
Cardiac arrhythmia: symptoms and treatment, first aid for arrhythmia

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Arrhythmia called violation of frequency, rhythm and / or sequence of reduction of the heart. The term brings together different for reasons clinical manifestations and consequences of heart failure: its acceleration (> 100 beats / min, tachycardia..); deceleration (<60 beats / min, bradycardia..); irregularity (arrythmia).

To understand what cardiac arrhythmia and why it occurs, it is necessary to imagine what the natural mechanisms continuously maintain heart rhythm throughout life.

What it is?

Arrhythmia - is the frequency of violations of sequence or force of heart muscle contractions that occur due to the pathophysiology of the basic properties of the myocardium, namely: excitability, conductivity and contractility automatism. Simply put, is any heart rhythm that is different from the normal sinus rhythm.

Causes of cardiac arrhythmias

In healthy people arrhythmia may occur in case of overheating, being in a stuffy room, with overeating, but also as a result of taking certain medications.

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High risk of the disease in patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity. Women arrhythmia often stated during menopause and pregnancy, which is a temporary condition.

Much more serious causes include heart disease: myocarditis, coronary heart disease, heart disease, myocardial infarction, malignant neoplasms. In these cases, the arrhythmia is a pointer to which the doctor must pay close attention to assign the correct prompt treatment.


In medicine, there are several types of arrhythmias - each of them different symptoms and the course, so diagnose the need not only to arrhythmia, and also its particular view - of the results will depend on the choice of therapeutic treatment.

  1. Sinus arrhythmia. Most often diagnosed in childhood and adolescence, is characterized by the alternation of improper heart beats. In this type of the disorder in question is no specific treatment is not needed, the patient's condition does not broken, and quickly restore a normal heartbeat rhythm may be normal for some breath-holding seconds.
  2. Sinus tachycardia is set as a diagnosis if the heart rate exceeds the frequency of 90 beats / min, of course, without apparent reason (run, exercise, anxiety). Typically, when such tachycardia heart rate did not exceed 160 beats per minute in calm conditions and only under heavy load can go up to 200 beats. Call it by many factors related to the pathological processes in the body, so the treatment of a tachycardia is aimed at the underlying disease;
  3. Sinus bradycardia. Arrhythmias of this type is shown a decrease in heart rate - the rate of the patient may be less than 55 beats per minute.
  4. Paroxysmal tachycardia, arrhythmias similar to that develops suddenly and as suddenly stops, to distinguish right strong rhythm, while the frequency of contractions can reach 240 beats / min (atrial) or marked haemodynamic changes (Ventricular);
  5. Shimmering arrhythmia. Doctors describe this type of arrhythmia is atrial flutter in her chest - the heart begins to decline rapidly (up to 150 beats per minute), then even faster (up to 300 beats per minute), the atria are not completely reduced, and the ventricles do it spasmodically.

Atrial flutter and ventricular fibrillation is the most dangerous to human life manifestation of arrhythmia. Typically, this occurs on a background of heart pathologies, electric shock, taking certain medications.

symptoms of arrhythmias

Manifestations of rhythm changes can either be completely invisible to the patient either have very tangible signs:

  • palpitations, interruptions;
  • acceleration or slow pulse;
  • feeling a sinking heart;
  • in disorders of blood occur dizziness, may be episodes of loss of consciousness.

Dysrhythmia may be permanent or may occur in the form of paroxysms. In this arrhythmia attack occurs suddenly and just as suddenly stopped.

Clinical signs of atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation - is the most common disorder characterized by an increase in heart rate up to 600 beats per minute.

It can be permanent, persistent and paroxysmal. The most characteristic symptoms of atrial fibrillation include palpitations, shortness of breath, discomfort or stabbing pain in the heart, increased sweating, frequent urination and muscular weakness. Patients complain of a feeling of causeless fear, a state of panic, frequently observed dizziness and fainting.

symptoms of arrhythmias

Beats - a heart rhythm disorder characterized by the occurrence of one or more pre-term contractions of the heart muscle. The most characteristic symptoms of the disease include a strong heart beats, short stop and the subsequent real push.

Often patients complain of chest pain, shortness of breath, anxiety and unfounded anxiety, increased sweating. Depending on the location of the excitation focus extrasystolic cardiac arrhythmias are atrial, ventricular and atrioventricular (atrial-ventricular).

Symptoms of sinus bradycardia

This type of fibrillation is characterized by the heart rate does not exceed 60 beats per minute. Most often, bradycardia develops against the background of organic heart lesions. Abnormal heart rhythm (heart rate less than 40 beats per minute) is accompanied by weakness, sticky cold sweat, pain in the heart, dizziness, instability blood pressure, possible short-term loss or confusion, impaired memory and concentration, visual short-lived disorder.

The most dangerous state for bradycardia are convulsions (seizures Morgagni-Ademsa-Stokes), lasting about a minute. In the absence of timely medical treatment attack may be delayed and lead to respiratory arrest.

Symptoms of paroxysmal tachycardia

Paroxysmal tachycardia - a pathological condition associated with paroxysms (bouts of palpitations) with a heart rate of 140-220 beats per minute. Suddenly growing and just as suddenly subside violation of pulsation of the heart, characterized stored regular rhythm, may have a different length (from several seconds to several days).

Depending on the excitation focus localization paroxysmal tachycardia is divided into three forms: predeserdnuyu, ventricular and atrioventricular. Bouts of arrhythmia accompanied by dizziness, numbness and contraction in the chest, in the heart, tinnitus. In some patients, neurological symptoms (weakening of voluntary movements (hemiparesis), disturbance of speech) can be observed. Also to characteristic features include paroxysmal tachycardia, slight fever, nausea, flatulence in the intestines, increased sweating.

After an attack, the patient develops polyuria (release large amounts of low density urine). When long current supraventricular arrhythmias marked drop in blood pressure, severe weakness developed possible fainting.


Symptoms of arrhythmias alleged need scrutiny. By worrying signs can be attributed not only to increased heart rate, but also the sudden sinking of the heart, the pressure drops, fatigue, intermittent sleepiness.

If you have found out the symptoms given above, it is time to see a doctor and undergo a complete diagnostic. You must report to the cardiologist - first of all, it starts to check the thyroid gland and identify possible heart disease.

A variety of methods to diagnose the arrhythmia. Necessarily recorded electrocardiogram - it may be short and long. Sometimes doctors provoke arrhythmia to record statements and pinpoint the source of the problem. Thus, the diagnosis is divided into passive and active. Passive techniques include:

echocardiography It uses an ultrasonic sensor. The physician acquires an image of heart chambers, valves, movement watching and walls, said their sizes.
electrocardiography Electrodes are attached to the patient's chest, his arms and legs. Studied the duration of the phases of the heart muscle contraction, fixed intervals.
Daily monitoring ECG This diagnostic method is also called Holter. The patient wears a portable recorder. This occurs during the day. Doctors receive information about heart beat during sleep, rest and activity.

In some cases, passive research is not enough. Then the doctors induce an arrhythmia artificial means. To this end, a number of standard tests designed. Here they are:

  • exercise stress;
  • mapping;
  • electrophysiological study;
  • test with tilting table.

The dangerous arrhythmia?

When it comes to sinus tachycardia or bradycardia, the patient often feels strong discomfort when unexpected attacks: dizziness, fast or slow heartbeat, nausea, fear. There is also a general weakness and malaise.

These symptoms seriously affect the well-being, but it is not life-threatening, and at the right time and treatment lead to a full recovery. More serious attention needs paroxysmal fibrillation, which violates the circulation and is an indication of the presence of heart disease. Beats can be deadly and indicate myocardial infarction or other serious diseases.

arrhythmia treatment

Effective treatment of irregularity in the excitability and conductivity in the heart of not only requires an individual approach taking into account the existing pathology, but also a comprehensive survey in targeting the root cause disease.

The worst way to treat arrhythmias considered friends advice, because antiarrhythmic drugs require individual selection of which depends on the form of arrhythmia, the patient's response to the body's healing event, the presence of comorbidities and just their own sensitivity to medicine. One is one, to each other, so to prescribe or advise can only be a specialist in these matters.

However, some medications should still stay as patients follow the news and are very interested in their pharmacological action.

  • When the vast bradycardia as the most effective is the implantation of a pacemaker. It is recommended in cases where there is evidence of AV block or heart rate falls below 40 per minute. If slowing rate is not as significant, the treatment is limited to drugs.
  • In atrial fibrillation, possibly prescription drugs during the attacks, however, if it is permanent, it requires drug therapy on an ongoing basis. Among the most effective drugs have procainamide, quinidine, Cordarone, propanorm, potassium supplements, sedatives. In some cases, it may conduct electrical cardioversion. It is most effective during the first 48 hours from the time of flicker and may be electric or drug. And in fact, and in another case, it is aimed at the coordination of ventricular contractions of the atria and in the right rhythm. At a later date the attempts to normalize the functioning of the heart may be less effective due to the development of thrombus formation processes in the vessels and the inevitable stroke.

As far as respiratory arrhythmia, the special treatment it requires, as in the case of sinus tachycardia is not associated with the act of breathing, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, which caused this pathology.

How to treat cardiac arrhythmias in the home?

You can try to treat arrhythmia in the home, but remember that the arrhythmia arrhythmia - discord. Some forms even medication does not take, but in simple cases, it may also help the power plants.

  • To begin treatment of arrhythmia in the home is very desirable with the power and the regime of the day. As with any other cardiac disease, the patient is assigned diet № 10 excluding fatty, fried marinated, crisp, salty. Meals should be a fractional value because it takes much longer intervals by weight of the food portion may itself provoke arrhythmia (food load). Strong passion for coffee and tea, and the more drinks containing alcohol, too, for good will not lead, they can be a source of rhythm disruption.
  • Insist 1s.l. dried marigold flowers in a pint of boiling water for one hour. Take half a cup of infusion half hour before meals three times a day. Useful to use up to 20 drops of alcohol tincture on a piece of sugar 2 hours after a meal.
  • Three glasses of viburnum berries crushed and placed in a three-liter jar. Top to pour boiling water, cover and put the jar in a warm place. After a few hours of strain, add honey to taste. Store in a cellar or refrigerator. Eat 1/3 cup half an hour before meals for thirty days. Most effectively treat cardiac arrhythmia three-course, making weekly breaks.
  • heart arrhythmia treated seeds of fennel. Third cup of seeds pour 200 ml boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Take 1/3 cup half an hour before a meal.
  • Hawthorn tincture, purchased at a pharmacy, take 30 drops before meals.
  • Brew 20-30 hawthorn berries glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink during the day, divided into equal portions.
  • Brew 1s.l. dried flowers and leaves of hawthorn boiled water, to insist for two hours, strain. Take 50ml in half an hour before meals.
  • Grind turnip 2s.l. brew a cup of boiling water, simmer water bath for 15 minutes. Half an hour insist, filter. Take half a cup half an hour before breakfast and dinner. Then cook the fresh broth.
  • 5 Wash the lemons, cut, remove bones, mince. Add 30 crushed apricot pits nucleoli, 300g of honey. Mix thoroughly, wait at room temperature for 8-10 hours. Keep refrigerated. Take 1s.l. after breakfast and dinner.
  • If disturbed sleep and can not sleep, can be prepared in the following composition. The leaves of lemon balm and valerian root, taken in equal parts, mixed with three parts of yarrow herb. The resulting mixture was pour 250ml of cold water and infuse for 3-4 hours, then a quarter of an hour in a water bath, filter. Treated broth obtained by eating a few sips every day.
  • Make a glass of boiling water 4 flower calendula and 1ch.l. mint tea, brew. Take with honey four times a day.

Great if using public money, an arrhythmia will be forgotten, but if it still will continue to harass, with this problem need to go straight to the doctor to find out its origin, the degree of danger and pick treatment.

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