
Laryngitis: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults. Than to treat laryngitis

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Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx. It can be provoked by many factors, such as hypothermia, overvoltage vocal cords, long stay in the closed a space filled with dust, dry, stale air in the room where the patient stayed long, smoking, colds, acute respiratory disease, SARS, influenza and et al.

In most cases, this inflammation lasts about 1-2 weeks, but the corresponding non-compliance with regime and the absence of adequate treatment can be complications of laryngitis and he will chronic.

What it is?

Laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat associated usually with colds or infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough. Development of the disease contribute to overheating, overcooling, breathing through the mouth, a dusty air overvoltage larynx.

Laryngotracheitis - a variant of the disease, characterized by inflammation of the larynx and trachea primary departments.

Laryngitis and laryngotracheitis observed hoarseness until the complete loss of voice, dry, scratchy throat, dry hacking cough. There may be difficulty breathing, bluish skin color appear, pain on swallowing.

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Physiology and anatomy of the larynx

Larynx - is the upper respiratory tract, pharynx located between (in most cases being a gateway infection) and the trachea. The larynx contains the vocal apparatus. Laid on IV-VI of the cervical vertebra level has a direct connection with the pharynx and the trachea. The larynx is composed of hyaline cartilage skeleton including unpaired or large cartilage (cricoid, epiglottic, thyroid) and a pair or small (arytenoid, V, rozhkovidnye).

The mobility of the body is provided with two joints: a ring-arytenoid joint and a ring-joint of the thyroid. human voice apparatus is located in the larynx, which is represented by the vocal cords attached to the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages. Formation of the sounds takes place both at inhalation and exhalation through the vibration of the vocal cords. Tension and change their glottis form occurs at reducing muscular apparatus of the larynx.

The causes of laryngitis

It is not always possible to pinpoint the causes of laryngitis in adults for each individual case. Doctors have identified a number of major factors contributing to the development of inflammation in the larynx.

  1. Alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking.
  2. Inhalation scalding or cold, on the contrary, the hot air mouth.
  3. Hypothermia - head, legs and other parts of the body or the body completely.
  4. Permanent or one-time strong tension of the vocal cords - a prolonged loud talking and shouting, especially in the case of unfavorable conditions specified in the preceding paragraph.
  5. Inhalation different stimuli - contaminated by dust, soot, air chemical substances.
  6. Spread of infection of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, oral cavity and other surrounding areas.
  7. Surface damage laryngeal mucosa - surgery, mechanical (fishbone attempt poorly chewed food ingestion, crackers).
  8. Contact with sick - whooping cough, chicken pox, flu, or other acute respiratory viral infections. The incubation period laryngitis infectious origin may be from several hours to several days depending on the pathogen.

Chronic laryngitis trigger an allergic reaction can (by dust, pollen, odor), the presence of chronic gastrointestinal disease, accompanied by constant irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx gastric contents, chronic tonsillitis, dental caries, the curvature of the bow partitions. Significantly contributes to the development of inflammatory processes of weakening of immunity, hormonal disorders.


In current medical practice, the following types of laryngitis:

  1. Catarrhal - the mildest form, where there is hoarseness, slight cough, sore throat;
  2. Tuberculosis - a consequence of the spread of tuberculosis of the lungs to larynx. The tissue formed as a sealing hillocks;
  3. Atrophic - thinned inside laryngeal mucosa, struck the back wall of the pharynx. Manifested racking cough, hoarse voice, dry mouth;
  4. Hypertrophic - more pronounced, with increased symptoms. Vocal cord tissue formation can nodules the size of a match head;
  5. Syphilitic - a complication of syphilis. The formed ulcers larynx and plaques (second step) subsequently passing into scars, deforming the vocal cords and larynx (step 3);
  6. Diphtheria - a consequence of the spread of infection to the tonsils in the throat. The mucosa of the larynx is covered by a white coating, which in the separation may, at the level of the vocal cords clogging the airways.

chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis has the following varieties:

  1. Catarrhal. Occurs when a continuous load on the voice box or under adverse environmental factors, characterized by a change in voice and intermittent cough. For the treatment shows a light diet, avoiding harmful habits, local therapy and voice rest.
  2. Atrophic. Often develops due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic rhinitis. As a typical symptom cough can distinguish blood-streaked sputum. Treatment is aimed at the use of topical therapy and problem resolution.
  3. Hyperplastic. The main symptoms - proliferation of laryngeal mucosa, persistent hoarseness, a rare cough. Features of treatment is to gently and standard therapy in acute.

acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis has three types:

  1. Catarrhal. The main symptoms are hyperemic and edematous a laryngeal mucosa, normal temperature, or low-grade. Features of treatment is diet, voice rest and preparations for topical application.
  2. Podskladochny (false grains). More common in children from birth to 5 - 6 years of age, characterized by attacks of laryngeal stenosis. Features of treatment consists of inhaled corticosteroids and sedatives.
  3. Infiltrative (flegmozny). The main symptoms are in the spread of the inflammatory process in the internal tissue of the larynx. There is a very strong pain in swallowing, loss of voice, Department of pus sputum. In this type of acute laryngitis shown therapy in hospital settings. If necessary the operation to remove the abscess caused by bacterial infection.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, laryngitis distinguish three stages: initial, the height of the disease and during reverse development. The effectiveness of treatment depends largely on whether therapy was initiated at any stage. Therefore, when a hoarseness and barking cough should seek immediate medical attention.

false croup

Children 6-8 years of age can develop a special form of acute laryngitis, namely the occurrence of false croup. Its manifestations are similar to the symptoms of diphtheria of the larynx - the true croup. This complication is dangerous because it can lead to a dramatic difficulty breathing as a result of narrowing of the lumen larynx due to inflammation (swelling), which, in turn, is often associated with spasm of the voice gap. False croup in acute laryngitis is most commonly seen in children with exudative diathesis.

When false croup attack of illness usually occurs suddenly, at night during sleep: a child suddenly wakes up in a sweat, restless, his breathing becoming more labored and noisy, lips turn blue, "Barking" cough. After a while (20-30 minutes), the child calms down and falls asleep. Body temperature during the attack remains normal or slightly increased. Attacks of the disease can be repeated in this or the next night. If signs of false croup should immediately call an ambulance or deliver the child to the nearest hospital.

symptoms of laryngitis

The main symptom of this disease in adults - a sharp pain when swallowing, sore throat. Depending on the severity of the temperature may rise, worsen the condition as a whole. Laryngitis usually changes his voice, he could become a much more raucous, muffled sound.

In this disease often dry mouth and nose, it may be difficult to breath. Cough laryngitis may also occur at the beginning of the disease it is usually dry, then can become wet with expectoration. Other symptoms depend on the concomitant diseases, against which develops laryngitis.

Visually identify laryngitis can be difficult, it can be confused with the usual sore throat. Usually, there is a marked redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of light, take a look at the throat laryngitis photo for clarity.


During the diagnosis, the doctor initially studying history, conducting a physical examination and interview the patient about the nature of the beginning and development of the disease. A careful study of the sound of voice and vocal cords facilitates the selection of the correct approach to the treatment of disease. Physical examination must include examination of the throat, mouth, nose to detect inflammation foci. Also, the doctor palpate the neck for the detection of inflamed lymph nodes. Survey data enable us to determine the type of laryngitis, as well as its relationship with other diseases.

If there are serious problems your doctor may decide to conduct additional tests. Sometimes a patient is a laryngoscopy with a flexible endoscope for examination of the larynx. In carrying out such inspection is possible fence tissue sample for subsequent biopsy. With the help of a biopsy can determine whether the patient's cancer processes. In the process of video laringostroboskopii doctor can examine the vibration of the vocal cords. All other studies are prescribed depending on the larynx damage.

It is important to bear in mind that a person who suspects develop laryngitis should always consult a doctor if symptoms persist for two weeks, there is pain, extending to the ear, utrudnyaetsya swallowing, expectorated blood.


Acute laryngitis occurring repeatedly may become chronic disease. The main complication of acute laryngitis is a stenosis in the background edema, abscess formation or infiltration of the epiglottis. With such a complication in patients in need of urgent hospitalization to a stationary ENT department.

How to treat laryngitis at home?

Acute forms are treated comprehensively, the main efforts are directed at addressing the causes of laryngitis.

Drug treatment in adults involves assigning multiple groups of drugs.

  • To reduce the viscosity and improve expectoration prescribe expectorants mucolytics means, including on the basis of medicinal herbs.
  • To remove the symptoms of allergies, reduce edema and the prevention of stenosis prescribe antihistamine medication.
  • To stop the painful nonproductive dry cough suppressants prescribed drugs acting on specific brain center.
  • To effectively soften and facilitate the discharge of crusts used proteolytic agents.
  • If you set the bacterial nature of laryngitis, prescribe antibiotics. Often prescribe a topical antibiotic in the form of a spray.

Just at home laryngitis treated by gargling, inhalation, which can be organized at home. In general, the following methods are commonly used:

  • Environment. It is necessary to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the room. It should be well ventilated room, to maintain the optimum temperature of 20 ° -26 ° C, to monitor the humidity level (50% - 60%). Since dry air promotes microscratch laryngeal mucosa and this exacerbates the disease and delays recovery processes. It is necessary to keep the throat warm, it is better to wrap a scarf or neck warmer to do warm compresses. Avoid going outside, especially in cold weather, it can greatly exacerbate the situation.
  • Adherence. First, we should respect the voice mode. I talk as little as possible, and it is better to observe complete silence. Under such conditions, the processes of recovery and healing of the mucosa of the larynx proceed much faster. In any case it is not necessary to speak in a whisper. In this type of conversation stress and trauma of the vocal cords is several times greater than in normal speech.
  • Water or drinking regime. The patient should drink plenty of liquids to rapidly bring the body of toxins, as well as to reduce mucus viscosity and maintain the necessary humidity of the mucous larynx. Moist vocal folds are not so exposed to trauma in their processes of recovery of damaged tissue occur sooner. It should drink up to 2- to 3 liters of liquid per day. It is better to use the liquid in the form of warm herbal teas (chamomile, melissa, thyme, sage, etc.), Berry fruit drinks. Good helps in liquefaction and excretion of sputum warm milk with mineral water (mineral water, Essentuki et al.).
  • Hot foot baths, mustard plasters on the calf muscles can help reduce swelling of the mucous larynx and facilitate health. Mainly, this effect is achieved by redistribution of blood from the upper body to the lower.
  • Eliminate smoking and alcohol. Smoke entering the mucous larynx significantly reduces its protective and regenerative abilities.

In the treatment, and especially at home, it is important to listen to your body! If you feel considerable discomfort and worsening of symptoms, it is better not to tempt fate and to change the method of treatment to more proven. Or better yet, you should consult a specialist for the qualified help.


An excellent method of treatment of laryngitis at home is inhalation. It does not require complex devices and expensive drugs. The inhaler can be used as an ordinary kettle to which puts long neck funnel of thick paper, and through which the healing process occurs. Of course, you can simply cover with a towel and breathe over the pot.

As solutions for inhalation can be used:

  • Alkaline soda solution
  • Mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki et al.)
  • Herbal teas (camomile, mint, thyme, sage, calamus, etc.).
  • Several drops of essential oils added to the water for inhalation (menthol, eucalyptus, etc.).

Breathing pores should be a minimum of 10 minutes after water is boiled. It is important to monitor that the procedure was as comfortable as possible and does not cause pain. In no case do not allow the pores burned mucous larynx.


Another effective way to treat laryngitis at home. Recommended rinses:

  1. A solution of sea salt (1-1.5 tsp 500 ml)
  2. soda solution (1 teaspoon per 200 ml)
  3. Herbal teas (chamomile, sage, linden, rhizome, raspberry, eucalyptus leaves,
  4. Beet juice, fresh potato juice diluted with warm water,
  5. Warm milk with carrots (boil 1 carrot 500 ml of milk, then these milk rinse)
  6. Broth onion skin, etc..

Frequent rinsing at least 5-7 times per day, reduce swelling, reduce inflammation, accelerate healing processes.

Prevention and prognosis

Effective prevention provides a comprehensive approach:

  • smoking cessation and alcohol;
  • prevention of colds - the timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract, sanitation upper and lower respiratory tract infections, hygiene standards, avoidance of hypothermia and contacts with sick people;
  • increase general immunity - a healthy lifestyle, tempering, exercise, nutrition and sleep;
  • improved indoor climate - increasing humidity, air cleaning, regular airing, timely cleaning;
  • for people whose voice is a tool to work with, it is very important to adhere to the rational voice mode, and performing foniatorov recommendations.

When properly prescribed therapy healing occurs within 5-10 days, and the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum. But we can not allow the transition of the disease into a chronic form, as in hypertrophic laryngitis and atrophic stage can not be completely cured, it can only be possible to facilitate the flow symptoms disease.

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