
Frozen shoulder: Symptoms and Treatment, an exercise Popov

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Frozen shoulder - a disease in which there is inflammation of the tissues located around the large joints. It may be a tendon, capsule, muscles or ligaments. Typically, symptoms occur in people aged 35 years.

Scapular humeral periarthritis strikes the capsule and tendons of the shoulder joint. This kind of disease is fairly common. This pathology can equally develop as a woman and a man.

The causes of disease often lie in shoulder trauma (falling on an outstretched hand or shoulder joint, stroke). Also causes periarthritis progression may be associated with breast and removing some internal diseases.

What it is?

Frozen shoulder - is a medical term that brings together a whole group of different pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system.

The International Classification of Diseases is a formulation of the diagnosis as frozen shoulder, no. It is rather a syndrome of "problems in the area of ​​the shoulder joint", which arises due to various reasons, provided that the joint itself remains healthy.

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Causes of

The immediate causes of the symptoms of frozen shoulder are:

  • Increased loading on untrained shoulder joints;
  • The deterioration of blood supply to the shoulder and adjacent tissues. Typically, this situation occurs in myocardial infarction when the tissue of the left shoulder joint zones are deprived of nutrients and oxygen, whereby they become more brittle, and overstrain inflamed. Deterioration of blood flow may also occur after surgery on breast, liver diseases;
  • Hand injury (fall on the outstretched hand on his shoulder, a blow to the shoulder itself). Injury itself may be small, but it is sufficient for the development of micro-around the shoulder joint in the muscle tissues, tendons and ligaments, which serves to further the cause of symptoms. Moreover, symptoms often do not appear immediately after the injury, and after a few days (3-7);
  • Cervical nerve entrapment and brachial plexus. Thus spazmiruyutsya muscles, they compress them passing through the blood vessels which impairs blood flow in periarticular tissues. In further scenario described above is played.


Periarthritis of shoulder joint can be acute or chronic.

  1. Acute periarthritis: it occurs after an injury. Characterized by the sudden appearance of pain in the shoulder, which intensified during the night. Because of this, a person can not move his arm. Externally visible in the joint swelling. Disease lasts several weeks, after which the pain becomes less intense, and motion restored.
  2. Chronic periarthritis: characterized by a dull, aching pain in the shoulder joint, which are worse at night and in the morning. ankylosing periarthritis may occur with the progression of the process.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is slow and secretive, does not prove itself until provoking factor appears. The main symptoms - pain and limited mobility.

  • In the acute phase pain expressed very strongly. Exhausting pain in the shoulder, scapula and shoulder joint occurs even at rest, interfere with proper rest and sleep.
  • Over time, there is muscle atrophy. Under the tendons are gradually deposited calcium salt (20% of cases).
  • In the case of long-term course of the disease develop osteoporosis humerus, spondylosis of the cervical spine (a disease associated with the spinous growths on the edges of the vertebrae).
  • Destructive changes affect and brush: the skin of the cyanotic hue, there is a gradual atrophy of muscles is difficult finger flexion.

Proper diagnosis of the disease

doctor patient examination begins with a comparison of the two symmetrical parts of the body, bones of the projections: there may be a small swelling of the front of the shoulder. Examination of the shoulder muscles by palpation continues for the presence of voltage and the sensation of pain in the muscles. Patients are asked to perform a rotational movement and breeding of hands for the assessment of shoulder mobility, stress and tone muscles.

Subsequent diagnosis of shoulder joint periarthritis needed to clarify the diagnosis. It may include:

  • X-rays;
  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance or computer tomography;
  • synovial fluid analysis.

X-ray method helps to see the deposition of salt crystals on the cartilage. Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed to prevent osteoporosis of the cervical vertebrae. The viscosity of the fluid to determine the periarticular inflammation. Differential study used to detect other pathologies: osteoarthritis, thrombophlebitis, tumors, myocardial infarction, cholecystitis. Determining the cause of an important element of successful therapy.

Treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis

The course of drug therapy and other treatments under scapulohumeral periarthritis appointed doctor for each patient individually considering the age range and history particular organism. In general, the treatment of the early stages, takes 2 to 3 weeks. For acute and chronic forms, it takes about 2 months.

The assignment may be present:

  • Medicaments wide spectrum of action, with it both in tablet form and the injection;
  • hyaluronic acid injections - such manipulations carried out when the disease has passed in the chronic stage, and there is a destructive process in joints. Hyaluronic acid prevents abrasion of the cartilage, synovial fluid replenishing shortage in the joint capsule;
  • blockade of the joints and spinal department - this treatment is used mainly in the acute form for the relief of pain and eliminate muscle spasm. Injections should be carried out by a specialist since they special needles are introduced directly into the cavity of the articular joints;
  • neuroadaptation tissue - such treatment is necessary, if the cause of the disease lies in the defeat or pinched nerves. Apply electrical pulses of low frequencies. They help to relieve swelling, inflammation and normalize the nerve roots, slowing down the process of decay of the cartilage;
  • shock wave therapy - the treatment method involves the exposure of the joint acoustic waves that as it were divide the bony growths, remove salt deposits and seals, while restoring mobility joint.

In addition, when a frozen shoulder physical therapy commonly used methods: the first laser and magnetic therapy. Also a good therapeutic effect have a soft and accurate manual therapy, massage, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

A special place in the treatment of this disease takes physiotherapy. There are specially designed sets of exercises, doing that, in patients receiving medications and other procedures can be achieve great results in the treatment and in a relatively short period of time to return the shoulder joint to move in full volume.

postisometric relaxation

As a supplement to all conducted treatments such a direction as recommended postisometric relaxation (PIR). Doctors note that the holding of relaxation helps to 9 out of 10 patients with frozen shoulder.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  • With the help of special moves are making the greatest possible tension in the patient's state of the shoulder muscles.
  • Muscle tension is held within a maximum of 7-10 seconds.
  • After that maximum muscle relaxing - relaxation phase.

Postisometric relaxation aims to relieve muscle spasm in the affected shoulder. This helps reduce pain and restore joint mobility is almost complete.


As for the physical therapy, it is rarely administered in its pure form. Usually require additional medication. include basic physiotherapy techniques:

  1. Thermal treatments. It sorts and compresses Dimexidum bishifitom, baths, saunas and mud applications, that is, the impact of heat.
  2. Ultrasound and electrophoresis. Through the skin are special medicines using sonication, which allows for enhanced tissue permeability.
  3. Magnetic-laser therapy. Exposure to high magnetic field removes swelling and inflammation, and also strengthens tissue nutrition.
  4. Vibromassage. It helps to relieve chronic pain and improve your metabolism.
  5. Shock wave therapy. It involves the use of energy shock waves. Such treatment improves substances and reducing pain exchange.

Alternative therapies frozen shoulder are more relevant to alternative medicine. However, their effectiveness is proven. Alternative methods include the impact of:

  1. Acupuncture. It saves us from pain and removes muscle tension;
  2. Hirudotherapy, which involves using a special enzyme released medical leeches. It helps to localize the inflammatory processes;
  3. Acupressure and pharmacopuncture. It is an acupuncture with simultaneous introduction of drugs and stimulation of electrocution.

A set of exercises

Some exercises to develop shoulder:

  • You can sit or stand. Special does not matter. Hands on the waist position. The slow pace perform a circular movement of the shoulders, first forward, then backward. Time to do exercise - about 1 minute on each side.
  • Starting position too. Hands have a waist. In a quiet pace makes a move shoulders forward and backward. The number of repetitions of 8-10 times.
  • We stand straight. Hands close to the body. Slowly, without sudden movements raise the shoulders up, keeping hands away from the body. Then omitted. If you feel pain or substantial discomfort, exercise should not be done. The optimal number of repetitions 10-12.
  • You can sit or stand. Injured hand bend at the elbow. In such a situation trying to take the elbow aside until such time as the sore shoulder will not perpendicular to the torso.
  • Brush sore hand we place on the opposite shoulder joint. The elbow of the hand that you are concerned, should touch the abdomen. Brush good hand take a patient's arm of the upper limb. Smoothly without abrupt movements elbow patient lift arms, which in this case must not break away from the front surface of the trunk. Raising his arm up as far as possible, hold the position for about 10 seconds, then drop the hand.

At home, you can use special exercises to restore full mobility of hands for the treatment of periarthritis of shoulder joint. Exercise therapy may be recommended to engage in all cases, but not in the acute phase.

home treatment

Folk remedies scapular-humeral periarthritis can be quite effective at early stages of disease. The methods can be used as an effective preventive measures.

  1. Gelatin - in fact it is a natural component of the construction joints. Especially effective is the use of gelatin in cases of destruction of cartilage. The diet can include foods on the basis of gelatin: Jellied meats, fruit jelly, etc. It is also included in the composition of compresses or tinctures.
  2. Nutrition and diet - is strictly prohibited fasting. During the period of illness the body needs more than ever in nutrients. There is no special diet especially for frozen shoulder pathology, but as a rule, it is better to eat healthy foods rich in the vitamins, minerals, especially calcium.
  3. Burdock leaves - use them to make compresses and bandages. Good results are obtained by applying of fresh burdock leaves to the affected area. Always worth a pre-remove the stem. Wearing a poultice of burdock leaves significantly reduces inflammation.

In this case, the national self can not replace traditional methods of treatment. Recent developments in this field to help achieve sustained remission with minimum damage to the internal organs of the patient, with little or no use of drugs.


In some cases, the doctor decides on the need for surgery to cure from such stubborn diseases such as frozen shoulder. Indications for this are:

  1. The lack of improvement carried out after injection of corticosteroids.
  2. Relapses stiff shoulder for 6 months, in spite of the anti-inflammatory therapy.
  3. A significant decline in the quality of working life of the patient due to the pain symptoms.

During the operation process is removed fragment blade and one ligament. In 95% of cases of postoperative scapulohumeral periarthritis cured completely. Rehabilitation period lasts up to 3 months. During this period, appoint a special exercise therapy to restore joint mobility.

preventive measures

Prevention of frozen shoulder is the following:

  • avoid excessive physical exertion on the shoulder section;
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • exercise should be systematic (recommended to play sports or do simple exercises in the morning);
  • exception repetitive hand movements in daily life (such factor may lead to rupture of the connecting fibers);
  • prevention of micro- and macro-injuries of the shoulder department (attention to external factors, compliance with safety regulations);
  • timely treatment of diseases of the cervical spine and the spine as a whole (such diseases are common causes of frozen shoulder);
  • if frozen shoulder has been detected, after the end of treatment it is recommended to consult a specialist to check the result of the implementation procedures.
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