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Analysis of trace elements and vitamins for hair, blood in the body Invitro, Helix. Price, where to pass Hemotest

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Conditions of the normal metabolic pathway in humans depends on the balance of trace elements and vitamins. The lack or surplus of these substances - the cause of many diseases. Set abnormality conducting special tests for trace elements and vitamins.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Table microelements and vitamins normally
  • 2 Indications for study
  • 3 How to determine the
  • 4 Preparation and analysis
  • 5 Decoding results
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Video on the analysis of trace elements in the

Table microelements and vitamins normally

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Name of vitamins, trace elements The norm in the body
From 1-8 years From 9-13 years From 14-18 years Women men
U measurement - ng / ml
Thiamine (vitamin B1) 45 70 85 90 100
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 70 120 250 300 350
A nicotinic acid

(Vitamin B3)

3 17 21 29 36
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 7 19 32 48 52
Folic acid (vitamin B9) 2,5 5,7 9 12 15

(Vitamin D)

25 38 59 76 80
Phylloquinone (vitamin K) 0,1 0,9 1,2 1,9 2,2
U Measurement - ng / 100ml
Biotin (vitamin B7) 0,27 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,5
U measurement - pg / mlTests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest
pantothenic acid

(Vitamin B5)

0,2 0,6 0,9 1.5 1,8
Tokoloferol (vitamin E) 5 8 11 16 18
Vitamin C

(vitamin C)

4 9 14 18 20
Manganese (Mn) 0,007 0,009 0,001 0,0015 0,015
Copper (Cu) 0,75 0,9 1,2 1,8 1,5
Molybdenum (Mo) 0,0004 0,0008 0,0012 0,0013 0,0015
Selenium (Se) 0,07 0,07 0,09 0,1 0,12
Zinc (Zn) 0,75 0,75 1,5 1,5 1,5
Cobalt (Co) 0,00045 0,00065 0,0007 0,0009 0,001

(vitamin A)

0,3 0,6 0,7 0,9 1,2
U measurement - pg / ml

(Vitamin B12)

189 276 389 645 833
U measurement - mmol / l
Magnesium (Mg) 0,67 0,82 0,94 1,04 1,04
Calcium (Ca) 2,14 2,2 2,5 2,5 2,5
Potassium (K) 3,4 4,1 4,8 5,2 5,5
Bromine (Br) 13 14 15 15 17
Sodium (Na) 136 137 139 145 145
Phosphorus (F) 0,82 0,9 1,25 1,44 1,44
Chlorine (Cl) 98 98 102 107 107
U measurement - mg / l
Iodine (I) 25 25 25 25 25
Chromium (Cr) 0,4 2,3 3,3 4,8 6
U measurement - .mu.mol / l
Iron (Fe) 10,7 15,3 20,8 21,5 32,2

Indications for study

Life in the city is fraught with difficulties: stress, air pollution, water pollution, lack of time for a balanced diet. The presence of bad habits: smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise, supplement the reasons for which there is a deficiency in the body trace elements and vitamins.

Trace elements and vitamins that exceed the norm established in the analysis of their content in the body, disturb the balance and can cause diseases that can develop into chronic.Tests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest

The man begins to feel weakness, fatigue, problems with sleep, frequent colds, depression, changes in the skin, brittle hair and nails appear. These symptoms indicate a deficiency in the body of vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes people do not attach much importance to emerging manifestations, linking them to overwork at work or other reasons. This misconception can lead to serious illness. Timely access to a physician to prevent negative course of events. The doctor in such cases appoint studies, which include not only a blood test, but nails and hair analysis.

How to determine the

Analysis of trace elements and vitamins allows a correct diagnosis. Research can be complex, including a complete set of essential vitamins (they are in the body 13) and micronutrients (16). Sometimes carried out a separate analysis of any particular element or vitamin. In this case, the physician is guided by the symptoms which the patient complains.

Research can be as follows:

  • general blood chemistry - highly diagnosis, identify different pathologies (inflammatory processes, metabolic processes in failures, rheumatic disease);
  • Analysis of urine - establishes the possible toxicity and accumulation of trace elements, toxic and dangerous to health, an overabundance of elements providing control of metabolic processes;
  • spectral analysis of hair - shows the exact amount of trace elements and vitamins in the body and gives information about the status of the internal organs, reveals the presence of toxic elements (mercury, lead, cadmium);
  • Spectral analysis of the nails - similar to the analysis of hair, further shows efficacy receiving therapeutic drugs and lack of essential vitamins and minerals.

To conduct such studies, there are rules for the preparation and the procedure for the selection of biological material for analysis.

Preparation and analysis

Analysis of trace elements and vitamins prescribed by a doctor, can be carried out in the usual district clinic, surrendering to analyze blood and urine. Public health institutions identify a small number of elements.

To get more information, please contact the commercial medical center. In these centers carry out advanced complex analysis, including studies of up to 40 parameters.

Medical services are expensive, but they allow us to establish the state of internal organs, to determine the lack or excess of these elements.

Group of companies "Invitro" consisting of 6 centers, conducting blood tests on all the vital fat and water-soluble vitamins and costs 19310 rubles., the result of 4 days, the price does not include sampling procedure biomaterial. Perhaps an analysis with departure to the patient. In the laboratory service of "Helix" the same analysis - 24270 rubles.Tests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest

Urine on the content of essential and toxic trace elements in "Invitro" - 3070 rubles. Laboratory "Helix" only for potassium, sodium, and chlorine at a price 310 rubles.

5 working days "Invitro" - spectral analysis of nails with the identification of the maximum list of macro and micronutrients, price - 6540 rubles. The same number is, and hair analysis, conducted in the same terms. The study, reflecting the 16 basic elements, is carried out just for 5 days and costs 3670 rubles.

Analysis of blood "Invitro" spends 6 days - 16 entries for 3510 rubles. Laboratory "Helix" examines blood on metabolic balance of the day, the cost - 7380 rubles. Hair and nails research produces.

Analysis of trace elements and vitamins requires particular order and preparation. Violation or partial withdrawal from those rules resulting in erroneous results, narrows to determine the diagnosis and efficient treatment.

Get a referral for a blood analysis on the testimony of the content of vitamins and trace elements should be:

  1. During the week prior to blood sampling to eliminate the use of alcohol in any form, including pharmaceutical preparations containing it.
  2. One day before the fence to stop smoking.
  3. 3 days not to take any physical therapy, not to visit classrooms radiology.
  4. Abstain from taking any medications, in agreement with the doctor, the term final output consumed the drug from the body.
  5. It is advisable to give blood in the morning on an empty stomach, at least refrain from taking food for 8 hours, but not more than 14. Allowed to drink clean water. You can pass on the analysis of the blood and in the afternoon, 4 hours after the loose snack.
  6. Avoid the eve of the analysis of physical activity in any form.
  7. Avoid emotional outbursts and stressful situations.
  8. Abide in the laboratory for half an hour before delivery of the analysis, to sit, to be able to calm down and restore the heartbeat and breathing.

For delivery of the analysis on the study of hair and nails do not require special training, it is important that the nails were clean, they were not varnish or no traces of the flushing fluid. Hair should also be clean and free of residues of any chemicals, including paint, shampoo and varnishes.

Decoding results

Analysis of trace elements and vitamins completes the issuance of arms patient findings, which indicated a list of elements of their content in the body and for comparison optimal performance of the same content of substances characteristic of a healthy person of the age, sex, phase of cyclical changes for women and gestational age for future mothers.Tests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest

Deviations in the direction of decreasing or increasing the performance of the norm to identify the disease problem. Accurate diagnosis and treatment method to eliminate the imbalance will indicate the attending physician, who gave the direction to carry out the study.

If the research carried out on its own initiative, that the abnormality will be an occasion to refer to a medical facility for the provision of professional assistance.

When to see a doctor

The results of analyzes on trace elements and vitamins, in case of deviations from the norm, you should contact your GP or therapist.

Identify the disease on the results of tests and symptoms for which the patient is referred, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, it may be due to changes in diet, lifestyle, refusal of bad habits, or the appointment of pharmaceutical drugs.

In cases where the disease is associated with a change in some internal organ, need specialist consultation, it may be a gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, nutritionist, gynecologist or neurologist. In special cases, the detection of toxic trace elements in the body, need help toxicologist.

possible complications

Flippant attitude to the established deviations, based on the results of studies on the content in the body of vitamins and minerals, it is dangerous to health.

Essential vitamins - 13, and a lack or surplus of each of them leads to malfunctions and pathological complications:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) - deficiency in the body: the destruction of the bone tissue, dehydration of the mucous membranes, skin diseases, impaired vision and development of the "night blindness". The excess prevents the development of the fetus, causing poisoning organism.Tests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) - deficiency leads to nutritional polyneuritis, accompanied by muscle atrophy, neuritis, memory lapses, problems with the heart. Excess leads to muscle cramps, low blood pressure, sweating, heart arrhythmia.
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - deficiency causes asthenia, problems with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, leads to baldness. The excess does not lead to negative consequences, since it is easily excreted from the body in urine.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3) - Provides many metabolic processes in the body, the lack of it leads to dysfunction of the nervous system ceases to produce insulin, changing the composition of blood and a set of hormones. The excess may lead to degeneration of the liver and disturbances in the cardiovascular system.
  • Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) - essential for carbohydrate metabolism, the lack of it in the body is rare and occurs only in the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or any special preparations. Overabundance does not cause negative reactions, is not harmful to the body, since it is easily excreted in the urine. In rare cases, the negative effects of having problems with the fluid output from the body.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - is required for enzymes providing metabolic processes. Chronic lack of vitamin leads to skin diseases, allergies, lowered immunity and intellectual abilities. Excess - this muscle atrophy, nerve damage in the spinal cord, increased gastric acidity, peptic ulcer disease. Complications caused by an excess of this substance are cured for a long time.
  • Biotin (vitamin B7) - turns food into energy. The disadvantage in the body leads to skin problems, hair, conjunctivitis, brittle nails, muscle cramps, nervous system malfunction. Problems associated with excess substance in the body have been identified.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) - takes part in blood formation and structuring of RNA and DNA, carrying cell information. Its deficit is accompanied by headaches and dizziness, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Prolonged deficiency leads to renal cell hypertrophy. Excess leads to disruption of metabolic processes, followed by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - it has the ability to be rapidly absorbed the walls of the small intestine. Once in the blood, it forms a compound involved in the division and updating of the cells. Its deficiency in the body is accompanied by numbness of the extremities, decreased pulse fullness, malaise. Prolonged vitamin A deficiency leads to anemia and spinal cord lesions. The excess can cause anaphylactic shock, pulmonary edema, cardiac insufficiency, thrombus formation in blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - with the participation of this material are many processes of biosynthesis, strengthening the immune system, growth and regeneration of tissues. Lack of vitamin leads to scurvy, in which the recovery of connective tissue stops, there are internal hemorrhage, bleeding gums, teeth and hair fall. Dangerous side effects of an overabundance of vitamin C is rare, since the connection is not stable and is not able to accumulate in the body. Eating too large doses of vitamin A can cause nausea and diarrhea only.
  • Holikaltseferol (vitamin E) - the basic substance providing assimilation of calcium and phosphorus, stimulates testosterone production. Its deficiency leads to softening of the bones, promotes the appearance of dangerous diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, in the body of the child causes rickets. Excess calcium in the body retains and its deposition in the tissues of the internal organs.Tests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest
  • Tokoloferol (vitamin E) - protector of cell membranes from the damaging effect of the active oxygen, the lack of it - this degeneration, decreased hemoglobin, anemia and immune function in remission. Excess - problems with blood clotting, increasing the possibility of bleeding. Recent studies have shown that vitamin E overdose leads to malignant tumors of the prostate in adult men.
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K) - promotes the synthesis of proteins involved in the processes of blood coagulation, calcium retention in blood and kidney function. Its deficiency in the body leads to an imbalance of these processes, and then there are bleeding from the nose, there is blood in the stool, urine, it is difficult to stop the bleeding of small wounds. The overabundance of vitamin leads to the appearance of thrombosis.

No less dangerous to health or lack of oversupply in the body of trace elements:

  • Bromine (Br) - participates in all reactions in the body, and is included in all organ tissues. His deficit - the imbalance in the nervous and digestive systems. Excess appears rarely, if it is not free bromine element, which is toxic to the body and leads severe poisoning.
  • Iron (Fe) - the main element that provides the oxygen supply to the cells, its deficiency, which manifests itself in dizziness weakness and apathy, if not taking action leads to death. Excess iron - nausea, vomiting, appear on the skin, in the end - of liver dysfunction and pancreatitis.
  • Iodine (I) - ensures the growth and development of the body, it helps to produce energy. Lack of iodine disrupts the thyroid gland, can lead to goitre. The excess is dangerous failures in metabolism, disorders of the heart.
  • Calcium (Ca) - is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, the lack of it - brittle bones, osteoporosis. The excess can be a cause of cancer.
  • Potassium (K) - provides the energy from carbohydrates include muscle tissue structure, its drawback - malfunction of the kidneys, heart and alimentary tract. The excess is fraught with a sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Cobalt (Co) - an important component of cyanocobalamin, without it is impossible to synthesize DNA, lack leads to anemia and excess to the poisoning of the whole organism.
  • Magnesium (Mg) - participates in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and many other metabolic processes. Decreases with liver disease, alcohol abuse, and coffee, leads to heart disease can cause seizures. Excess element increases with kidney disease, cancer, increases the activity of certain glands dramatically reduces the pressure reduces movement coordination.Tests for trace elements and vitamins for hair and blood. Price, where to pass Hemotest
  • Manganese (Mn) - provides metabolic processes as a catalyst. Its decrease leads to problems with bones, promotes the development of multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Excess causes rickets and neuroses.
  • Copper (Cu) - participates in the formation of many enzymes and liver function. Deficiency leads to problems with bones and joints, skin changes.
  • Molybdenum (Mo) - entree part of some enzymes, is localized in the bones, liver and kidneys. Deficiency results in gout. Deficiency is uncommon.
  • Sodium (Na) - normalizes the activity of the nervous system and salt balance, with a deficiency causes headaches and nausea. With an excess of - muscle cramps and thirst.
  • Selenium (Se) - part of the thyroid gland enzymes, when it weakens the immune system deficiency. In excess - poisoning.
  • Phosphorus (F) - without the participation of a loss of food digestion process and its assimilation. Deficiency impairs the protective function of the body, leading to nervous exhaustion. The excess may cause diseases of the liver and intestines, provoking internal bleeding.
  • Chlorine (Cl) - regulates the water balance and is involved in all biochemical processes in the body. Lack element - dehydration, malfunction of kidneys and adrenals. Surplus - the cause of hypertension, edema and renal and liver disease.
  • Chromium (Cr) - regulates blood sugar levels. Deficiency causes diabetes, destroys the nervous system. Excess lead to anemia, provokes malignancies.
  • Zinc (Zn) - provides the synthesis of proteins. The disadvantage in the organism leads to diseases of the skin, nervous system, prostatic adenoma appearance. When there is an excess risk of arthritis, pancreatitis, gastritis.

It is important to remember that the minor at first glance, the symptoms can be the cause of a lack in the body of vital substances.

Analysis of vitamins and minerals needed to help the doctor to appoint timely treatment.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video on the analysis of trace elements in the

Analysis of trace elements:

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