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Levomekol of hemorrhoids: how to apply, can help or not

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What is Ointment

levomekol - a consistency of thick cream, produced with the 70-ies of the last century. Its effectiveness is proven long-term use. It promotes tissue regeneration processes, suppresses inflammation, combats purulent inflammations and effectively eliminate pathogenic microflora.

Does Levomekol from hemorrhoids, and how its use is justified, determined by the physician on an individual basis.

Levomekol discharged only in an ointment has a thick consistency.

As part of the two main active ingredients:

  • Chloramphenicol antibiotic;
  • Promoting rapid healing of wounds Methyluracil.

Components provide ointment preparation enough high versatility. It is used in various branches of medicine, particularly in those cases where a treatment of purulent wounds. But not everyone knows that Levomekol can give excellent results in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Available in cream jars and tubes, has no particular smell.

Note! The drug should be stored in appropriate conditions - at a temperature up to 18 degrees.

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Indications and contraindications

Purulent inflammatory ointment application is most justified. The active substances prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the wound. Additionally, ointment eliminates swelling, pus and pulls the dead skin cells. The spread of infection by blocking and liquidated. Levomekol appointed and with hemorrhoids, and other pathologies, especially with the presence of festering.

Note! Besides proctology, Levomekol widely used in many branches of medicine where there are purulent inflammations.

By the testimony of the use of ointments include:

  • furunculosis;
  • necrotic lesion character;
  • thrombosis with pus in the rectum;
  • burns, etc.

In proctology Indications for ointments are the following states:

  • Inflammation of the rectum in relation to the activity of pathogenic microflora;
  • Infection in hemorrhoids. It can develop as the result obtained in microtraumas and in hematogenous infection;
  • Bleeding from hemorrhoids. Open wound surfaces in this case are open doors for the ingestion of infection.

As a prophylactic agent, with significant probability of microbial infection levomekol processed seams, wounds, bed sores, eczema. Proctology usually prescribed for haemorrhoids ointment Levomekol under severe lesions, if present in the formation of pus and necrotic sites.

Contraindications to the use of:

  • psoriasis;
  • Component intolerance;
  • fungal diseases;
  • eczema;
  • pregnancy.

In most cases, this ointment is well tolerated. Very rarely there may be side effects. Most often it is an allergic reaction to the local localization (rash, itching, swelling at the site of exposure, and others.). If there has been any negative manifestation, by further treatment with this agent should be discontinued and seek medical advice for the selection of an alternative drug therapy.

Note! The uncontrolled long-term use of the drug can harm the body - cause leukopenia, erythropenia and dysbiosis.

Treating hemorrhoids ointment

Levomekol does not include clear destinies treatment of hemorrhoids and is not a cure for it is from this disease. Its use is often held in small courses, lasting about one and a half weeks.

Usually it helps to improve the condition and move on to other drugs. Sometimes a doctor may be appointed course treatment, complemented by topical medications: Relief, Troxevasin and others.

Impact ointment can quickly reduce inflammation and accelerate healing. Levomekol hemorrhoids in this case to prevent festering. Under these conditions, when the hemorrhoids are bleeding property, there is likely to be infected by contact with feces surfaces wounds.

antibacterial effect

Bactericidal capacity Levomekol ointment can cure hemorrhoids, complicated by infection. The probability of such a development of the disease is high enough, so when purulent inflammation means with the entry of the antibiotic becomes a reasonable choice. Chloramphenicol, one of the ingredients, active against a large number of pathogens in inflamed hemorrhoids.

Note! Levomekol with forming part of an antibiotic is not highly addictive.

healing effect

Methyluracilum, the second active ingredient of ointment, is a component that contributes to good healing. In addition, it stimulates local immunity, that can cope with inflammation faster. Methyluracilum stimulates production of a protein in the walls of veins and rectal mucosa. This action allows the use of a means for prophylaxis and treatment in the acute phase.

This ingredient ointment promotes good healing wounds on hemorrhoids and prevents the penetration of these infections. This greatly reduces the risk of complications and deterioration.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Inflammation of the rectum followed by soreness, swelling, itching or other unpleasant sensations. Processing hemorrhoids levomekol anti-inflammatory effect:

  • swelling is eliminated;
  • passes discomfort.

absorbent action

Clean the wound heal faster and intoxication, as well as the death of rectal tissue cells takes place. In the treatment of hemorrhoids Levomekol not only promotes healing and produces antibacterial treatment, but also cleanses wound surfaces.

dehydrating effect

In addition to the main active ingredients in the composition of the therapeutic external agent is used as the basis of polyethylene oxide. He dries directly own wounds and promotes regeneration of damaged tissues. Podsushivayuschee ointments feature is particularly effective in the treatment of complex forms moist hemorrhoids.

Note! Wide range of application Levomekol includes its use for the treatment of hemorrhoids with serious complications, as well as after surgical removal operations nodes.

Instructions for use

The best result is achieved by applying an ointment at night from the therapy. It's recommended conditions, because the action of the drug during the night and with minimal gestures will be much more efficient. Treat hemorrhoids Levomekol must be in strict accordance with the instructions to the drug.

How much it should last course of therapy determined by the physician based on the patient's condition. Usually it is not more than one and a half weeks. After that is a mandatory break. 10 days is most often enough to relieve unpleasant symptoms and stabilization. The need for a repeat course of treatment is determined by the physician on the patient's condition.

The order of applying the ointment for external processing nodes:

  • Washed with warm water zone anus.
  • Endure the time required for drying water.
  • Small volume of processing nodes is carried ointments.
  • Superimposed gauze bandage.
  • The bandage is fixed by means of adhesive tape.

Method of use when processing the internal nodes:

  • Hygienic processing anus warm water.
  • Formation of a gauze swab.
  • Impregnation swab ointment.
  • Careful insertion of the tampon into the anus.
  • For convenience, possible imposition of the outer bandage and its plaster fixation.

Tip! In the treatment of anal fissures ointment allowed heating to 35 degrees for better soaking a tampon is placed into the rectum.

After spending a course of treatment therapy is continued by other means. For therapeutic measures include:

  • pelvic baths with medicinal charges;
  • oral systemic effects of drugs;
  • the use of anal suppositories;
  • microclysters et al.

Efficacy of therapeutic treatment

Levomekol - is one means integrated exposure at hemorrhoids disease. But the use of only one of the drug will not cure and effective action. This ointment - has important characteristics that allow to accelerate the healing of damaged tissue disease, resolve festering and improve the overall condition of the patient.

Levomekol helps hemorrhoids, subject to all the doctor's recommendations and following the instructions. His appointment eliminates the likelihood of recurrence of the disease and significantly reduces the possibility of infection in.

disease specificity facilitates the application of an external impact. Their use reduces the likelihood of toxic effects on the entire body, including the gastrointestinal tract. The need for oral formulations thus becomes smaller and the effect increases.

Treat hemorrhoids one levomekol not effectively. This external action of the drug makes it possible to solve many health problems in purulent inflammation in hemorrhoids. However, for a sustainable impact it must be combined with additional therapeutic measures.


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