
Alveolitis after tooth extraction: photo, treatment, symptoms

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Alveolitis - acute inflammation hole walls in the extracted tooth, which is accompanied by its damage, crush and gums. It is noteworthy that the disease is "masked" and is not immediately. Alveolitis makes itself felt only after a certain period after the dental surgery.

Tooth extraction is always carried out under anesthesia, so the pain the patient is experiencing at the time of finding a doctor chair. Pain occurs after the end of the anesthetic action and has slight character. In addition, she quickly stopped and the hole of the tooth (alveoli; bone recess, which houses a tooth root) begins to heal and tightened.

After 2-3 days after removal of tooth sharp pain occurs in the area of ​​the empty wells. The patient may attempt to take painkillers, or in any other way to relieve the discomfort, but the condition does not improve. Such symptoms characteristic of alveolitis - inflammation in the tooth hole and occur when the normal healing process.

Alveolitis - what is it?

Alveolitis called inflammatory process arising in the wound after tooth extraction. It begins as a result of falling into the well of pathogenic organisms and the emergence of infections. Some case alveolitis causes injury to gum tissue adjacent to the wound.

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A blood clot in the disease does not perform properly its functions of protection, it can not be all. This stops the healing process. The wound is collected saliva and food debris, rot which infects open wounds and provokes an active infection.

Alveolitis are more likely to occur when you remove wisdom teeth or molars. operation is complicated and may cause infection. Tooth extraction is considered to be difficult, if:

  • tooth tissue is fragile, easily crumbled at the touch of instruments;
  • roots were twisted or have been linked with the roots of other teeth;
  • Do not cut or partially cut through the tooth;
  • leaving only the root, and upper part of the tooth has collapsed.

These cases require gum incision, removal of tooth parts or cutting out by a drill. Additional trauma creates a very favorable environment for alveolitis.

Causes of

Alveolitis fairly common disorder, occurring in 40% of patients the dentist. In other cases, healing occurs in a few days.

Most often alveolitis occurs for some reasons:

  1. The presence of carious lesions of teeth. Aggressive pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the wound, proliferate actively, resulting in a purulent infection. Alveolitis arrest in this case is very difficult, as antiseptic drugs have only a small effect.
  2. Injury of alveolar walls wells: fractures Teschin partial breaking out of the total body bone. Bone particles falling on the wound surface, result in an infection.
  3. Mismatch indicator of blood clotting normally. The main aspect of a successful wound healing is the formation of a blood clot in the socket, protects against infection.
  4. Some general diseases: diabetes, thyroid disease, leading to hormonal imbalance. Particularly increases the risk of alveolitis during their exacerbations.
  5. Lowered immunity, as is a common cause of this complication. Weakened body can not withstand pyogenic microbes firmly settles into the hole. That is why removing teeth is not recommended during infectious diseases of the respiratory system.
  6. Failure to comply with the recommendations of the dentist. All medical advice aimed at minimizing the risk of alveolitis. It is not necessary to constantly check the injured hole, trying to separate the clot to use funds not recommended by a doctor.
  7. If the clotting time is too long, the thrombus is not formed, and the surface of the wound attacking pathogens, causing inflammation. Due to the same reason it is not recommended to carry out extractions after taking medications that thin the blood: warfarin, aspirin, and others.

Blood clot is considered the primary safety barrier alveolar wells after tooth extraction. It is the partial or total disruption of the clot is the most common cause of inflammation.

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What are the symptoms of disturbed man?

The first signs of alveolitis (see. photo) appear 3-4 days after the procedure. notes:

  • gingival swelling and redness in the area of ​​damaged tissue;
  • unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • strong growing pain spreading to the surrounding area and the tissue;
  • high temperature (38-39 ° C);
  • malaise;
  • the absence of a blood clot in the hole;
  • formation on the hole gray deposit and the absence of a blood clot;
  • separation of pus from the wells;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • swollen cheeks (not always).

Some symptoms appear in the initial stages of the development of alveolitis, others - severe pain, high temperatures, swollen lymph nodes and separation of pus from the wells indicate severe stage inflammation. Therefore, any manifestations of alveolitis should be a reason to see a doctor.

How does alveolitis: photo

The photo below shows how alveolitis appears after tooth extraction in humans.

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If the patient after tooth extraction characteristic symptoms are observed, the interior of the wells and dry the wound hurts, he can not do without the help of experts.

When you visit the dentist the patient will have to pass certain tests and it will be carried out X-ray examination. Thereafter, the physician can confidently diagnose inflammatory process, progressing in the hole formed in situ extraction.

At the time of inspection the dentist can detect the absence of granulation tissues in the hole. It can also be viewed on the visual bottom of the well bone. When applying constructive therapeutic techniques rather quickly wound healing occurs, and around her damaged tissues in situ extraction.

How to treat alveolitis?

Effective treatment of this disease can cause objective difficulties. At the dentist should be a great experience in the field of surgery in order to build up a suitable plan future treatment and make it a reality.

Alveolitis treatment process consists of the following stages:

  1. Anesthesia affected area with the help of local anesthesia or stem.
  2. Elution of food particles, saliva and blood clot residues from the wells with a syringe and needle with a blunt end. For this purpose use warm antiseptic solutions: furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, permanganic solution of chlorhexidine.
  3. Particles of tissue decay, food, bone fragments or tooth root, granulation, which remained after washing, are removed using sharp surgical spoon. Actions should be undertaken with great caution, since it is impossible to injure the wall of the well.
  4. Repeated washing of tooth extraction wells antiseptic solutions.
  5. Drying with a sterile cotton swab.
  6. Dusting powder anestezina.
  7. Overlay gauze bandage impregnated with yodoformnoy or analgesic and antiseptic dressings «Alvogyl».

As the dressing, as well, it is possible to use biological antiseptic swabs, haemostatic sponge with kanamycin or gentamicin and pasty preparations with antibiotics. The dressing has a protective function, preventing penetration into the inflamed well of mechanical, biological, chemical irritants and pathogens.

Pain in the hole with serous alveolitis disappear after a similar treatment for all. Through two - three days, inflammation subsides. If the treatment is carried out when the disease has already taken shape, and purulent pain became more intense in the hole administered with a strip of gauze anesthetic and antiseptic solution: alcoholic propolis tincture, liquid kamforofenola. Fairly effective blockade (impregnation soft tissue at the site of inflammation) an anesthetic in combination with lincomycin, as well as solution "traumel" introduced by conventional injection principle.

Proteolytic enzymes are used to cleanse the wells of tissue undergoing necrosis. For this strip gauze moistened with a solution of crystalline trypsin or chymotrypsin, is introduced into the well. Enzymes gradually digested with dead tissue and clean the wound surface.

Physiotherapy necessarily must be present during the treatment. Apply: microwave therapy, flyuktuorizatsiyu, infrared laser rays, ultraviolet irradiation. Good antiseptic properties have baths with manganese or sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.

Of the drugs prescribed to a patient complex vitamins, sulfa drugs, and analgesics. With the threat of the further development of the disease is carried out antibiotic. This daily:

  • Obrabatyvaniya wells antiseptics;
  • Carrying out of the blockade;
  • Changing bandages.

The procedure continues until the complete cessation of pain. A week later, the walls begin to heal the hole and covered with a mucous tissue young, but signs of inflammation may still be present in the clinical picture. A few weeks later the swelling subsides, the mucous membrane assumes a normal, pink color.


Recently I went to the removal of the lower molars, as it was one of the stub, which is not suited for a crown. Deleting passed quickly and without much pain, was appointed to rinse your mouth and sent for treatment at home.

The very next day in a place where the tooth used to be, to develop a strong pain and swollen gums. More how halitosis appeared. In the end I came to the doctor, which I pulled a tooth the night before. She looked up and told me to "fasten" and to put on the swollen cheek warmer ice. A few days later the swelling was asleep, but gums ache less did not. I saw several times a day Nurofen. But the pain did not cease, so I went back to the aunt.

I took a shot and told that everything is fine, but there is a sharp bones from the place where before was my tooth. Here and we decided to remove them. It was very painful when I again tinkering in the gums and remove these "bones", then put gauze, forced to bite and sent home.

After a couple of hours began throbbing pains of hell, so I decided to go to a nearby private hospital, where I explained everything. It turns out that I have removed the tooth is bad, a lot of broken pieces of the damaged tooth and bone of the jaw, so that everything is mixed up with an infection and gave pus. I prick with absolutely no pain cleaned it all laid on top of gauze with ointment and made recommendations. On the same day I got better, so more to the doctor, which I removed the tooth, I never set foot.

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To prevent this complication, you need to:

  • select a competent and experienced dentist;
  • care should be taken, whether in the hole there was a blood clot;
  • do not touch the hole language and poking around in her other subjects;
  • after the operation for some time is necessary to give up smoking;
  • within days after the surgery not to drink alcoholic beverages, soda pop;
  • It has carefully so the food did not get into the hole;
  • do not eat solid food;
  • on the day of the operation, after the conference, you can not brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.

Alveolitis after tooth extraction requires competent approach to treatment and compliance with all recommendations of the doctor. This disease can not be run, otherwise you may provoke a huge problem throughout the oral cavity.

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