Diseases Of The Nervous System

Symptoms IRR women as manifested in 30-40-50 years, signs in the acute stage, during menopause, after childbirth. Treatment

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VSD, or dystonia It is a common disease characterized by the appearance of symptoms of the internal organs as a result of disruption of the autonomic nervous system. At the same symptoms in women significantly impair quality of life, may be a predisposing factor to the development of complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 treatments
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about IRR

types of diseases

Pathological state is not an independent disease, but refers to complications that occur against the background of other disorders. That is why a unified and universally accepted classification of VSD does not exist.

However, experts share state depending on the course in the light, medium and heavy. The first occurs only occasionally, it is not accompanied by severe symptoms, and symptoms disappear after a short time without the use of medicines.

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The second type is more common and requires medical treatment because the symptoms do not disappear on their own. Severe form of dystonia is also not uncommon, the clinical picture is pronounced, even drugs do not help eliminate the symptoms. Usually this form provokes complications.

Additionally, the disease is divided, depending on what the symptom is manifested most clearly.

disease type Features of a current
hypotonic Common form of disease, in which the main symptom is a wanton reduction of blood pressure in patients without other symptoms of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the woman speaks of weakness and other symptoms that accompany hypotension. In exacerbations feature is more pronounced during periods of remission rates can be normalized
Hypertensive This type of dystonia is more common. In some women, blood pressure increased, so that the doctor diagnoses hypertension. State is accompanied by headaches, poor appetite and other symptoms. It is worth noting that the development of hypertensive type dystonia state rarely normalize yourselfIRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment
Cardiac When the cardiac type of VSD in the acute period is dominated by cardiac disorders such as pain, increased frequency of heart rate and other symptoms. The patient said that she had developed heart disease, because many of the symptoms of repeated clinical picture of angina pectoris, heart failure
Asthenic When asthenic disorder dystonia is observed on the part of the patient's metabolism. Her appetite deteriorates significantly reduced body weight, there are disorders of the digestive tract. Gradually the body develops exhaustion
tachycardial This type of disease is often associated with the cardiac form. The main symptoms protrudes tachycardia, observed at the slightest exertion and rest
Mixed Mixed IRR is considered the most dangerous. The patient says about the manifestations on the part of organs and systems, but to diagnose the disease is not so easy because of different symptoms

Any form of disease may be mild, moderate and severe.

Stage and grade

Symptoms in women VSD may depend on the stage of the disease. No matter what type of dystonia develops in the patient, distinguish three main stages of the disease: initial, progressive and running.

IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment
Statistics IRR for women and men

At the initial stage the patient is unaware of the abuse. Symptomatology occurs only occasionally expressed as weakness, headache and fatigue. In most cases, the patient withdraws display on fatigue or weakened immunity.

At an advanced stage symptoms are aggravated by, there are signs that help to differentiate the types of pathology, to determine which form prevails. The patient's condition worsens, working capacity is reduced. Usually at this stage refers to the skilled woman taking medication or independently.

It is considered the most advanced stage, especially when accompanied by complications. All manifestations of disturbed patient is almost constantly, reduce the quality of life and lead to complications in the nervous system. As a result, a long flow dystonia without treatment condition becomes chronic, therapy and complicated.


The pathological condition is accompanied by severe outward manifestations, but they are visible only at an advanced stage and progressive. Skin becomes too wet or withers, the work of the sweat glands is strengthened or weakened. In addition, the skin becomes pale, but her face appear foci, which is more pronounced vascular pattern.

Many women have increased hair loss and brittle nails, which is associated with malabsorption of nutrients from food. In addition, many women say about tides intense heat or cold, especially in emotional arousal.IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment

On the part of the reproductive system there is a decrease in libido, menstrual disorder, pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, young women may develop infertility as a result of violations of the egg maturation process.

With the most pronounced symptoms of the digestive system are the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Appetite loss.
  • Bloating.
  • Obstipation or diarrhea.

The most pronounced symptoms are observed on the part of the cardiovascular system. The patient says about the pain in the chest, feeling of tightness in the chest, as well as the fear of death.

Latest manifestation is usually a sign of exacerbation of angina, but appears frequently, making it difficult to diagnose with vascular dystonia. In addition, a woman has angina and arrhythmia, as well as changes in blood pressure indicators.

The nervous system is considered to be the most pronounced symptom of insomnia, as it occurs in approximately 80% of patients diagnosed with VSD.

The patient becomes nervous and irritable due to lack of sleep, marked mood swings and wanton aggression. In addition, the deterioration of memory and concentration is observed. The patient can not be a long time to perform repetitive manipulation, it lacks the perseverance and patience.

With long-term disease course of patients becomes scattered and forgetful, which is reflected in the professional activity. Woman feels constantly tired, apathetic symptoms appear. It can be extremely fun and excitement, but the state is sharply replaced by depression, tearfulness. Against the background of these changes, the risk of developing mental disorders appears.

Symptoms in women IRR may be supplemented by disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Gait women varies, there is muscle weakness and trembling of the limbs. In addition, there are pains in the joints and muscles after small loads, reduced physical strength and endurance.

Causes of

Regardless of the type of pathology, symptoms can be triggered by several factors.

The main reasons are the following:

  • Emotional and physical stress.
  • Constant fatigue.IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment
  • Professional activities related to exposure to toxic substances and toxins.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Heart disease and blood vessels.
  • Diseases of the thyroid and adrenal glands, accompanied by violation of the hormone.
  • Alcohol abuse and long-term smoking.
  • Hereditary predisposition to pathologies of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Long-term use of hormonal drugs.
  • Weakening the body's defenses.
  • Neurological disorders in the patient's history.

One or more of the factors leading to the development and worsening of symptoms. It is worth noting that even in patients who lead a healthy lifestyle, can be diagnosed VSD. This usually occurs because of deficiency of vitamins and minerals, as well as on the background of severe stress.


Symptoms often help to identify not only the stage of the disease, but also the supposed cause.

IRR in women is not as difficult to diagnose, if you apply the right techniques:

  • General examination and questioning of the patient allows to make a picture of the disease, identify the type of violation and identify the predisposing factor. The physician not only listens complaints, it also examines the mucous membranes and the integuments, listens lungs. Due to the comprehensive examination to acquire the necessary information for further diagnosis. The method is available for each clinic and does not require any payment from the patient.
  • Clinical and biochemical blood tests assigned always held at each institution, and costs about 300-500 rubles. The method is a standard method of examination makes it possible to assess the overall condition of the patient, to identify signs of inflammation and other symptoms.
  • ECG is considered one of the most effective methods of diagnosis, the cost of the procedure in a private clinic is about 700 rubles., In the state free of charge. The method helps to see the rejection of the heart or the lack of them, pointing to the VVD.
  • Ultrasound of the digestive system, thyroid, ovaries and uterus is also considered an important and one of the most effective ways. Conducted in specialized classrooms, having the proper equipment, is worth about 1000-2000 rubles. depending on the number of examined organs.
  • MRI is considered the most effective method of diagnosis, the cost is about 2000-4000 rubles. The survey is conducted in specialized clinics, it helps to identify even small deviations in the nervous system.IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment

After receiving the results of the survey specialist sets an accurate diagnosis and following treatment. Without a magnetic resonance imaging is almost impossible to determine the cause and extent of disrepair.

When to see a doctor

At the first signs of the disease should be sure to visit a neurologist who prescribed examination and treatment. But aid is not enough neurologist. Usually it requires additional consultation of the cardiologist, endocrinologist, internist.


To prevent disease is recommended to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. That is, stop smoking, reduce the amount of alcohol consumption to a minimum, as well as to normalize the diet.

It is important to exclude from the coffee, soft drinks, as well as meats. It is recommended to reduce the amount of fatty, fried and spicy foods, as well as pickles, canned food. This will loosen the negative effects on the body.

Should eat more fruits, vegetables, cereals. Be sure to include a menu nuts, herbs and dried fruit. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of meat and fish to cook, cooking in the oven. Such menu will reduce the likelihood of metabolic disorders.

In addition, attention should be paid to physical activity to normalize the regime of work and rest, avoid fatigue.


Symptoms in women IRR largely eliminated with sedatives, but also require symptomatic therapy that will eliminate the manifestations of particular forms of pathology.


Drugs used for the treatment of different groups depending on the symptoms.

The most often prescribed the following medicines:

  • pancreatin - an enzyme of the pancreas, which helps normalize digestion and prevent the development of dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion. Take the pill should be during a meal for 2 pieces, 2 times a day. Course duration - up to 2 weeks. The drug is very effective and relatively safe, the cost of it is about 50 rubles. per pack.IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment
  • afobazol - sedative medication, which allows to eliminate insomnia at exchange application. Should eat 1-2 tablets at bedtime for 10 days. Medication is effective, does not cause addiction, you can quickly normalize sleep and improve the general condition. Price - from 270 rubles.
  • Enap - means on the basis of enalapril that reduces blood pressure, is used as a method of emergency relief rare exceeded indicators, as well as a means for permanent use to control indicators. With an increase in blood pressure patient should take 1 tablet means. The course lasts 10 days or continuously, is very effective. 0 price from 60 rubles.
  • atenolol - antiarrhythmic agent that is highly efficient and helps not only to normalize heart rate, but also reduce the heart rate by reducing myocardial oxygen demand. Accepted courses for 10-14 days with daily use of 1 tablet 2 times per day. Price - from 100 rubles.
  • gastrotsepin - means for normalizing the mucosa of the digestive tract. It helps to restore the walls of organs and prevent diarrheal disorders. The patient is administered daily injections with an intramuscular injection of 2 ml of solution. The course consists of 10 sessions. Price drugs - from 20 rubles. per vial.
  • New Pass - Floral sedative, has high efficiency and not provoking addictive. Is assigned to eliminate anxiety, nervousness and irritability. Milked course of 14 days, the patient receives 1 tablet 3 times a day. Price - from 200 rubles.
  • Reglan - anti-emetic that is assigned to eliminate the nausea that occurs with the progression of dystonia. Highly effective and helps to relieve symptoms quickly. The patient should take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2-3 days. Price drugs - from 160 rubles.

If necessary, the patient receives other medicines, depending on the symptoms. For example, it may take antispasmodics, vasodilators and potent tranquilizers. In addition, the course is complemented by taking B vitamins

Traditional methods

Among the non-traditional medicine recipes occupy a special place products based on herbs and other natural ingredients.

The infusion based on calendula and chamomile not only has a sedative effect but also improves the functioning of the digestive tract. It is possible to prepare 2 g of calendula flowers and 3 g of camomile flowers. The raw material must be filled with 500 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes to infusion. Thereafter, the filtered beverage is ready for use, it should take 100 ml, 3 times a day for 10 days.IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment

Infusion-based balm is also considered a good sedative. Cooking it follows from 1 h. l. dried leaves and 300 mL of boiling water. Insist at least 20 minutes, filter and take 1 hour before sleep, repeat 10-14 days.

Alcohol tincture of valerian root - a natural sedative medication. It can receive from 20 g pre-dried and ground rhizome, and 150 ml of alcohol or vodka. Insisting lasts 2 weeks. After that, the finished medication should be taken before going to bed 20 drops. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.

Other methods

Symptoms in women IRR can be resolved with the help of massage and acupuncture. These unconventional methods can improve the patient's condition without drugs and prevent exacerbations and complications.

Massage should be performed by a specialist. The procedure lasts 40-45 minutes, directed it to relax muscles, stimulate metabolism and improve blood circulation throughout the body. During the session, the doctor does not make any sudden movements, all his careful manipulation and relaxing. The patient is recommended to wait at least 10 treatments at intervals of 2-3 days.

Acupuncture is also considered to be quite an effective way to prevent complications and relapses IRR. During the procedure, a specialist introduces a needle in bioactive points on the patient's body and leave them for a while, that helps to normalize the metabolism and stimulates the regeneration of the body. The procedure lasts up to 1 hour is carried out 2-3 times a week. The course consists of 10-15 sessions.

Physical activity involves regular exercise. Not necessarily professionally any kind, but it can be 2-3 times a week to remove the attention of swimming, slow running or cycling. Regular exercise can improve the blood vessels and the heart, tone them and prevent complications.

Additional methods always involve normalization of diet and physical activity of the patient.

possible complications

In the absence of therapy, the state can induce complications such as heart failure, chronic insomnia and disorders of metabolic processes. In addition, the possible appearance of signs neurosis, hypertension.IRR in women. The symptoms are manifest signs in the acute stage, menopause, after childbirth. Treatment

Dystonia often provoke angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke in the background of emotional stress. Possible development of hypothyroidism, diabetes, pathologies of the digestive system.

Symptoms IRR can arise as a result of various factors, and in women of different ages. In order to prevent progression of the disease in a timely manner recommended to see a doctor in time to undergo therapy. In many cases, the disease occurs in the benign form, ie does not cause complications, but can often significantly deteriorate the condition of the patient.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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