
HCG on days after transfer: A table of the DPP after IVF embryos 5 dnevok after krioperenosa 14 pyatidnevok day, with early pregnancy, week by week growth from conception, the level of the norm, dynamics

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Monitoring hCG levels on days after ovum transport during IVF is carried out to confirm or deny the pregnancy. Conception accompanied by increased plasma hormone concentration. Its content in the blood can be increased gradually and not so fast, as shown in the tables. Only concern is the decrease in gonadotropin levels. Reducing the concentration of hCG is often indicative of miscarriage and missed abortion.

Results hCG on days after embryo transfer

What does HCG IVF

HCG IVF prevents rejection of the embryo causes to produce progesterone, which is needed for normal bookmarks major organs and systems of the fetus. Often the artificial insemination carried out by women over 35 years old, the body which require stimulation of ovulation. In this case, after the transfer is carried out by monitoring hCG conception, on day 7 after transferring 5-day-old eggs and 3-dnevok.

Embryo IVF

When natural fertilization contents of hormonal substances monitored by week pregnancy. When IVF woman receiving the result of research, verifies the data with another table which shows the value on days hormone.

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hormone level allows to monitor the status of the transferred five-day and 3-day embryos. For example, if 14 days after replanting hormone concentrations begin to decline, prescribe medication to support fruit. Untreated occur miscarriage.

When should I do the analysis

Assay for hCG performed after IVF for 7 days after replanting. A week after IVF embryo implantation occurs in the endometrium and begins intensive development of gonadotropin to maintain the corpus luteum life.

Research of blood at IVF

If after 7 days were found to be negative, the gynecologist can offer to watch the dynamics of changes of hCG. In this case it is necessary to conduct a series of tests. They will allow to exclude completely the conception or confirm pregnancy.

The introduction of the embryo into the endometrial layer are not always accompanied by a sharp increase in hCG levels after embryo transferred. hormone concentration can be low at the later implantation. The first test was carried out after 24-48 hours. If gonadotropin in the blood rises, in most cases the pregnancy is confirmed.

As rising levels are normal

Normally, HCG IVF circulates in the blood plasma and is excreted in the urine. In the latter case, to calculate the increase in hormone sensitive allow the test strip. Laboratory studies have focused on determining the content of gonadotropin in the blood, which enables us to give a more precise answer about the occurrence of pregnancy.

Number of gonadotropin in the blood when the ECO

Indicator hormonal compound should be stable. Height hCG observed daily. hormone serum sharply increased on day 7, when the fertilized egg is immersed in the endometrial layer of the uterus and begins an intense cell division. Observed following dynamics of hCG in a woman's body:

  • figure is constantly growing, normally it should not decline or remain at the same level;
  • the maximum concentration observed from the 9th to the 13th week after the replanting of the embryo;
  • Only after this period, the level begins to decrease.

Embryos-five days will grow to 2 days faster than a three-day. Therefore, part of the analysis for embryo age spend 5 days before. Fruit podsazhenny artificially on day 3 after fertilization, is implanted in the endometrium later. But, unlike pyatidnevok, in 3-day-old embryo great vitality.

It allows to determine the gestational age table hCG on days after IVF. It shows the value of hormone week after the transfer:

Day Minimum, mIU / ml Averages, mIU / ml The maximum value mIU / ml
7 2 5 10
8 3 7 18
9 5 11 21
10 8 18 25
11 11 28 45
12 17 45 65
13 22 73 100
14 30 105 170
15 40 150 270
16 70 250 400
17 110 400 580
18 220 650 840
19 370 1000 1300
20 520 1350 2000
21 750 1950 3000

The group exceptions include women with multiple pregnancy. In such a situation develop simultaneously over 2 embryos. When the egg is divided into several parts, the need for increased gonadotropin. It prevents rejection of both embryos. Serum hCG in this case may exceed the rate of up to 2-4 times. When multiple pregnancy after IVF observed growth hCG by weeks instead of the DPP (days after transfer).

The reasons for slow growth

The main indicator of the normal course of embryonic development for women is to increase the content of gonadotropin. Exact figures do not always have value in the early stages of gestation. If the number of hormonal substances is rising more slowly than the table shows, this is not always a sign of a pathological process. The increase in the level of hCG in pregnancy shows the growth of the embryo.

Ectopic pregnancy with IVF

Disturbing hormone decline. This indicates missed abortion, spontaneous abortion. There is also a risk of ectopic implantation of the embryo. Minor fluctuations in hormone require diagnostic tool that helps exclude or confirm the likelihood of placental insufficiency, rejection embryo. In this situation, the development of pathologic process is stopped by the drug.

The reasons for the slow increase hormonal compound concentrations are chronic diseases or individual features female metabolism. Often the concentration of hCG rises gradually with the defeat of the thyroid, iron deficiency, iodine. After krioperenosa or krioprotokola for 1-2 weeks HCG may slowly rise, t. To. embryos after thawing requires more time to adapt to the new conditions and the introduction in endometrium. On day 14 of the hormone concentration of stabilized.

Could be wrong analysis

In some cases, a woman, to check with hCG rules table after the embryo transfer, can not find the values ​​that are consistent with the results obtained by it. This phenomenon is due to the use of different technologies and chemicals in laboratories.

The table shows only averages gonadotropin, so the test results are not false.

Rarely error for the survey allow technicians. If there is suspicion of malpractice, it is recommended to re-examine. He will confirm or refute the existence of a previous error.

Cause an incorrect result may be any disease that affects the work of the organs of the endocrine system and hormones. In this case, a decrease in the number of gonadotropin. Getting false analyzes possible with:

  • low ovarian activity;
  • the presence of cancer;
  • preeclampsia;
  • expressed toxicosis;
  • diabetes;
  • polycystic;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation in the reproductive organs.

An abnormally high rate of HCG after replanting in multiple natural. In such a situation develop simultaneously 2-3 embryos that require greater level of progesterone or gonadotropin.

What to do with deviations

If the level of hCG is not correct, but the pregnancy has been confirmed, it is possible to stabilize the content naturally. To do this:

  • avoid strenuous exercise;
  • excluding sports;
  • not to expose the organism to stress, mental and physical exhaustion;
  • sleep at least 8 hours per day;
  • strengthen the immune system, avoid sick people to reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

In addition to drug therapy, appointed a gynecologist is required to go out into the fresh air. Walking should not last less than 30 minutes a day. After IVF is necessary to balance the diet by increasing the amount of plant-based foods. In the presence of serum gonadotropin abnormalities woman is forbidden to use the sauna, hot tub to take more than 10-15 minutes.

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