Infectious Diseases

Rotavirus in children. Home treatment: diet, drugs, food, clinical guidelines

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Rotavirus - an infectious diseaseThat affects the small intestine, wherein a small incubation period and acute onset resembling SARS.

Intestinal and gastric symptoms at an early stage in a child is often accompanied by catarrhal disorders (Discomfort in the throat, cough, runny nose a little) that gave the disease the popular name of "intestinal flu". especially important to distinguish rotavirus prior to treatment of children from other disorders with similar symptoms, as they suggest a completely different treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 treatments
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Diet
    • 8.4 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about rotavirus

types of diseases

The virus causing the disease, at high magnification resembles a round rim with hub. This explains its scientific name from the Latin «rota» - wheel. The pathogen enters the body through the mouth, passes the gastrointestinal tract without destruction of the stomach acids. Then introduced into the intestinal villi, which multiplies and begins to exert its harmful properties.

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Resistance rotavirus striking: any of its strains survive the freezing and spring in sea water, in air and in the sunlight. On vegetables pathogen lives of about 30 days, stored on smooth surfaces after treatment with antiseptics, it is not sensitive to bleach.

Today we know 9 types of rotavirus. They are all marked with the Latin alphabet. But the danger to human pathogens are only types A, B and C, with 90% of infections detected virus A.

Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

Rotavirus infection in a child are distinguished by the occurrence of gravity:

Form flow General state Body temperature vomiting

Times / day

Diarrhea The duration-ness
easy Slight malaise, runny nose. Prior to 37,5 ° C 1 Up to 6 times a day

(3 days)

5 days
Central Weakness, lethargy, poor appetite, dehydration. To 38, 5 ° C 4–5 Up to 12 times a day

(4 days)

8 days
Weight Weakness, drowsiness, refusal to eat or drink, severe dehydration. 38,9-41 ° C After each meal More than 12 times a day 10 days

Severe form of the disease is especially dangerous for babies and untimely treatment can lead to death by dehydration and severe intoxication.

Atypical form of flow blur differs rotavirus symptoms or very mild. Often there is a flow in previously acquired immunity. Symptoms may be absent entirely, and rotavirus determined by analysis.

The probability of infection in infants up to 3 months is extremely low. At this time maternal antibodies are still protecting the child's body. Relative protection is present up to 6 months of age. Often the disease in this age occurs in atypical form, asymptomatic, with the development of their own immunity.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

From 4 to 12 months, the child often suffers illness in moderate or severe. Severity is related to the presence or absence of breastfeeding. When feeding mixtures increases the likelihood of disease.

Among children aged 3 to 14 years rotavirus often takes the form of intestinal disorders (enteric form rotavirus) with complaints of pain in the umbilical region, weakness, nausea. Vomiting is a rare, sometimes single. Diarrhea is observed up to 3 days, no more than 3 times a day. Temperature reaction speeds.

Gastriticheskaya form of infection is detected in 5% of children older than 3 years. There repeated vomiting, sharp increase in body temperature to 38 ° C, intoxication. With adequate treatment of gastrointestinal (gastroenteritis) rotavirus occurs in the form of mild to moderate severity.

According to the course of the disease are distinguished:

  • abortifacient - symptoms rapidly grow and disappear within 2-3 days;
  • sharp - the most common within, culminating in the last 7 days;
  • protracted - with weak immune responses may take more than 10 days;
  • mixed infection - for compounded by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection;
  • of virus - found in 15% of cases of rotavirus in children.

The occurrence of rotavirus infection, recovery time and the presence of the effects are directly dependent on the child's age, the immune system and the degree of dehydration.

Stage and grade

Rotavirus is the child, whose treatment depends on the age and severity of symptoms, is the cyclical trend. The incubation period ranges from 10 hours to 4 days (more usually from 12 hours to one day). At this time, to introduce into the intestinal wall the virus to proliferate and affects villi epithelium, which provokes the inability of normal digestion of food masses.

Developing infection manifests itself with acute onset of abrupt rise in temperature (40 ° C). Vomiting usually appears before other symptoms, later noted abdominal pain, rumbling, copious watery stools with a pungent odor. The temperature tends to be held up to 3 days and poorly amenable to correction.

In the process of disease progression occurs massive loss of fluid which is excreted with vomitus, diarrhea consumed by the body due to heat. The further extent of the disease is directly related to the amount of dehydration (exsicosis). This factor largely determines the outcome.

Exsicosis degree of rotavirus infection in children:

  • Grade I dehydration is noted in mild rotavirus and is manifested by increased thirst, and pale skin.
  • Grade II characterized by the addition to the previous symptoms of severe weakness, drying out the lips, dizziness when trying to get up, retraction of the eyes, dryness of skin and mucous membranes.
  • Grade III It reflected a decrease in urine output, lack of tears when crying, siplostyu voices in infants - retraction fontanelle. With long-term dehydration develop convulsions, cyanosis of the extremities. Condition that requires medical intervention.
  • The most severe degree Dehydration is characterized by apathy, lethargy, loss of sense of thirst. Often the baby is completely refuses to drink water. To fill such exsicosis only urgent intravenous infusions.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

With sufficient replenishing fluid lost by the body, the infection rapidly self-limiting and does not leave behind the negative effects. Mortality from rotavirus caused not by the pathogen, and untimely correction exsicosis. Which is especially dangerous at a young age.

After a previous infection the body produces specific immunity, which fully protects the child from re-infection with the same strain. Infection with other types of rotavirus goes much easier. Over time, the immune system is weakened and in adulthood is possible relapse of the infection.


Rotavirus is the child, whose treatment is prescribed only after ruling out other causes of symptoms are differing from other gastrointestinal diseases.

Specific features of rotavirus in children:

  • autumn-winter activity;
  • single and epidemiological outbreaks;
  • massive incidence in the age group of 1 to 3 years;
  • acute onset of vomiting, diarrhea and rapidly rising fever;
  • at an early stage combination with respiratory syndrome, vanishing to 3 days;
  • in the early days typical of foaming, watery stools with pieces of undigested food;
  • later mass stained ash, yellow color and becomes pasty;
  • no mucus in the stools, bleeding impurities green shade;
  • Diarrhea is profuse character, painful urge to defecate absent.

In infants stool can not change its consistency, but have a tendency to discolor. The presence of any impurities in the atypical secretions of the intestine can talk about the mix-infection or that the cause of the disease is not set correctly.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

After the production of specific antibodies by the body, the disease should result independently. If recovery is delayed, and in the faeces appear blood impurities, secondary infection is diagnosed. Treatment is adjusted after an accurate identification of the pathogen joiner (shigellosis, ehsherihioza various bacterial diseases).

In subacute (atypical) form all rotavirus symptoms are blurred and can be mistaken for symptoms of SARS or acute respiratory disease. Catarrhal symptoms at the same time seem to be more explicit: swollen lymph nodes in the neck, there is a slight cough, redness throat.

Causes of

In everyday life, rotavirus is often called "disease of dirty hands", and this is partly true. Transmission of the virus occurs mainly by contact. Fecal-oral route of spread of pathogens indicates that after using the toilet, with unwashed hands, the virus got on household items: dishes, toys, door handles and any surfaces to which touched carrier.

Rotavirus is a child, the treatment of which can take a few days, it becomes contagious from the first days. Duration dangerous for the period is 10 days. In some cases, the child is infected with HIV and can be contagious up to 60 days.

The infection can occur through tap water, foods, most dairy. There is evidence of airborne transmission of infection, but still it is the contact path remains a source of mass infection in epidemiological outbreaks.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

For children under the age of 1 year, subject to receipt of the full maternal milk, the chance of infection is low, and the development of the prognosis of infection is most favorable. The mother's immune system provides the child with antibodies to fight the pathogen.

From 1 to 3 years, the body's defenses must learn to fight rotavirus alone. It is in this age of increased morbidity and infectivity of the virus becomes very high.

The fastest way to spread the disease through close contact with the ill person, in kindergartens, at group events, swimming pools, river and sea beaches. According to official statistics, 98% of people are faced with an infection of up to 5 years.


To establish that the cause of the disease is the rotavirus, helping specific external signs of its seasonal activity and the analysis of the epidemiological situation in the child's environment. In order to identify the causative agent can be investigated vomit and stool, blood serum.

Laboratory diagnosis of infection includes several methods:

  1. The study of feces with imunnoelektronnoy microscopy and isolation of rotavirus in cells.
  2. Serological analysis by latex agglutination, ELISA, RIA, or other available methods.
  3. Determination of antibodies to the virus in the blood of the child is carried out 5 days from the onset of the disease.
  4. A biopsy of the intestinal mucosa is held in particularly severe cases.

In uncomplicated rotavirus infection in children results of the study of feces for intestinal infections - negative. For suspected occurrence mixed infection bacteriological examination of fecal performed repeatedly. As an aid in the diagnosis can be assigned coprogram (examination of stool under the microscope), complete blood count and urinalysis.

Average prices for rotavirus studies at the child:

  • urinalysis - 300 rubles;Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs
  • blood tests - from 400 rubles;
  • analysis of feces or vomit - 360 rubles.

The cost of a rapid test for independent analysis in a variety of Pharmacy does not exceed 300 rubles. With this study, to clarify the diagnosis, be sure to consult your doctor. Negative or positive result does not rule out other causes of infection.

At the stage of diagnosis, the doctor rotavirus differentiates from similar manifestations of protozoal infections, intestinal disorders, dysentery, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, ehsherihioza, cholera.

When to see a doctor

Upon detection of vomiting and diarrhea in children, especially under 3 years of age, consult a doctor should contact as quickly as possible.

Urgent advice or call an ambulance is required when such manifestations:

  1. Dehydration to the stage of extinction urine ceasing fontanelle (the child up to six months), no release of tears.
  2. Vomiting blood, uncontrollable vomiting with an empty stomach, vomit similar to coffee grounds.
  3. Inability to accept even a small amount of water.
  4. Yellow tint the skin, mucous and proteins eye.
  5. The admixture of blood in the stool, black stools.
  6. Sharp pains in the abdomen.
  7. Rapid breathing, increased heart rate.
  8. Convulsions, loss of consciousness.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

The appearance of any unusual symptoms in the face of typical manifestations of rotavirus: rash, discoloration of urine, severe headache or ear pain, trouble breathing - may indicate the development of complications or incorrect diagnosis. All of these conditions can endanger the child's life.

Regardless of the severity of rotavirus, a child under the age of 1 year should show a pediatrician in the first days after the onset of vomiting. Since the infection is easily transmitted, you should call the doctor at home, in order to prevent infection of others. Age up to 12 months is a direct indication for hospitalization in any severity of the symptoms.


Despite the conventional wisdom, "disease of dirty hands" can not be prevented by hygienic measures. Thorough wet cleaning, hand washing with soap and water, boiling water, the processing of all the products are required, but they can not protect the child from rotavirus infection.

The only reliable means to prevent the stomach flu is vaccination. Particularly relevant this method of prevention before traveling to beach resorts and visits to children's groups. Grafting is oral drops and should be held to 3, in extreme cases up to 6 months of age.

In Russia, until the procedure is only carried out in private by their parents. Two types of vaccines are available: Rotarix (Belgian) and RotaTeq (US). Both include artificially attenuated rotavirus strains in minimal concentrations.

Since the vaccination is carried out in several stages, the best time of the beginning of the procedure - 60 days after birth. Optimal triple immunization scheme thus will be: 2, 4, and 6 months.

Do not carry out vaccination against rotavirus in the case of a child's illness at the time of the procedure and in congenital digestive tract pathologies. Special indications or special training does not require vaccination.


In most cases, rotavirus infection resolves on its own. In her current little that depends on the actions from the outside. The main work on the destruction of the virus rests on the child's immune system. Therefore, all treatment is aimed at maintaining the body functions, replenishment fluid loss and relief of symptoms.

Actions of rotavirus infection in a child as the importance of:

  1. Drinking plenty of fluids. Water or saline solutions give fractional, often only in the form of heat. Cold or hot liquid is easier to induce vomiting and insufficiently assimilated quickly.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs
  2. Tracking diuresis. The child should urinate every 3 hours, or ascertain dehydration. If water often can not - call an ambulance.
  3. Laying on its side. Required to provide breathing in case of sudden vomiting.

To ensure a quick diagnosis of the used diaper, a sample of vomit, or the contents of the pot should be left to a doctor soon.


Rotavirus is a child involves desoldering as the basis of treatment. In the first 4 chasa fluid delivery should be most intense. The daily volume of water was calculated as 100 ml per kilogram of weight of the child.

Optimally compensate for dehydration such drugs:

  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • rehydron;
  • Normogidron;

Solution for rehydration can be made at home. For this purpose, 1 liter of boiling water was dissolved 1 h. l. salt and soda, was added 2 hours. l. sugar, stir to dissolve the crystals in a warm and give the child a.

Features of the application of other groups of medicaments in the rotavirus:

  1. Antibiotics are not effective in the treatment of viral infections. Antibacterials can be prescribed by a doctor on strict conditions in the presence of co-infections.
  2. Antidiarrheal drugs are prohibited for use in children in the case of rotavirus. Preparations delaying bowel movements, not allowing the body to get rid of the virus on their own and their metabolic products.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs
  3. Appointment of antiviral drugs, including homeopathic (Anaferon, Otsillokotsinum) has no proven efficacy of rotavirus infection.
  4. Antiemetics acceptable to use when uncontrollable vomiting, especially when the stomach is empty. Perhaps the appointment of ondansetron (Yunorma).
  5. Sorbents bind and remove toxins and residues of viral agents. For children not appropriate to use activated carbon, due to low efficiency and high doses required for therapeutic effect. Perhaps the appointment of Smecta, POLYSORB, Enterosgelya.
  6. Probiotics, replenishes the lost intestinal flora is used in the recovery period, when the acute phase of the disease has passed. Most often used Linex, Normobakt, Bifiform.
  7. Antipyretics (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Tsefekon) only prolonged the temperature rises above 38 ° C in children under 2 years of age and 39 ° C for older children. Correct dosage based on the age and weight of the child's body expects the doctor.

These drugs exert its effect only if enough stay in the body. Rotavirus feature that the medication taken in any form, may leave the body with vomiting or diarrhea at any time. Therefore, the lower the temperature, to adsorb toxins or even drink the child is not always possible.

Traditional methods

Rotavirus is the child home treatment methods involves spending only in the replenishment of water-salt balance and prevention of complications. This is mainly achieved by using as a drink and food products with sedative, shielding effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Some homemade recipes:

  1. Berry jelly. It is best suited for this dish sour fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals. The semi-cranberry or blueberry jelly with minimal presence of the sugar at the same time replenishes fluid needs is light food, reduces nausea, retching, restores the mineral balance.
  2. Weak chicken broth. It is indicated for mild to moderate disease. Good for the state of the mucous membranes and invigorates at the impossibility of eating solid food because of the gag reflex.
  3. Compote of fresh or dried fruit. Especially useful decoction of raisins, cooked without sugar. Compotes replenish lost fluids and essential substances in the body of the child.
  4. Decoctions of herbs. Useful for rotavirus are antiseptic, sedative and vitaminizes plants: chamomile, rosehips, leaves and fruits of raspberry, fennel seeds. The broth is prepared from crushed herbs and water in a ratio of 1:10. They offer the child, along with juice, boiled water and special solutions in small portions throughout the day.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

If it is impossible to lower the temperature by means of drugs, baby wipes water at room temperature. After the procedure socks can be put on its feet, heat to wrap the entire body at an elevated temperature contraindicated.


Most pediatricians agree that the severity of the disease are not above average, a child menu can be left unchanged. The exception is children under 1 year who are bottle-fed. Milk protein exacerbates the rotavirus infection, so the mixture will need to temporarily replace hypoallergenic, Low-compositions.

When breastfeeding is recommended to feed the baby on demand. Mother's milk helps the body cope with the virus faster. Additionally give babies water and rehydration of a mixture of a spoon or a syringe with a needle removed.Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs

For older children from the diet excludes:

  • whole milk and milk products;
  • fruit juices, beverages with gas or caffeine;
  • fatty and sweet foods, rich broth.

When aversion to food, is unacceptable coercion. To maintain the forces should be invited to the liquid jelly or compote. Best food in the course of the disease and in the recovery period - liquid porridges on water, vegetable soups. Meat and dairy products should be low-fat.

Other methods

Further measures to restore organism finding relates outdoors. In severe illness, when prescribed bed rest, the room should be aired regularly, providing continued access of oxygen.

In mild and atypical form rotavirus without loss of activity and at normal body temperature, useful walking on the street. To prevent infection of other children choose solitary places, avoid public transport as far as possible do not go to the clinic and call for a doctor in the house.

When fevers, body aches, tendency to seizures, helps regular intake of warm (not above +37 ° C) bath. The procedure carried out before bedtime, helps the body to relax and have a good rest at night.

possible complications

When drinking regime rotavirus usually resolves on its own, leaving in memory of immunity its mark and has no consequences. Complications frequently develop on dehydration soil side of undiagnosed infections, either as a result of incorrect application of drugs and self-medication.

Possible complications of rotavirus in children:

  • renal failure;Rotavirus infection in the baby. Symptoms and treatment, diet, drugs
  • infectious-toxic kidney;
  • disorders of blood circulation;
  • gastroenteritis, enterocolitis;
  • Gasser syndrome.

Rotavirus, a child may experience more serious than in adults, or even unnoticed. The basis of his treatment is to give the body a chance to cope with the disease. So as a reliable means of viruses does not exist yet, it is important to know how to help, rather than hinder the body in the process.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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