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Kagocel and antibiotics: can drink together

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Can I take Kagocel with antibiotics closer look. Antibiotics - substances that inhibit bacteria. Some - hinder their development, others - completely destroyed. Virus do not have any effect, so use them with SARS, measles, etc. is not effective. The main property Kagocel - antiviral and immunomodulatory.


The main purpose of Kagocel - the production of interferon. Interferons - proteins produced by the body to fight viruses. Kagocel promotes production of interferon in the cells.


  • no toxic effect;
  • the body does not concentrate;
  • No teratogenic (does not disturb fetal growth)
  • It does not generate mutations;
  • no oncogenes;

Indications and contraindications:



  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • herpes.
  • Are allergic to components of the drug;
  • unbearable lactose; rejection of monosaccharides;
  • lack of lactase;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children up to 3 years.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding were in a number of contraindications due to the lack of clinical trials.

Side effects

Possible allergy.


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Kagocel combined with antibiotics. Also, it is compatible with any antiviral drugs, immunomodulators.


Suppressing pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics cause relief. Reduced temperature, reduced cough, decreasing pain sensation in the throat.

Some people believe that antibiotics - powerful drugs against bacteria and viruses. However, it should be understood that the antibiotic does not eliminate the cause of the disease, do not remove intoxication. And, therefore, do not speed up the healing process, if the disease is caused by viruses.

And here to the aid of anti-viral drugs such as Kagocel. Together Kagocel drink and antibiotics is necessary.

The choice of antibiotic and the treatment regimen prescribed by the physician. But whichever of the drugs he was not chosen, Kagocel well complemented by their actions, combined with any drugs. The only question the correctness of the chosen dosage of medicines.

Concurrent application of antibiotics and Kagocel

Antibiotics taken with Kagocel necessary in the case when a virus infection, a bacterial component is attached.

If you need to drink Kagocel together with an antibiotic, the treatment regimen, order taking, set doctor. Only a qualified professional can assess the extent of the disease and the effectiveness of cooperation Kagocel and antibiotics.

However, you must know that Kagocel any antibiotic can not be used interchangeably. Their action extended to different germs. Complement - yes, replace - not.

Clinical researches

During clinical studies, it was found the following Kagocel.


  • It has a therapeutic effect and in later stages of disease;
  • Proven effectiveness and reception from 4 - th day of the disease;
  • Effective in treating SARS;
  • Long produces interferon;
  • Affects resistant strains;
  • Reduces the timing of antibiotic use;
  • In prophylactic administration significantly reduces the incidence of SARS;
  • Good tolerance;
  • The absence of side effects.

It should be understood that taking uncontrollably antibacterials where Kagocel be applied, the effect of antibiotics is greatly reduced.

Before taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs, you must consult your doctor.


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