Parasitic Diseases

Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms, treatment regimen, diagnostics, folk remedies, drugs

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Giardiasis in adults It is a common infectious disease. Causative agents of disease are unicellular parasites that live in the intestinal area often (Giardia).

There are characteristic symptoms, which is important to timely appeal to an infectious diseases physician. Specialist selects secure regimen after a complete medical diagnosis on the basis of the results obtained.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 treatments
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of giardiasis

types of diseases

Given the degree of development of pathological processes and pockets of parasitic lesions, The following forms of the disease are distinguished in medicine:

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Title Description
Lyamblionositelstvo Pathology does not cause clinical signs, the person feels good. But he is a carrier of pathogens giardiasis. At the time of diagnosis in human feces detected cysts of parasites.
intestinal giardiasis The disease is characterized by intestinal disorders, dysbiosis (duodenitis, enteritis, gastroenteritis).
Hepatobiliary giardiasis Pathological processes violate the liver and leads to its increase, they adversely affect the bile duct. There are problems with digestion, metabolism, the outflow of bile.
Extra-intestinal form of the disease In humans, there are toxic and allergic symptoms. Changing the composition of blood. Allergens is increased, and the body can not cope with them independently. There are rashes on the body, developing atopic dermatitis, urticaria. The face and back covers acne, eczema formed.
Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations

There is also a mixed form of giardiasis, when a person has all of the symptoms of the parasitic lesions. Intensity of symptoms depends on the individual or the presence of accompanying pathologies.

Stage and grade

Given the course of the disease, there are following step giardiasis:

Title Description
asymptomatic The pathology occurs without overt signs. No discomfort.
acute giardiasis The disease is more common in people with low immunity. The clinical picture depends on the precipitating factors. It may be cold, overexertion or infection. The main disease develops quickly and is expressed.
The chronic form Giardiasis is characterized by symptoms of blurred. Need medical diagnostics, to differentiate the disease. Often it is detected accidentally.

In some situations, giardiasis seen as secondary pathology, against atopic dermatitis or celiac disease. Stage and extent of the disease is important to determine since the results obtained depend on the scheme of therapy.


The first signs of a parasitic infection appear within 1-3 weeks, when adults begin to actively proliferate. The acute stage is more like a stomach upset.

Appear the following symptoms:

Title Description
Dysentery Kal clean, no blood or mucus.
Flatulence Flatulence is a consequence of a breach of beneficial microflora.Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations
Abdominal pain Spasms often felt in the upper abdomen. Pain syndrome manifested seizures has aching or acute nature.
indigestion Pathologic changes in bowel habits provoke nausea and vomiting.
Bad state of health As a result of the gradual exhaustion of the body, worsening the overall condition of the person. Sometimes malaise accompanied by elevated body temperature.

Giardiasis in adults in the acute stage takes 2-3 weeks. In the absence of timely and properly chosen treatment regimen develop chronic disease.

Clinical signs added, but they are less pronounced flow:

Title Description
Disturbed functioning of digestive organs The chair is not stable, and constipation alternate diarrhea. Decreased appetite, a person complains of frequent bloating and rumbling in the gut.
Deteriorating overall health Worried severe headaches, somnolence, increased irritability. Against the background of poor health decreases disabled person.
Changes color In some situations, it has mild jaundice. First suffers the skin on the neck, face, armpits and belly.
eruptions Allergic symptoms appear, even in cases when used in humans has not been a similar reaction to the pathological processes. Often against a background of giardiasis develop asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dermatitis. An allergic reaction occurs for a long time, antihistamines do not help to cope with it, sometimes there are repeated relapses.
Hives The disease runs hard against the backdrop of a parasitic infection, impaired quality of life. In some situations, urticaria provokes inflammation of the eyelids.
keratosis pilaris The skin on the shoulders coated swelling. They have a rough crust or white patches round shape. Keratosis pilaris is accompanied by increased desquamation.

Patient perleches visible in the corners of the mouth, inflamed lips, developing thrush. The hair becomes thin and brittle, they lose their natural beauty and health. Also continues to decrease body weight.

When the clinical signs it is crucial to go to the hospital to undergo a full medical examination and treatment, chosen expert. Without therapy, the patient's condition will deteriorate against a background of the progressive development of Giardia. High probability of complications.

Causes of

Giardia cysts persist in the environment for another 3 months, getting in a suitable medium, they are actively developing.

In the human body, they penetrate in the following ways:

Title Description
Water Infection of crude parasite occurs through tap water. Therefore, doctors recommend to boil it before drinking.
Contact-household The main source of infection - a contact with an infected person, through shaking hands or the use of common household items. In this situation, the infectious disease specialist recommends strictly stick to the simple rules of hygiene.Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations
food Infestation provoke meat and fish products, which have previously not been treated before cooking. The same goes for dirty fruits and vegetables.

Giardiasis in adults (treatment regimen selected on the basis of the received medical diagnostic results) also appears after contact with pets (cats, dogs). Carriers of pathogens are mice and flies. In summer, people most often use the pools for domestic use that is strictly forbidden to make or swim in unauthorized places.

With giardiasis facing employees of educational institutions (schools, gardens), health care workers and scavengers.

There are also certain factors that increase the risk of infection of the body:

  • carbohydrate foods in large quantities;
  • low acidity of the stomach;
  • lack of protein in the diet and food products containing vegetable fiber;
  • reduced the body's defenses;
  • long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs, which creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Drug abuse also increases the risk of parasite infection.


Determine the disease is difficult just by their appearance.

Infectious disease physician for suspected parasitic infection assigns patient laboratory tests:

Title Description
duodenal intubation Screening helps detect giardia in the lumen of the duodenum.
Blood analysis Antibodies to pathogens giardiasis.
fecal Laboratory diagnosis, which allows you to determine the cyst parasites.
Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations
How are agents of giardiasis in adults

Modern method of detecting Giardia is interotest. A person is given a gelatin capsule, which is located inside Nylon thread. After a time at the time of intestinal bowel movements she goes, her experts detect the parasite.

When to see a doctor

Infectious diseases physician should be visited as soon as the first signs of illness. You can not write off the symptoms of fatigue and increase efficiency. It is important to pass the examination in a timely manner, accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective treatment.

Progressive pathological processes lead to serious consequences. Giardia will multiply and affect the operation of all internal organs and systems.


Giardiasis in adults (treatment regimen selected infectious diseases specialist physician taking into account all the individual characteristics of the body of the patient, and the pathological processes occurring) It can be prevented by simple enough to remember the recommendations of the expert:

  1. Adhere to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently.
  2. Drink bottled or boiled water.
  3. Do not allow contact with fecal matter in the world.
  4. Carefully wash fruits and vegetables.
  5. You can not swim in the waters of doubt, or drink water from them.
  6. During garden work with the land, a glove.
  7. Wash hands and held anthelmintic prophylaxis after contact with animals.
  8. Remember about the hygienic measures in food establishments.
  9. Regularly visit a specialist if there is a risk of parasite infection.

It is also important to treat giardiasis in a timely manner under the supervision of a specialist to prevent complications of the disease. There is always the risk of re-infection of the body.


Therapy is carried out comprehensively giardiasis. Treatment involves certain steps. First, you need to improve bowel function, eliminate toxicity symptoms, and improve immunity. Then used antiparasitic drugs. Last stage of treatment - is to strengthen the body and the prevention of re-recurrence.


Medicines doctor selects, given the results of diagnostics and individual characteristics of the human body. It is important to take the medication exactly as prescribed or according to the instructions. Many drugs provoke adverse reactions.Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations

drug Group Title application
chelators "Polisorb", "Enterosgel" Drugs reduce symptoms of toxicity. Given the body weight of the patients administered 0.5-2 tsp 1 reception. The powder was pre-diluted in 0.5 v. water.
enzymes "Creon", "Pancreatin" The funds improve the digestive process. Adults are recommended for 1-2 cap. during each meal.
antiallergic agents "Tsetrin", "Loratadine" The adult dosage is 10 mg of 1 p. per day.
antihistamines "Furazolidone" "Albendazole" Patients prescribed 2 tablets. 3-4 p. a day for 5-7 days.

In addition, infectious disease physician selects multivitamin complexes and probiotics to restore beneficial intestinal microflora ( "Bifiform", "Linex").

Traditional methods

Giardiasis in adults (treatment regimen involves the use of complex methods for pest control) allows the use of prescription medicine men and healers, unless there are serious contraindications.

Therapy is complex, so the folk remedies are used with conventional medications to achieve the therapeutic effect. Used herbs have choleretic and astringent action.

Effective prescriptions against giardiasis:

Title Recipe application
Horseradish Garlic Grind and mix the products in the same quantities. Put 50 g of the resulting mass into a glass container. Add a bottle of vodka. Tightly cover and infuse for 1 week. The medicine is recommended to use 1 tsp for 30 minutes before a meal 2 r. per day.
Pumpkin seeds Grind in a mortar, 300 g of seeds. Put them in a glass jar and add 50 grams of water, honey.Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations The resulting mass is recommended to use immediately after preparation on an empty stomach, and then take a laxative.
Rowan Pour the dried fruit of the plant (1 teaspoon) of boiling water (200 ml) and left for 2 hours. Strain and take medicinal purposes. Ready infusion taken on an empty stomach 100 ml.
herbal At the same proportions mixed cinquefoil, mint, root elecampane and helichrysum. Pour 2 tablespoons obtained grass collecting hot water (0.5 L). Close tightly in a thermos and leave overnight to infuse. Strain and take medicinal purposes. The finished drug is recommended to drink 100 ml of 3 r. a day at least a month.

Folk remedies to help eliminate the symptoms of intoxication and improve general well-being. Their use should be discussed with your doctor. Many of the ingredients used can trigger an allergic reaction or cause complications.

Other methods

Giardiasis in adults (treatment regimen selected and carried out under the strict control of infectious diseases doctor) at the stage of intensive pest management requires adherence to a strict diet:

Authorized products prohibited products
buckwheat, corn and rice cereals, cooked in water

yogurt, kefir

cranberry juice and cranberries

meat is low-fat varieties

fruits and boiled vegetables

vegetable oil

whole milk


flour products


bakery products

sausages and fats of animal origin


Giardiasis in adults. Symptoms regimen, folk remedies, preparations

The diet is a nutritionist, it is important that the patient's body received all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, during the treatment of a person should stick to drinking regime. Eat more pure liquid, as it removes toxins from the body. You can also drink green tea with lemon, but no sugar or fruit juices, fruit drinks.

possible complications

Progressive pathological processes adversely affect the condition of the body, it weakens. Parasites their reproduction and life provoke serious malfunctions of all systems and organs. Against the background of reduced immunity increases the likelihood of viral or bacterial infection.

Advanced stages of giardiasis provoke serious complications:

Title Description
Intoxication A large concentration of giardia leads to an allergic reaction, which can not even help to stop medication. External patient's condition deteriorates.
Disorder of the nervous system Increased irritability, apathy provoke deterioration of memory and attention problems.
dysbacteriosis The disease is a consequence of the development of inflammation in the digestive tract. Parasites consume nutrients and carbohydrates, which are needed by the human body. Violated not only the metabolism, a high probability of atrophic changes in the digestive organs.
deuteropathy Against the background of the inflammatory process in the intestine develop comorbidities (duodenitis, enterocolitis, duodenal ulcer disease).
Dyskinesia, cholecystitis The disease affects the gallbladder. Disrupting his work, provoked a strong pain. Please refer to a gastroenterologist and undergo a full medical examination.
dehydration Severe and profuse diarrhea, dehydration provokes. The body does not have enough fluids to carry out its functions.

Pathology vessels is also a serious complication of giardiasis. Against the background of strong poisoning of the human body develops vascular dystonia.

Giardiasis in adults is not a dangerous disease if treatment start time. Regimen selects the physician infectious disease after a complete diagnosis on the basis of the results obtained.

It is important to adhere to appointments and comply with dietary meals and remember about prevention. Careful attention to their own health will not prevent re-infection of the body and prevent complications.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of giardiasis

Malyshev about the main symptoms of giardiasis:

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