
Molluscum contagiosum: picture, treatment in adult women

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Molluscum contagiosum - fairly widespread viral disease of the skin that occurs primarily in children (most preschool) age. The causative agent of molluscum contagiosum virus is molluscum contagiosum, extremely pathogenic for the human body and having a certain similarity with pox virus.

Quite often, patients with these dermatologic disease of - of the of wear or complete lack of symptoms does not go to the doctor, so that molluscum contagiosum enters chronic form.

What it is?

Molluscum contagiosum - is an infectious disease caused by a pox virus that attacks skin, sometimes mucous membranes. Typical symptoms are a rash erythematous nodules dense brilliant. disease treatment mandatory, despite the fact that the disease does not pose a threat to human life and health.

How do you get?

Molluscum contagiosum is transmitted most often through everyday contact, and it can result in outbreaks in children's groups and affected family members. The virus is transmitted by direct contact with a sick person, as well as through contaminated household items, clothing, water in the swimming pool or natural water bodies, toys.

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In the environment, the virus is sufficiently stable and can be stored in the dust of premises and sports halls, infecting all the new people. In adults, the disease can occur after tattooing, if the pathogen remained at the tools used master.

Penetration of the pathogen occurs through skin microdamages. Therefore, the risk of infection is increased in the presence of dermatological diseases with itching, dry skin or weeping, violation of the integrity of the epidermis. In women, molluscum contagiosum virus is often implemented through the genital mucosa and skin of the perineum. In this case, for the transmission of infection from a partner is not required of the sexual act, only contact with the affected skin areas must be. Therefore, although infection molluscum contagiosum in adults is often associated with sexual contact, attribute it to the true STD wrong.


The virus infects only human, are not tolerated by animals and is close to the smallpox virus. There are 4 types of molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV-1, MCV-2, MCV-3, MCV-4). Of these, the most widespread MCV-1 and MCV-2 seen usually in adults and often sexually transmitted. It may also be passed through the water (e.g., a pool). Inside Education is liquid, through which it is transferred and breed.

Molluscum contagiosum virus infects (molluscum contagiosum virus), which is included in the group of poxviruses. The virus passes from person to person by direct contact and is most common in children. In addition, they can be infected by sexual intimacy, the most susceptible to the virus are people with impaired functioning of the immune system. Molluscum contagiosum can propagate in the carding process or rubbing the affected skin.

Skin formation of molluscum contagiosum is sometimes confused with akrohordona formations caused by a virus.

Molluscum contagiosum during pregnancy

During pregnancy on the background of the natural decrease in immunity can occur the activation of existing infection or fresh infection molluscum contagiosum. The clinical picture in this case has no singularities. Molluscum contagiosum virus is not dangerous to the fetus, but during childbirth and subsequent contact with the child may be infected skin mother.

Treatment should be implemented immediately after the detection of the disease, taking into account the contraindications for certain procedures. Shortly before delivery is carried out re-examination even if no complaints. This is necessary to detect possible recurrent lesions on the genitals and inaccessible to self-examination of the skin areas.

Signs and photos

In most cases, papules that are immediate signs and molluscum contagiosum (see. photo), localized in children on the face, trunk and limbs, adults - in the genital area, on the abdomen and inner thighs.

Most often papules:

  • small size (2 to 5 mm in diameter);
  • They do not cause pain, but sometimes accompanied by itching;
  • at the center have a dimple;
  • They have a core of a white waxy material;
  • initially dense, dome-shaped, flesh-colored, over time, become softer.

Molluscum contagiosum in people with normal immune systems usually disappears spontaneously after a few months or years. In patients with AIDS or other diseases affecting the immune system, damage due to the impact of molluscum contagiosum may be more extensive.


In the classical form of the diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum put simply. It takes into account children's age, the presence in the group of patients with molluscum children, multiple spherical formations on the skin with pupkoobraznym depression.

Difficulties in diagnosis arise rarely, in atypical forms. But even in atypical forms at dermoscopy pupkoobraznym clearly visible depressions in the center of papules shellfish.

Differential Diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is conducted with diseases:

  • pyoderma (skin ulcers)
  • Chickenpox (varicella),
  • filamentous papillomavirus (read a detailed article about the whiskers papillomavirus)
  • Vulgar warts (read about vulgar warts)
  • genital warts on the genitals (read about genital warts)
  • whitehead.

In severe cases, the doctor uses forceps to compression papules. If the papules are extruded from kroshkovidnye weight, with 99% probability of it - molluscum contagiosum.

In more rare cases, resorted to the diagnosis under a microscope. For this kroshkovidnye mass sent to the laboratory, where the microscope is determined pattern corresponding to the disease. In the cytoplasm of the cells at the same time reveal eosinophilic inclusions.

Can there be complications?

Development of molluscum contagiosum in the normal course does not lead to the formation of any problems over time, and often elements can gradually go from the skin, leaving her no traces. This can occur even in the absence of treatment for about three to four years.

  • With some therapies may arise scars on the skin
  • Sometimes, reactivation of infection may occur, then it affected a large area of ​​skin.
  • In the presence of strongly expressed weakened immunity development molluscum contagiosum may take the form generalized and expressed.

When there are abundant elements on the face and body, or become larger, they can be modified externally - treatment difficult. In such cases, the activity of the drug therapy is shown as a local impact and to stimulate the immune system.

Treatment of Molluscum contagiosum

At present, molluscum contagiosum in women unless nodules are not localized on the eyelids and in the genital area, are advised not to treat as 3 - 18 months, the immune system will be able to suppress the activity of orthopoxvirus and all education will disappear on their own, leaving the skin of any traces (scars, scars and etc.).

The fact that the immune system produces to the virus molluscum contagiosum, but it is slow, so the body is not a week is required for self-healing of the infection, as in the case of SARS, a few months or even up to 2 - 5 years. And if you remove the molluscum contagiosum nodules to their own extinction, then, first of all, you can leave scars on the skin, and secondly, it increases the risk of re-emergence, and even in large quantities, because the virus is still active. Therefore, given that the self-healing always occurs, and it is only a matter of time, doctors advised not to treat molluscum contagiosum removal of nodules, but just wait until they disappear.

The only situation where it is still recommended to remove nodules molluscum contagiosum - it is their localization on the genitals or the eyelids and pronounced discomfort delivered form man. In other cases, the nodules is better to leave and wait for them to self-extinction after the suppression of viral activity of the immune system.

Removal of Molluscum contagiosum

If a person wants to remove nodules, it is done. Moreover, the reason for this will, as a rule, are aesthetic considerations. To remove nodules molluscum contagiosum officials of the Ministry of Health approved the CIS countries following surgical techniques:

  1. Cryodestruction (destruction nodules liquid nitrogen);
  2. Curettage (nodules curette scraping or spoon Volkmann);
  3. Laser destruction (degradation nodules CO2 - laser);
  4. Electrocoagulation (destruction nodules electrocution - "moxibustion");
  5. Husking (core removal nodules fine forceps).

In practice, in addition to these officially approved methods for the removal of nodules molluscum contagiosum, and used other methods. These methods consist of exposing the nodules molluscum contagiosum various chemicals in ointments and solutions which are able to disrupt the structure of formations. Thus, at present to remove nodules, ointments and solutions containing tretinoin, cantharidin, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, imiquimod, podophyllotoxin, hlorofillipt, fluorouracil, oxoline, benzoyl peroxide, and the interferons alpha 2a and alpha 2b.

Such chemical removal methods can not be called clam traditional methods, since they involve the use of drugs drugs, resulting in them is considered to be informal, proven practices, but not approved by the Ministries of Health ways. Since these methods on responses of physicians and patients are effective and less traumatic than surgical methods of removing molluscum contagiosum nodules, we also consider them in subsection below.

Folk remedies

The most effective treatment for the disease in question from the "folk medicine" category:

  1. Prepare a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate - it has to be dark purple. It wetted cotton swab and applied (sear) to papule. Note that after the use of potassium permanganate can be formed burns on the skin - be careful, specifically treat papules affecting it punctually.
  2. Grass succession shredded and make broth - 100 g raw 300 ml of water, cooking for 3 minutes. Then the broth must sit for 60-90 minutes. Only then can strain it through a strainer or several layers of cheesecloth. Use the broth as a succession of widgets and wiping papules. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures per day there.
  3. Chop a few cloves of garlic (in a blender or on a small grater), add to them 30-50 g butter (soft) and thoroughly mix until a pasty mixture. Apply the product necessary to the affected skin 2 times a day. Note that garlic can cause burning and irritation even in healthy areas of the skin, so try to use this tool with extreme caution.

You can also use some of the plants, which will help to quickly get rid of the papules. For example, it copes with this task juice from the leaves of wild cherry (it is drained and stored in a cool dark place) - it is moistened cotton pad and treated skin after removal of the nodules. Moreover, this tool can be used a longer period, until the complete healing of all wounds.


Preventive actions:

  • examination of children in groups of schools and kindergartens in order to prevent the spread of molluscum contagiosum;
  • earlier detection of the disease;
  • isolation of the patient from the staff at the time of treatment;
  • regular wet cleaning to remove dust containing virus particles;
  • Survey living together and team members in the presence of papules;
  • daily change of underwear;
  • strictly personal use of personal care products;
  • selective in choosing sexual partners;
  • mandatory shower after visiting the baths, saunas, swimming in the pool and after sexual intercourse;
  • Seen contraindicated patients massage rooms, swimming pools, saunas during treatment;
  • It prohibited combing papules, after sluchaynogotravmirovaniya treat damage antiseptic;
  • the localization of papules on the face not to use harsh scrubs, men to be careful while shaving;
  • isolation of the patient and his use of objects within the family;
  • strengthening the immune system (hardening, moderate exercise, fresh air, swimming).

In the vast majority of cases, molluscum contagiosum disease, the prognosis is favorable. The disease is virtually no complications and easy to treat. Significantly worsens prognosis of immunodeficiency state, against which develops a generalized form of the disease with the formation of large dimensions, which are not amenable to treatment.

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