
How quickly remove a double chin at home

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Double chin is the result of the localization of the subcutaneous fat under the chin naturally.

As a result, in the chin area appears a dense impartial fold. It is called the second chin. To it there are a number of ways to get rid of. But if this cosmetic defect occurs due to serious diseases of the body, then it can only be removed by eliminating the root cause.

Is it possible to achieve the effect of the house?

It is impossible to eliminate the defect, without knowing the reason for his appearance.

  1. Obesity also adorns the man like "swing" with weight loss and weight gain, when the facial skin is stretched by fat, then slack.
  2. Of course, the older a person becomes, the less elastic his skin, because we can not do without auxiliary exercises.
  3. Perhaps your ancestors in the third, the fourth generation had a double chin, then there is a family history, but it is not an obstacle to achieve perfect facial contours.

It is difficult to get rid of double chin, if:

  1. You sleep on a pillow, set vertically when the chin literally rests in the chest;
  2. insta story viewer
  3. Man constantly stooping while walking or sitting at the computer at which he spends most of his time;
  4. Your nutrition unbalanced and you are a supporter of junk food.

Eliminating three of these drawbacks, you will soon notice how transformed state chin.

How to remove the chin at home for a week

double chin problem occurs not only in people with excess weight - with her face even skinny girls. The causes of the defect may be several:

  • hereditary factor;
  • anatomical feature;
  • age changes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • specifics of the work, in which a woman for a long time sitting with bowed head;
  • the adoption of high-calorie foods.

Remove This cosmetic defect will diet in which is to abandon the use of sugar and salt in the diet include oily fish cold seas, saturating body oils useful omega-3 and omega-6, contributing to skin elasticity, and drink 1.5 -2 liters of clean water day. In order not to attract the attention of others to the problem area, do not wear a necklace and other flashy jewelry around his neck.

How can remove the double chin for a week? On the problem must be approached comprehensively: do gymnastics, massage, compresses, pat. For the chin skin during the course and after it should take care with the help of special creams and masks pull-up. Excellent help get rid of the problem of packs made from lemon juice, when the dressing is applied to the site every day, soaked in lemon juice, and lasts about half an hour.

Vocabulary of double chin

How to get rid of double chin? Quickly solve the problem, a simple gym complex. There are various exercises of double chin. Nobody forbids to combine techniques. Here are five options that have proven effective.

  • Cams. Prop up the face with his hands clenched into fists, and then try to reach them to his chest. 7 - 10 seconds pause and re-run the action.
  • Cargo. Imagining that you hold the lower jaw load, start to pick it up. Overcoming the resistance, let down your head back and linger at this point for a few seconds. Also, lower your head slowly. Repeat 5 - 7 times.
  • Language. Stick out your tongue out and try to drag its tip as high as possible, ideally before the nose. Following try to portray the language of figure 8 in the air, and then start to pull it down. Continue 1 - 2 minutes.
  • Lips. Tilt his head back and tighten your neck muscles. In this position, print the lower lip forward and try to reach the nose. Then try to bring the upper lip to the chin. You need to do 5 repetitions, alternating upper and lower lip.
  • Sounds. Tighten your face and neck, and then say "u" sound. Relax in the 1 - 2 seconds, and then you have to strain muscles again and say the vowel "i". Alternate pronunciation of sounds for 2 - 3 minutes.

In addition, there is a special gym complex, which will help solve the problem quickly.

  • Inflate cheeks. Imitate mouth ball rolling. Do not open the mouth during exercise.
  • Lips fold in the position of "tube". Sing all vowels. Repeat several times.
  • In the oral cavity air type. Exhale through the mouth of his small "chunks". Deflation should occur jerks.
  • Teeth hold a pen or pencil. Imitate "aircraft" spelling. When performing the maximum strain your neck muscles, facial muscles.
  • Head up. Perform the chin to the lower lip captures the top.

As you can see, work on improving your appearance can be in a familiar home.

Massage and self-massage

To increase the efficiency of gymnastic exercises for the neck and facial muscles, you should combine them with self-massage. This will contribute to enhance the metabolic processes within cells and tissues, and improve circulation. As a result of fat deposits in the problem area razomnutsya and gradually dissolve. Massage accelerate the achievement of the desired result, which will be noticeable after two weeks.

Self-massage of the second jaw most effectively done in the morning or in the evening. It begins with the application of special massage cream that matches your skin type. Then you need to prepare your skin.

For this easy neat movements should be stroked his chin with your fingers in the direction of the ears. When the skin is warmed up, the rate can be improved and gradually move to the tapping fingertips. Quick pat chin with the back of his hand, alternating hands. Then proceed to tingle. Tweaks to make your thumb and forefinger, the skin is not stretched, and pressed. After that, a circular hand movements performed intense rubbing of the skin. Massage complete with light strokes, gradually slowing the force of impact.

In total, the entire massage procedure lasts somewhere around ten minutes.

Folk remedies: masks and compresses

To improve the impact of massage and physical exercises aimed at removing double chin, apply cosmetic mask.

  • The glass of cold water was added tablespoon of salt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mixture is stirred well, urinate in the middle part of her towels and make him a tight tourniquet. This harness pat yourself on the chin as quickly as possible and more often. The towel should be kept wet in the solution. After the end of the neck and chin procedures should be washed well.
  • A useful feature is the mask, made from dried yeast and milk. Mass ground to a homogeneous paste-like consistency and put on half an hour in a warm place. Then the mask thickly applied to the chin and top impose a gauze bandage. When the mixture hardens, rinsed with warm water.
  • Egg whisk, then add to it 20 grams of olive oil and fresh juice from half a lemon. Apply for 15 minutes, the mixture, then wash and lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

In addition to masks used as compresses and rubbing with the infusion of medicinal herbs tones the skin.

  • The same amount, one tablespoon take oak bark and St. John's wort, is poured boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the broth should be cool and drain. Because it makes packs using cold and hot teas.
  • Good for the skin decoction of equal parts of sage, lime, mother and stepmother, yarrow and chamomile. Applied alternately compresses of hot and cold infusions, each held 5 minutes. Rounding out the procedure a cold compress.

Each of the above-described masks in his own effective. The main thing to choose the most suitable for themselves and carry out the procedure on a regular basis.

Diet and nutrition

If your goal is a healthy nutrition, you have to give up these foods, and on the contrary to concentrate on the following:

  1. Protein (eggs, meat (beef only, no pork), fish, poultry, cheese, milk, yogurt).
  2. Complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, makaroshki durum, oatmeal, potato).
  3. WATER (usually just water, not Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc., and even mineral water, it is best not carbonated).
  4. Fiber (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. only without mayonnaise dressings, etc.)

In the first half of the day, give preference to carbohydrates, and the second after 15.00 or 16.00 - eat mostly proteins. This is done taking into account the fact that on the day the body needs energy (and carbohydrates - the energy), and in the evening the need for less energy (fiz.aktivnosti no) therefore required building material (and building materials for our body is proteins). That's all.

Eat fewer carbohydrates (carbs, as you may know, are the main source of energy), and as I said earlier, eat carbohydrates mainly in the first half of the day until 16.00, and then proteins. And do not forget that there are carbohydrates: complex (they are many: rice, buckwheat, pasta, oatmeal) and simple (cakes, cookies, ice cream, sweet juices, etc.). your goal is to EXCLUDE simple carbohydrates, and only eat difficult.

Also, eat plenty of fiber (that dietary fiber) that slow down digestion. They are very good for the visceral fat, ie, it was purified from the organism. Therefore, eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity (as much as possible), but the importance of the right, without dressings (mayonnaise-type, etc.).

Cosmetic procedures

They should be used in conjunction with other measures, to achieve a good result in the short term.

Effective procedures:

  1. Mesotherapy. Among the non-invasive methods of double chin correction of this manipulation is the ideal, it resorted to in most cases. This method is the administration of subcutaneous and intradermal injections of vitamin cocktail and hyaluronic acid. painful procedure done without anesthesia thin needles. Duration - 15 minutes. A side effect is bruising on the skin that can be lubricated with heparin ointment. According okonchaniimezoterapii patient may feel pain and tingling - this is the burning of fat. Then chin tightened, the skin is smoothed, the effect is visible immediately and lasts a long time.
  2. Lifting - non-surgical facelift using special-biocomplexes compositions helps to tighten the skin and improve its condition, to reduce the amount of fat tissue.
  3. Miostimulation - have an impact on the nerve endings by a special device and the electrodes, which leads to active contraction of the muscle fibers, improving the blood flow and metabolism, reduce fat tissue volume and improve the skin tone. Otherwise, the procedure is called massage for lazy, because the effect is similar to a conventional manual massage.
  4. Resurfacing - impact on the chin area of ​​high-intensity light flux (from 400-500 to 1200 nm wavelength). Activated development neocollagen and elastin decreases gravitational ptosis and volume of adipose tissue, tones the muscles.
  5. Ultrasonic Cavitation - Body Fat liquefaction chin area with subsequent excretion of fat decay products through the venous blood and lymph.
  6. Ozone therapy - introduction under the skin of the chin area of ​​ozone-oxygen mixture, which activates metabolic processes in cells. The skin visibly tightens and becomes more elastic.
  7. Fractional laser - thermal effect, has the effect of lifting (activation collagen synthesis, elastin, new cell formation), i.e. working with muscle and skin, but has no effect on fat deposits.
  8. Radiofrequency lifting - lifting the chin skin, subcutaneous fat lipolysis, and stimulation of collagen and elastin when exposed to electromagnetic radiation in the range of 300MHz-4kHz.
  9. Cabin mask - the most effective masks - is algae, seaweed, salt, as well as a mask of cosmetic clay. These compounds are characterized in that they create compression, causing the muscles and skin to contract and blood circulate faster, thus accelerating and metabolism, and therefore - is activated by the growth of new cells.
  10. Vacuum massage - an active effect on the skin by a special device reduces the muscles, improve skin tone and destruction of subcutaneous fat.

The choice of cosmetic procedures is always individual and depends on the initial state of a person's skin, taking into account possible contraindications.


Reasons for failure

It seemed to do everything right, but no result. Let's try to figure out what is the cause, and there may be several.

  1. The inner world of the body is designed very thin, and if we do not set a specific task, then, they are not satisfied. Look at yourself and the ones in the mirror, run your hand under the chin and decide how much should decrease body fat per week. Insert the problem clearly, and so it was doable.
  2. Each body is unique, someone enough to do some exercise and see the result, at someone and a month later it does not work, and the reason may lie in incoherence and irregularities. In order to achieve the result the whole set of measures necessary to carry out, exercise, massage, mask, working every day and more than one month.
  3. Food and drinking regime also affect the final result, you want to look good, be kind enough to pass on a healthy way of life and to drink clean water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. The water should be drunk in the morning to 2 cups before eating a glass, but in no case do not drink her food. After the meal is not recommended drink clean water 2 hr.

Also remember that if any program is an accustoming, therefore it is necessary from time to time to take a break, do massage 10 - 15 sessions and the same time, the skin is resting, changing masks, but the exercises are performed daily, increasing the intensity and load.

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