nodes, compress on the basis Dimexidum placed in the morning and evening.


When inflammation of the lymph nodes compress Dimexidum absolutely contraindicated, if the results comprehensive examination of the patient following concomitant diseases of various organs have been found systems:

  • an allergic reaction to the dimethyl sulfoxide, which acts as active substance Dimexidum solution (no matter how it is a way to show individuality intolerance to medication - itching, bronchial spasm, edema of the mucous membranes, rash);
  • angina and other cardiac arrhythmias;
  • diseases of liver and kidney tissues, which are to reduce their filtration function;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cataract or glaucoma;
  • failure of major vessels;
  • violation of the coronary circulation;
  • previously transferred cerebrovascular stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • finding the patient in a coma.

Children under the age of 12, pregnant women, as well as performing lactation baby breast milk can not be treated with lymph node compresses based Dimexidum. In this case, the probability of negative consequences is higher than getting a positive therapeutic effect. When inflammation of the lymph nodes Dimexidum with extreme caution prescribed to patients, age 70 years and older.

Preparation of the solution

The treatment process begins with inflamed lymph node preparations based solution Dimexidum. It is on its proportional ratio of water and the active ingredient of the drug depends on the success of therapy. To avoid mistakes and make a sufficient concentration of a solution that will remove the swelling of lymph nodes will not inflame and irritate your skin, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  • Mark 80 ml. pre-boiled and cooled water, and then pour it in any clean container with low margins, so it was convenient to lubricate the gauze fabric.
  • Add 20 ml of water. 50% Dimexidum and thoroughly mixed treatment solution components.
  • The medicine is ready for use. The next stage of treatment - is wetted gauze bandage or cotton wool with the installation of a compress for swollen lymph nodes in the area.

If required, anesthesia hearth inflammation to these components are added 2 Novocain ampoules with a concentration of active substance of 2%. Analgesic abuse is not worth it. It is necessary to remove the cause that provokes the development of acute lymphadenitis.

drug interactions

Dimexidum a drug, an active substance which chemically react with other medicines. Therefore, before you start to treat the lymph nodes using compresses on the basis of this means solutions should be compulsory to consult a doctor. Especially if the patient is in parallel undergoing drug therapy. It is important to bear in mind the following aspects Dimexidum drug interactions with other drugs:

  • enhances the effect of ethanol on the organism (people who take alcoholic beverages decelerated elimination of alcohol blood intoxication effect persists for a long period of time increases the risk of intoxication organism);
  • in injection administration of insulin is necessary to adjust the dose of a single injection downwards since Dimexidum stimulates activity artificial hormone;
  • acetylsalicylic acid stronger dilutes the blood (not precluded opening epistaxis due to reduced platelet levels).

At the same moment Dimexidum the treatment of lymph nodes using compresses recommend simultaneous use with antibacterial agents. It does not matter how the medicament is administered to a patient by taking tablets or by intramuscular injection. This is especially important for patients with lymphadenitis, the occurrence of which is connected to fall within the lymphatic system of a bacterial infection.


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