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Analgin, No-Spa, Suprastin temperature: Dosage for adults and children

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analgene - became renowned anesthetic drug. Available in the form of tablets, uncoated, and as a solution for injections. The composition includes the active pharmaceutical substance metamizole sodium. The main pharmacological effects - antipyretic and analgesic. The mechanism of action involves a violation of proinflammatory mediator synthesis of prostaglandin. From Analgin temperature and No-Spa are usually used in combination with an antihistamine.

After receiving Analgin per os into the active pharmaceutical substance is rapidly absorbed in the intestinal wall, spreads on target organs. The onset of action of the drug - an average of half an hour after administration of a single average therapeutic dose. Analgin metabolism occurs primarily in hepatocytes. Metabolites are excreted through the kidneys.

The spectrum of indications for use Analgin:

  • Headaches of varying severity and localization.
  • Migraine (adjuvant therapy).
  • Pain in the oral cavity associated with tooth pathology.
  • Pain caused by pinching of the nerve roots.
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  • Muscle pain.
  • Painful menstruation in women.
  • Pain after surgery.
  • Colic of various etiologies, including liver and kidney.

Spectrum contraindications Analgin:

  • Bronchial asthma of any severity.
  • Atopic asthma.
  • COPD.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Violation of blood cells (reduced number of leukocytes, neutrophils, granulocytes).
  • Decompensated liver disease, kidney disease.
  • Hematologic abnormalities.
  • Allergic reactions on the history of Analgin.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Possible adverse reactions after ingestion Analgin:

  • Allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock.
  • Reduced levels of white blood cells, platelets Propafenone Analgin.
  • Disorders of renal function, urinary retention, urinary protein excretion.


No-Spa - antispasmodic, used in pediatrics, internal medicine, gynecology and surgery. Available drug in tablet form and in solution ampoules. The main pharmaceutical substance shpy - Drotaverinum. The mechanism of action is associated with the accumulation of cAMP which inhibits specific enzymes. The result is relaxation of smooth muscles, relieves spasms, decrease the pain caused by them. No-Spa temperature is used only in combination with antipyretics.

After taking the pill shpy into the systemic circulation gets more than half of the active pharmaceutical substance. This is a high figure for a tablet formulation. Injection has the absolute bioavailability. The maximum concentration of active ingredient is achieved after one hour. Metabolism shpy occurs in the liver cells. The time required to remove half of metabolites - 9:00. After 4 days, No-Spa is completely eliminated from the body.

Range of indications for receiving shpy:

  • Spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, hepatobiliary system, inflammation Vater nipple.
  • Spasm in the urinary system, the pain caused by stones, inflammation of the bladder.
  • Spasm of the muscles of the digestive system.
  • Headaches associated with muscle tension of the shoulder girdle and neck.
  • Painful menstruation.

The main contraindications to the use of No-Spa:

  • Idiosyncrasy components shpy.
  • Decompensated liver disease, heart and kidney.
  • Decreased left ventricular ejection fraction.
  • Treatment of children under six years of age (for a tablet dosage form).


suprastin - antihistamine, histamine receptor blocker. It is produced in the form of tablets and solution for parenteral administration. The main pharmaceutical substance - Chloropyramine. Pharmacological effect suprastin - anti-allergic, reduces the migration of eosinophils, histamine, allergy mediators in the center of introduction of a foreign agent.

When receiving a single dose of the active substance Suprastinum well absorbed from the lower parts of the digestive tube, it penetrates into the vessels. The effect comes in half an hour and lasts for several hours. Suprastin penetrates the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system, which makes the possibility of side effects on the nervous system.

Suprastin take in such clinical situations, such as:

  • Allergic reactions of various genesis.
  • Hives, rash, dermatitis, subcutaneous tissue swelling, the eczema.
  • itching of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes of eyes, nose.
  • Angioedema, anaphylaxis.

Suprastin contraindicated in pathologies such as:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions to suprastin components.
  • Exacerbation of asthma, poorly cropped attack.
  • Treatment of children up to the age of three (for Suprastinum tablets).
  • Pregnancy and breast-milk feeding.

Suprastin can replace analogs of antihistamines another generation at a higher price, do not cause drowsiness: Zyrtec, Tsetrin, loratadine, Tavegil and others.

lytic mix

Lytic mixture - is Analgin, No-spa and Suprastin temperature, mixed in the same syringe. The combination of the three above-described pharmacological effects of these drugs caused a rapid and safe reduction of body temperature with high numbers to normal. It is important that the use lytic mixture can only be so-called "white" fever when the patient is not dominated by heat and chills. In such a situation Suprastin with dipyrone vessels extend, lower the temperature, cause sedation, No-Spa relieves spasms.

Child Suprastin, Analgin and Nospanum as a solution for injection can be given from the first year of life. Analgin solution administered to children 3 months Suprastin injections allowed from 1 month of age. Tablet form Analgin and suprastin contraindicated for children from 3 years, for shpy - 6 years. In general, contraindications to the use of lytic mix can be found above in the description of contraindications to the use of each drug separately.

The method and use of lytic mix rule

Prick Analgin, suprastin shpy performed by specially trained medical personnel in a treatment room clinic, hospital, ambulance. Temperature Analgin and No-Spa and Suprastin typed in a syringe, an injection is carried out by intramuscular injection into the outer quadrant of the buttocks.

Dosage Analgin, shpy and suprastin depends on the dosage form. If possible reception of tablets using a quarter of the recommended single dosage of each drug. A mixture of drink at the same time. The second regimen: for gaining an injection of 5 mg / kg analgin, Suprastinum to 1 ml to 1 ml shpy. The exact dosage depends on the age of the patient and the clinical situation and is assigned only when a personal consultation with your doctor, call it home.

Elderly patients, children, persons with severe disorders of the liver, kidneys, abnormalities of the hematopoietic system is recommended to reduce the dosage of Analgin, shpy, suprastin.

Side effects of lytic mix

Analgin, Suprastin and No-Spa in one syringe may cause undesirable side reactions:

  • Allergic rash at the injection site, local or generalized itching of the skin, swelling in response to Analgin components suprastin, shpy;
  • Reduction of white blood cells, hemolytic anemia;
  • Sleepiness (often), double vision, flies before the eyes, decreased performance;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Lowering blood pressure, a heart rhythm abnormality, tachycardia, palpitation feeling, push in the chest;
  • Pain in the bowel region, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • Reduced levels of platelets with frequent use, hemorrhagic syndrome, bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • Urinary syndrome, urinary protein excretion, oliguria, work disorders pyelocaliceal system.


Analgin, No-Spa, Suprastin are regularly used in the practice of medical ambulance. Lytic mixture effectively reduces the temperature at the "white" with fever and chills cold extremities, prevents the development of allergies. Most often a combination of these drugs is used in pediatrics. If necessary, consult a doctor for a prescription for Analgin solutions shpy, suprastin, cheap to buy them at the pharmacy and to provide themselves with reliable helpers in the event of temperature increase.


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